Purps.GDP.lemon og.1600 watts

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Cajun Grower

Active Member
bear ask the rabbit, "do you have problems with shit sticking to your fur"
rabbit: "no"
bear grabs rabbit and wipes his ass...


Well-Known Member
lot of purple really spreading out today on the leaves,haf should be dark purple through and through finished ,the lemon og got the final trim t o open all the lite to lower parts fill fully in and so called farm it,cause i was raised ona farm,,,unlighted budding parts to get all yure moneys worth.

Cajun Grower

Active Member
i dont normaly trim would like to see ur technique always been told to never trim fan leaves debate thts been going on forever would like to try it


Well-Known Member
dont go there on me bro

i respect and appreciate all the data you offered
but then i gotta do me
i would nver had known shit if you had not informed me

so lets not go there wit dat i mind my own business shit
we can talk cant we

when friends disagree it means nutin - back to bein friends an forgotten
when enemys disagree you dont need to speak ever again an its fine you

we are friends right
yea were friends,,,,,say man i told u they are regular beans.u may get 5 girls i dont know not likely.or watever it is .


Well-Known Member
last 2 purps i germed r coming along one still wierdly deformed the others lookin normal the bigger it gets 1st 2 r purps 2nd is gdp all 3 15 days from seed 12/12
are u keepin it moist or moist to dry.u stated u bot some equipment ,wats the soil mix...one looks good others to really.jus heep that healthy green thats rare throught if its timed in.


Well-Known Member
last 2 purps i germed r coming along one still wierdly deformed the others lookin normal the bigger it gets 1st 2 r purps 2nd is gdp all 3 15 days from seed 12/12
any way let this grow fini and start all thee beans ,clonesand a choise male of ea.
as i stated before i ave a small room perfect for couple males under 2-50ws flor.

Cajun Grower

Active Member
evidenly i was watering to much hadnt watered r fed since friday moisture was reading from 5 to 8 lastnite when lites came on gonna check again tonite smartpots alittle dryer than the couple of reg pots im using


Well-Known Member
man wen i transplant may be 3 weex froa nother water.can the moisture metere work rite in there.if yellowing some and slower growt def overwatered.lettem get near dry theyll green on thier on.


Well-Known Member
yo rdr. wanna see sumthin wierd ! check this plant out wtf !

Which one is the weed,lol.jus jkin.yea to moist bro let them dry out more, purple stems ,yellowing is a pathogen bacteria that attacks roots causing roots to rot.let them dry out to a 3-10 on yure meter a 3 everytime.


Well-Known Member
are u sure its not yet,lol.dunno,hell maybe thats the rite color.if it is he's along road from perfection.theyll be alright.


Well-Known Member
im not sure whut it is no really goodpics of leafs
i have never seen anyting like dat
but like rdm said it looks much to wet
does soil have much airation
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