Cloning Stoner Thought


Active Member
I do not need to know how to clone please do not give me begginer tips.

My thought is this... cloning should be done when lights first turn on. My reasoning behind this is that during the evening the energy is all being redirected to the roots while the day energy is directed towards the plants for growth.

I would think the enzymes would be at the highest concentration in the morning.

Do you agree Yes or no?

Any one know of articles on this either marijuana or about other plants?


Well-Known Member
I do not need to know how to clone please do not give me begginer tips.

My thought is this... cloning should be done when lights first turn on. My reasoning behind this is that during the evening the energy is all being redirected to the roots while the day energy is directed towards the plants for growth.

I would think the enzymes would be at the highest concentration in the morning.

Do you agree Yes or no?

Any one know of articles on this either marijuana or about other plants?
Keep mothers 24/0 and its not an issue.

tbh .... Ive cloned many hundreds if not thousands. A good cutting is very resilient and I wouldnt have thought this makes any difference.


I am not entirely sure. ATP and photosynthesis happen when there is light obviously and those are processes are initiated by enzymes. So if you take a cutting right in the morning when the lights turn on, the plant would just start making energy for itself. Whether the enzymes are at a higher concentration or not, it beats me. I don't think it would make too much a difference either way though. Experiment if you got time!

I dig your signature :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i have found that if you take clones from a plant that has had flowering fert added does root quicker


Well-Known Member
Your beliefs are irrelevant, i'm talking botany here.

but each their own.
Yeah, I've takin cuttings in just about every condition. Of course there's plenty of factors regarding it actually take root. Plant vigor seems to greatly be a sign of a clone taking, regardless the lighting conditions till root.


Active Member
Your beliefs are irrelevant, i'm talking botany here.

but each their own.
I am to and there is a lot of evidence that supports my statement that plants need rest. Please do not assume. My root balls are huge by first transplant so I will go with what I have read and seen.


Active Member
Yeah, I've takin cuttings in just about every condition. Of course there's plenty of factors regarding it actually take root. Plant vigor seems to greatly be a sign of a clone taking, regardless the lighting conditions till root.
Only time I have had problems was when I got a little zeolus and added some cow manure to my guano soil mix. Plants looked great nice and bushy with new growth just not any stretching to make branches. Took me a minute to figure it out when I went from almost 100% to 0% cloning. I also now spray to draw out nitrogen before cutting.


Active Member
i have found that if you take clones from a plant that has had flowering fert added does root quicker

Yes, I agree starve the plant of nitrogen 1-2 weeks before cutting is best make the plant want to search for nutrients. If there are too much nutrients in the stem it will not try to find them in the soil.


Active Member
If you want my input..... if you use a bubble cloner weather it be homeaide or store bought, it doesnt really matter when you take your cuttings they will root. I have used soil, rockwool, bubbler, rapidrooters, etc. I came to find out what works best for me is a homeaide bubbler, heat mat, rootstock, and a little foiler spray which might not even be neccessary but hey it works really well for me with 99% success rate. Just my 2 cents!!! I keep my mothers on 18/6 or 20/4 tried both and have taken clones when lights come on, middle, and before they turn off and have seen no difference.


Active Member
O as far as feeding the mums before cutting I have noticed that when I use straight water for 1-2weeks prior to cutting they do root faster. Hope this helps good luck.


Well-Known Member
If you want my input..... if you use a bubble cloner weather it be homeaide or store bought, it doesnt really matter when you take your cuttings they will root. I have used soil, rockwool, bubbler, rapidrooters, etc. I came to find out what works best for me is a homeaide bubbler, heat mat, rootstock, and a little foiler spray which might not even be neccessary but hey it works really well for me with 99% success rate. Just my 2 cents!!! I keep my mothers on 18/6 or 20/4 tried both and have taken clones when lights come on, middle, and before they turn off and have seen no difference.
I use a DIY aero cloner, works great. Best bit of equipment I have.


quick question, didn't want to start a new thread so i figured id ask in here. Ill be taking about 6 cuttings hopefully next week and have only cloned a single cutting once before, it got off to a rough start but ending up pulling thru but my question is, do i group the cuttings in the (rather large) incubator together, say in one end or corner to keep the humidity up? or space the cuttings out to provide as much room for growth as possible?


Well-Known Member
I would say that the difference is so minimal that it just doesn't matter...I mean hell take clones when the lights are off and it still won't matter...

It is an easy process...regardless of time


Well-Known Member
I use a DIY aero cloner, works great. Best bit of equipment I have.
I second this...
Can't beat the clone times, and then clones themselves...nothing clones better...
and for less than $30?

Anyway for real, if you plan on taking clones more than once you should totally make yourself a spraying clone bucket...super super easy to make, and cheap, and worth it!


Well-Known Member
I can take 8 clones at a time and they get roots enough to plant within a week...I mean they get their first roots around 4 days, but I wait to plant til they have at least a few stringers.


Well-Known Member
quick question, didn't want to start a new thread so i figured id ask in here. Ill be taking about 6 cuttings hopefully next week and have only cloned a single cutting once before, it got off to a rough start but ending up pulling thru but my question is, do i group the cuttings in the (rather large) incubator together, say in one end or corner to keep the humidity up? or space the cuttings out to provide as much room for growth as possible?
Its not going to be relevant if your incubator is kept nice and humid. Space them out keep them together, your choice.