white worms infestation in soil


Well-Known Member
tons of white worms crawling in the soil, i was able to flood a lot of the worms when i recently watered the plants. Im sure they are there in the first place due to the soil being wet, so ill probably let the soil dry out quite a bit now. I sprayed the soil and leaves with neem oil and some hot pepper wax and threw up some fly strips.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any pics? They might be pot worms which are beneficial to the soil and plant.


Well-Known Member
are they maybe springtails, take a close look with a magnifying glass. i had them loads of times but never noticed a problem, if you have fungus gnats then it would possibly be there larvae...


Well-Known Member
okay here are some pictures, they are in all my pots, i have a crazy infestation of these white worms, that you all think are white fly's larvae. i have pots miles away apart and still have this infestation, its eather maggots from the bloodmeal i added in all my pots, or these white fly's love this Early Girl strain.
Picture of the worms
picture of a plant with a whitefly on it, its hard to see up top on the bottom of a branch.


Well-Known Member
let your soil dry then sprinkle diatomacious earth on top.
This is exactly what you need to do, but dont use swimming pool grade, go to a whole foods store or just a natural store and get food grade. It acts like razor blades to them and wipes them out. Dont just sprinkle put an 1/8 inch or so in there.