He has been banned off every cannibis website on the planet but his bs lives on. why wasn't this drama thread deleted on the last update?
Yes its all true and what happened with ogf sucks. I have been banned for life, but I don't waste much thought on it.
I mean aren't there much more interesting and importent things going on in Oregon to discuss than keep talking about steve getting ripped off by julie and then jon backing her up and showing ogf as board of slime at the time.
Its been two years now, really people?
Can we move on or are we stuck with this.
I hold a grudge against no one, if your a thief or a dick I don't deal with ya. Its just that simple.
Vote in November an approve measure 80
...Sorry...I dont buy that! If you where part of this group for any amount of time it was easy to see it was a group of SCUM and LOW LIFE.you just chose to look the other way. HBH was one of these people, he belonged to that group for YEARS when it was all going on, and said NOTHING, DID NOTHING, TOLD NO ONE, AND NOW IS STILL WANTING IT SWEP UNDER THE RUG?....It took this person to come forward and expose this group of THIEF'S..And look what happen to him? Attacked from all side's, banned off internet sites, anything to keep him quite...WELL YOU DIDNT KEEP HIM QUITE DID YOU? All you seem to do was piss him off? I think this THIEF is lucky to still be living? One day she wont be so lucky!HBH was one of the good guys. He got screwed, too - but continues to show class to this day. Kudos.
To clarify, dissing "OGF" doesn't mean accusing their membership as a whole - most have no idea of what goes on. Sadly - the innocent are usually the most susceptible. They're usually the ones on the front lines pitching for old crew and good ol' boys - all the while not having all the information. Once folks start waking up and making inquiries - you're quietly shown the door - no matter what contributions one has made to "the group" - it's the organizational heads that must be appeased. Lots going on there. If you must - hate the organization - not the un-suspecting members.
Dude - Jeff....
I got fucked most of all. Never saw it coming - and I'm not a dimwit. It's called "being pimped". Pimps have to be good to get folks to do what they want when they really wouldn't otherwise... I got burned - and really pissed. Mental pissed. But I can't live in that emotion. It will destroy you. All I can do is learn from the experience. Like a scar.
You only experienced one little aspect of the thing. A bad member who screwed you. (Wasn't she actually your ex?)
Move on, dude.