I Got Laid- Afraid Of Aids- Pray For Me


Well-Known Member
Beardo, you need to lay off the guilt trip. Do you know how many dudes do not have the balls to do waht you did?
Hold your head high! Tits up brother!
You put your precious in a skanky nasty STD ridden street ho without a goodyear steel belted radial! :hump:
Few men have boldly gone where you have gone.
Did you get her number? Are you gonna go back? :smile:

Dont let the fear of a AIDS rent space in your head


Well-Known Member
This makes me think of those COP episodes where the john gets busted and the cop gives him the lecture about how rotten the ho's twat is and how proud your family will be when they find oiut.


Well-Known Member
Do not listen to the judgmental bitches, you do you homie!!!
Here is a plan of action I would consider if in your shoes.

Buy vodka and purpose to this chick. (DO NOT ACTUALLY MARRY HER)
She is a semi safe partner until the test gets back. Wouldnt want to spread that shit to new peeps.
Next see if she has a sister you can bang until the toilete water infection clears up. (wear a condom with her)
In fact push hoe #1 down some stairs in case you got her prego. If that did happen I would contract aids ASAP.
One love


Well-Known Member
I didn't get to take a good look at it because we were in a cramped space but I did give it a sniff and it was really stinky but not in a bad way like infection I don't think just in a really stinky pussy sort of way, it smelled good, but it was really wet, like maybe someone had just blown a load in her? and then she said, hold on let me wash it off first, and reached into the toilet with her hands and wiped her pussy off with her wet hands and toilet water, their was no sink and the toilet was nasty, like I wouldn't want to even clean it let alone wash with it- so i'm guessing she wasn't the cleanest girl and probably doesn't have the highest standards

Dude, wtf?
EVERYTHING in that statement is just wrong.
Did you eat it after she washed it in toilet water?
WHO WAS THIS GIRL? Where did you bang her?
What kinda place has a toilet with no sink?
How old are you?


Well-Known Member
That is exactly why we have never found a SASQUATCH corpse, the AIDS just eats that wild man 'til there is nothing left. That MOFO will eat anything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I didn't get to take a good look at it because we were in a cramped space but I did give it a sniff and it was really stinky but not in a bad way like infection I don't think just in a really stinky pussy sort of way, it smelled good, but it was really wet, like maybe someone had just blown a load in her? and then she said, hold on let me wash it off first, and reached into the toilet with her hands and wiped her pussy off with her wet hands and toilet water, their was no sink and the toilet was nasty, like I wouldn't want to even clean it let alone wash with it- so i'm guessing she wasn't the cleanest girl and probably doesn't have the highest standards

LOL,dam man


Well-Known Member
I'm stressed out because I got laid and now i'm afraid I could have picked up HIV and now I have to wait three or six months to get tested, I guess I can get tested after a few weeks but should then get tested again after six months to be sure, So I have been having all sorts of anxiety and stress and researching Aids stats and facts. I had been staying celibate but then was thinking i'm horny any you only live once when the opportunity presented itself, now I am hoping I haven't cut my life short for some sex, life is so great and I am so blessed I pray I didn't get it. I'm stupid and regret it and will be staying celibate again and hoping I didn't catch anything, I'm going to get tested in three months and then i'm not having sex again unless I find a good woman and get married.
Dude, well if you test positive in a couple of weeks, you won't feel the anxiety wondering if you have AIDS for the rest of the 6 months. You always gotta look on the bright side.


Well-Known Member
I didn't get to take a good look at it because we were in a cramped space but I did give it a sniff and it was really stinky but not in a bad way like infection I don't think just in a really stinky pussy sort of way, it smelled good, but it was really wet, like maybe someone had just blown a load in her? and then she said, hold on let me wash it off first, and reached into the toilet with her hands and wiped her pussy off with her wet hands and toilet water, their was no sink and the toilet was nasty, like I wouldn't want to even clean it let alone wash with it- so i'm guessing she wasn't the cleanest girl and probably doesn't have the highest standards
Seriously beardo? Why are you freaking out? She cleaned her snatch out brother, you're in the clear.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Ok, here's your prayer from me:

Dear Lord, please, please, don't let Beardo (whatever his name is) have AIDS from the woman of the night he picked up somewhere, somehow. lol. No, really relax, it's over learn from it.

My brother says, 'Woody has no conscience', now he should add, 'Or a stop and think it over button'. Truth is I've done the same thing in my youth. Let's admit it, it feels good.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's your prayer from me:

Dear Lord, please, please, don't let Beardo (whatever his name is) have AIDS from the woman of the night he picked up somewhere, somehow. lol. No, really relax, it's over learn from it.

My brother says, 'Woody has no conscience', now he should add, 'Or a stop and think it over button'. Truth is I've done the same thing in my youth. Let's admit it, it feels good.
Oh no WW.. You fucked a AIDS ridden whore that cleaned her gooey snatch out with dirty toilet water?



Well-Known Member
when beardo found out he was getting it in! :clap:
when she wiped her shit off with toilet water. :o
then... :hump: then.. :oops:
and now.. bongsmilie:?::sad:
and after he reads this :finger:

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I didn't get to take a good look at it because we were in a cramped space but I did give it a sniff and it was really stinky but not in a bad way like infection I don't think just in a really stinky pussy sort of way, it smelled good, but it was really wet, like maybe someone had just blown a load in her? and then she said, hold on let me wash it off first, and reached into the toilet with her hands and wiped her pussy off with her wet hands and toilet water, their was no sink and the toilet was nasty, like I wouldn't want to even clean it let alone wash with it- so i'm guessing she wasn't the cleanest girl and probably doesn't have the highest standards
Oh no WW.. You fucked a AIDS ridden whore that cleaned her gooey snatch out with dirty toilet water?

I see what you mean! No, I have never... believe me, I have never ever done anything like that. This just cannot be real. He must have trolled us all.