lerufus' 12/12fs T5 Perpetual


Active Member
Hey all, I started growing recently less than a week ago actually haha. I lurked here for a month plotting my first grow and in the beginning I was planning on doing a standard 18/6 to 12/12 grow. Soon after I started getting my space set up I end up on Del's 12/12fs thread and the philosophy really struck me. So one thing led to another and I decided my first grow would would just be a perpetual grow, and here we are.

Background: I've been gardening in one form or another for about thirteen years now, it all started with my mom teaching me how to plant pineapple, then herbs, then tomatoes, and eventually I took over the garden. A while later I got a job working with an orchidist and had some of the most fun a teenager could have working a job. I know, I was a strange kid. Nowadays I balcony garden, and sadly no longer work with the orchidist.

Grow space: My grow space is currently about 1.8' x 5.75' x 5.5'. I'm using a 4' 2 bulb T5 with two 6500k bulbs. I'll switch to one 6500k and one 3000k once the first wave of plants kick into flower. Ventilation/odor control is something I'll figure out next month, though I'm probably going to try an ONA bucket before I get an inline fan/carbon filter. A also have a fan to move air around, haven't turned it on yet though.

Future upgrades/additions: 4' 6 bulb Quantum Bad Boy, 4"/6" inline fan and carbon filter, grow tent(haven't decided on size)

On to the grow. I started two Homegrown Fantaseeds NL on 7/5, one germed in moist paper towels the other in a starter pellet. #2 didn't make it she ended up in a dry pocket :sad: but #1 is thriving and its been 4 days since she sprouted. When NL#2 passed on 7/10 I germed Dutch Passion Twilight, she cracked yesterday and went into FF Happy Frog. Finally 7/11 I germed Barneys Farm Pineapple Express but updates on her will mainly be in this thread: https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/543030-g13-pineapple-express-simulgrow.html along with G13 PE which I'll germ as soon as I get the seed.

Cracked 7/6 and directly into FF Happy Frog
Peeking out 7/7
Almost 7/8
Thar she blows! 7/9
And here she is 7/11

I'm already having a lot of fun, and this community is awesome. I learn more every day when I'm reading threads, the wealth of knowledge on here is incredible and I'm excited to learn more.



Well-Known Member
Lerufus: as we all are. Document everything you do and when you come up with something new that works for you please let us know. For the size of your grow you've picked the right size lamp. The two tube T-5 fixture is too narrow and won't do as well as a six tube that should cover a single line of plants. I was just surprised that it would fit in a width of 1.8', but they have some cool new stuff on the markiet. Keep your lights close and if it's an enclosed space just remember to monitor the temperature and humidity and keep the fan on when the lights are on. I grow in a 2' by 4' tent so we share a lot of the same problems. I hope that helps. HSA


Active Member
Lerufus: as we all are. Document everything you do and when you come up with something new that works for you please let us know.
Will do, I'm using HERB.IQ to keep track of everything.

For the size of your grow you've picked the right size lamp. The two tube T-5 fixture is too narrow and won't do as well as a six tube that should cover a single line of plants. I was just surprised that it would fit in a width of 1.8', but they have some cool new stuff on the market.
The 6 bulb Bad Boy is 18" wide I have about 21" so it'll fit really nicely, I only got the 2 bulb because my friend was selling it for $60 and I'll be able to use it for side lighting once I get the Bad Boy. I'm looking at PAR for something to do in the future.

Keep your lights close and if it's an enclosed space just remember to monitor the temperature and humidity and keep the fan on when the lights are on. I grow in a 2' by 4' tent so we share a lot of the same problems. I hope that helps. HSA
Right now my temperature is always between 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit I'm taking advantage of thermodynamics to keep the temp below 80, and humidity is between 50-55%. The humidity outside of my space is about 40-45% so once I have an inline fan the humidity should stay below 50%

Thanks for the input, I'm assuming you use T5 as well?


Active Member
I lowered my light down to about 3in above the NL today. Will update with pictures later.

Temperature 78*
Humidity 55%

Northern Lights
6 days from sprout
5.5cm tall

1 day from sprout
1.8cm tall


Active Member
Hey all, sorry about not getting the pictures uploaded the other day. Had a few things come up all at once.

Here's a picture of my current space, I ordered a 2x4 tent the other day. I'll post a new pic once I receive it and get everything moved into it.

Here's NL on day 6:
She's in a 1 gallon smart pot filled with FF Happy Frog soil.
I started feeding her soil with General Organic's line(1/2 strength) on the 13th and I'm switching between feeding and pure water each watering about every other day.

Here's Twilight on day 2:
She's in a 4" pot also with FF Happy Frog, I'm not sure what it's made out of but I believe it's coco fiber.
I'll start feeding her soil once she starts to form her 2nd set of true leaves. She gets watered 1-2 times a day, she drinks a lot.


Active Member
Hey everybody, it's update time again!

The NL is doing well, I think haha, she's really starting to ramp up her foliage production. She's standing about 5.6cm tall and being watered or fed every other day.

Twi is also doing well, she's still being watered daily and I'm going to start feeding her next I time I feed the NL. She stands 4.75cm tall.


Active Member
I meant to post yesterday but I got slightly distracted. I'm also going to be switching to this type of formatting for future updates, I think it makes everything more concise.

Temp(light on): 75-78*F
Temp(light off): 65-70*F
Humidity(constant): 54-60% it did shoot up to about 70% when the light was off yesterday, but setting the fan I have in there to be on constantly fixed that.
Light Height(tallest-shortest): 3" 4.5"
Soil: FF Happy Frog throughout

Day(from sprout): 12
Nutes: GO full line(wk 2)full strength aerated 24 hours prior to feeding(every other watering, about every 4 days) next feeding is tonight(7/21)
Height: 5.5cm(I made a slight error in her height yesterday, she was actually 5.25cm)

She keeps pushing out leaves like there's no tomorrow, literally overnight. I'm not sure whether to attribute that to her genetics or soil health, I'm thinking it's both.
7/20 and for comparison 7/19
There's even more visible foliage growth since I took the photo right after the light came on.

Day(from sprout): 7
Nutes: First feeding of GO full line(wk 1[maybe wk 2]) 3/4 or full strength(haven't decided yet) tonight(7/21)
Height: 3cm(some stem got stolen by the soil)

She got moved to a 1 gal container yesterday, her roots started poking through the bottom of her coco-pot.

Day: 2
Nutes: None until first set of true leaves are developed.
Height: 2.25cm

I think she may have gotten a little stunted. She took two days to open her cotyledons, and I had to re-set her in the soil she had little to no stability when she sprouted. I tried a different depth and it didn't work out.
I think the fact that she's the same height as the new sprouted G13 really points to her having been stunted.

Day: 0
Nutes: None
Height: 2.25cm

She sprouted 7/20, I lost the pictures of her somehow and already formatted my CF card. So I'll update again later with a picture of her.



Active Member
3rd node is coming up your plant looks healthy enough to fim give it like a few days to top
Cool, went ahead and and fimed her.
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How's it look?

Here's an updated picture of my space, finally got everything with the tent working exactly how I want it. I moved the fan from where it is in the pic though.
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I have both of the bottom side vents open with a fan blowing through from the right outside of the tent. It's blowing across the light and plants slightly.
Temp(light on): 72*
Humidity: 52%

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wait till she starts pushing out extra leaves at the nodes. now that is impressive. ;-)
Haha I took a closer look at her and noticed tiny leaf buds on her first node. :D