I Got Laid- Afraid Of Aids- Pray For Me


Well-Known Member
I think that all of the negative comments are from people who are just jealous of your wild man way of approaching things.
lol more like from people who care about their life, who are smart enough to use protection because they know if not they will be miserable and possibly die before their time

but then again most young uneducated people would not understand a simple concept such as that


Well-Known Member
Your chances of getting aids are 1 in ten thousand from unprotected sex with a positive chick. http://www.thebody.com/content/40482/ask-the-experts-about-hiv-aids.html?ic=3001The raw dick probably puts it at around 2500 to one. Wear a condom next time. If your uncircumcised prolly 1 in 1250. If you can afford it they can check for the actual virus a week after sexual contact, if there is no presence of the virus itself your gold. Ask for the PCR test, no long waiting but costs about 400 bucks.

Lolz what does being circumcised or uncircumcised have to do with it. I mean how does that make a difference cause when ur dicks hard and u put it in sum pussy the skin roll's back anyways its not like ur goin in there with a lil skin helmet on.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
self destructive behavior, seems to be par for the course

fear causes solitude
solitude cause longing
longing makes you self destructive
self destructive behaviors lead to fears

nasty little cycle you got there, i suggest go live, and dont worry about it, if you want to get laid be smart buy some condoms , the after the fact worrying is completely BS, besides you have hep C you shoudl be using a condom No matter what!!!! Come on dude

good luck


Well-Known Member
I think he is quite funny. This is a great thread. He's trippin about getting HIV, all the while he gave her (at least) Hep C. What a world,.....what a world...


Ursus marijanus
I think he is quite funny. This is a great thread. He's trippin about getting HIV, all the while he gave her (at least) Hep C. What a world,.....what a world...
Fortunately, transmitting hep C requires passing on live blood. Unfortunately: sheet burn, meet blue waffle. cn


Well-Known Member
self destructive behavior, seems to be par for the course

fear causes solitude
solitude cause longing
longing makes you self destructive
self destructive behaviors lead to fears

nasty little cycle you got there, i suggest go live, and dont worry about it, if you want to get laid be smart buy some condoms , the after the fact worrying is completely BS, besides you have hep C you shoudl be using a condom No matter what!!!! Come on dude

good luck
I think he is quite funny. This is a great thread. He's trippin about getting HIV, all the while he gave her (at least) Hep C. What a world,.....what a world...
Hep c isn't something you give people or get through sex, i'm pretty sure I got mine from sharing dirty needles, and yes i'm worried about having hep c but i'm more worried about the possibility that I could have caught HIV, Hep C is terrible but HIV seems like it would probably kill you a lot fatster and be worse to have in general, hep c can take a really long time to make you sick or might not even make you sick at all and their are treatments for hep c that get rid of it in some people, HIV seems like it kills people in about 10 years and I have cleaned up my life because I want to live so I pray I didn't get HIV.


Well-Known Member
LOL, you SHARE NEEDLES, yet you are worried about AIDS from having sex once?
No I stopped using needles a long time ago and stopped using, I used to shoot a lot of coke and some H, but quit and cleaned up my life and I was tested a few times after I stopped, thankfully I didn't have the HIV but I did get the Hep C, I'm just praying that my stupidity hasn't cost me this time, I don't want to have it and I never should have had done the sex.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
hmm it does seem like you are sincerly worried........ I have had this scare to a couple times before. Start wearing a condom brother. Its the diffrence between living and dying.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Hep c isn't something you give people or get through sex, i'm pretty sure I got mine from sharing dirty needles, and yes i'm worried about having hep c but i'm more worried about the possibility that I could have caught HIV, Hep C is terrible but HIV seems like it would probably kill you a lot fatster and be worse to have in general, hep c can take a really long time to make you sick or might not even make you sick at all and their are treatments for hep c that get rid of it in some people, HIV seems like it kills people in about 10 years and I have cleaned up my life because I want to live so I pray I didn't get HIV.
mind over matter man, you are in control of your life no matter what your future has in store for you

you got to rational making the positive choices that you want to reflect your character . . . . . your pretty chill, so i know you can use that brain of yours for your benefit

i really do hopeit all works out for ya