Slow Growth and Some Yellowing...


3 gallon bubble buckets. I think its some strain of kush. I use RO water and Jungle Juice GMB with cal/mag I mix in A 5 Gallon Water JUG. I use 5ml Grow 3ml micro and 2ml Of bloom Per gallon. I adjust ph to 5.8-6.0. Room temps are 75-81 thru out the day. And there under A 4ft 6 bulb ho t5 Fixture. They grow like a inch every week it seams there 2 months old monday.


Well-Known Member
hey bro, first of all those plants looks real good !

need more information about your plants, They re stiill in veg stage ? or in bloom stage ?

wheres yellow at ? bottom, middle, or top ?


happy gardening.


Sup bro...Yea still in veg Yellowing is at the bottom mostly On the fan leaves. Im thinking maybe up the nutrients I'm still on the same schedule u suggested before Word great till a week ago. now they just stopped growing like there more hungry.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i guess your plants are mature right now...its time to up the nutrient, perhap they will love nitrogren more :D


I'm using jungle juice gmb 5ml of grow 3ml of micro 2ml of bloom and 3ml of cal/mag plus for every gallon of RO water. What do think i should add more of?


I find it very interesting and in some way fascinating for this particular plant, it ha been highly prohibited to regrow and plant such kind of leaves for it's unlikely effect but then here you are taking care and nurturing it. I guess, it always depends on you.


Well-Known Member
I'm using jungle juice gmb 5ml of grow 3ml of micro 2ml of bloom and 3ml of cal/mag plus for every gallon of RO water. What do think i should add more of?
first of all, do you have tds meter ? you dont want to overnutrient. since your plant are veg for two months, its time to bump the dose...just more on nitrogen.

when you re gonna flip for those plants into bloom stage ?


I ordered one this morning. I was doin ok without it I thought. What should I be running at? Idk I got 9 feet of grow height should I do it now?


Well-Known Member
excellent, TDS meter will help ya a lot than guess...

depend in your space, when its starting to flower it will stretch before they will focus on budding. But you will have a nice colas since you are vegging for two months :D


oh yeah i guess your plants are mature right now...its time to up the nutrient, perhap they will love nitrogren more credit card processor :D
I find it very interesting and in some way fascinating for this particular plant, it ha been highly prohibited to regrow and plant such kind of leaves for it's unlikely effect but then here you are taking care and nurturing it. I guess, it always depends on you.



Well-Known Member
I find it very interesting and in some way fascinating for this particular plant, it ha been highly prohibited to regrow and plant such kind of leaves for it's unlikely effect but then here you are taking care and nurturing it. I guess, it always depends on you.

I find your post rather werid....


New Member
Maybe think of topping now if you haven't already, you will have height issues. Those are lush monsters. @Joshua _ What??????