Whats your average monthly income?

What's your average monthly income?

  • Paycheck to paycheck

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • >$500

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • $501-$800

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • $801-$1,100

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • $1,101-$1,500

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • $1,501-$2,000

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • $2,001/$3,000

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • $3,001-$5,000

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • <$5,000

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
And how does it compare with your average monthly bills and other expenditures?

How does your budget look? Entertainment, fast food, groceries, gas, rent, etc.?

$1000 a week + company car and fuel etc. rent is $250 food is $100 electricity is a non issue $12.50 covers internet, $15 mobile phone, $100 a week for a loan i have then the rest is all mine. so about $500 to play with but i save $250 every week.

I'm from aus though and this is considered pretty average here i believe. although i still consider myself to be pretty lucky
$1000 a week + company car and fuel etc. rent is $250 food is $100 electricity is a non issue $12.50 covers internet, $15 mobile phone, $100 a week for a loan i have then the rest is all mine. so about $500 to play with but i save $250 every week.

I'm from aus though and this is considered pretty average here i believe. although i still consider myself to be pretty lucky

That's the most ridiculous price for rent I've ever seen in my life. I had a friend rent a single room in San Francisco, 6' x 8' (you could touch two walls standing up it was so tiny) for $400/mo. What are you living in if your rent is only $250/mo? Is it just really cheap to live there? Most people I've spoken to about Australia say it's ridiculously expensive.

Just to compare, I live in a tiny 2 br apartment, rent here is $1,350/mo. Infuckingcredible.
sorry thats all weekly figures.

and its my understanding its heaps more expensive here but we get paid more? is that right

so i get $4000 a month pay,

i pay $1000 a month rent. also thats just my share. my mrs also pay $600 so all up our rent is $1600 a month. its a nice place in a really good neighbourhood though.
I'm fucking broke. But yet, surprisingly happy :)

money doesnt = happiness

i find my happiness when im staring into my grow room and everything is just right, or when im in my kayak floating down a river at sunrise fishing.
when i wake up in the middle of the night next to my partner and she has pushed me right over to the edge of the bed and taken all the blankets.... no wait i fucking hate that lol. i still love her though. and hopefully soon i will have children and i believe i will get loads of happiness from them.
And how does it compare with your average monthly bills and other expenditures?

How does your budget look? Entertainment, fast food, groceries, gas, rent, etc.?

Your greater then > and less then < signs are backwards. I

'm much greater than 5k and I manage to piss most of it away by living high on the hog. The more you make the more you spend friend. And that's just three of the applicable cliches that come to mind.
yeah and are you guys in the states. i thought pay rates in the states were lower than aus but apparently i was way off the mark. and also is that before or after tax? and does your system over there even work like that?
Yeah, I didn't mention that in the OP, but hopefully you guys are all posting AFTER TAXES. Strictly take home, what you see in your bank account.

Minimum wage where I live right now is $8.00/hour, and considering the location, nobody could survive on that, even working full time and living alone. You would have to have a roommate or live with family.
yeah our minimum over here is like $18 i think but thats pretty rare.

although i understand that nearly everything here is way dearer than over there.

its the same here though i have lived in share houses for the last seven yrs, we had 7 people in one house for a while, we even had someone living in our shed lol. my last room mate just moved out 3 weeks ago so now its just me and the mrs but we will get by. she manages a jewellery store and i drove heavy machinery so we get alright wages and bonuses etc. still though im nearly 30 and im only just getting my shit together.

p.s share house living when your young is the best way to live so much fun. when you get older share house living is like a living hell lol