Not convinced...I'm skipping the card

Anyone else feel this way?

Look, I've been messing around with a plant or 5 on a personal level for 20 years. Though I have a chronic back injury that I have a prescription for, and could qualify for a card, I'm not sure it's worth the hassle in my situation.

I don't exchange it. I don't ever travel with it, and I feel like, why would I ever want the State or Federal Gov to be aware of me on any level that is unnecessary. I'm pretty sure, at some point, if they wanted, the Feds would have easy access to that info.

So, flying below the radar as I do, and have for a very long time...can anyone explain WHY I would want to pay $300-ish PER YEAR for this "privilage"?

Unless you have an interest in production, sales, or some other entrepreneurial agenda within the arena, I cannot see an advantage.

I'm sure I'm missing something here, so let's hear some advice and opinions.
I don't want to lose my kids for being pulled over with a joint in the car.
Or my job for failing a urine test.
Those things seem to happen far more often than 5-plant cultivation busts do, so I feel like having a card is the smartest bet in my case.


Active Member
Imo donating a couple zips (300$) to qualified patients to make up for that cost is worth having a defense in state courts. If no exchanges are taking place currently then you wouldn't really need to worry about the Feds coming and fucking you with a few plants in the closet. I'm in the same position as you but I stress a little less if the neighbors catch a whiff, and if locals decide to stop by for any reason I can at least be protected from law enforcement (except feds of course :( )

If its not worth it to you then don't get it, but for me the little peace of mind of being legal for my personal grow is honestly the only reason I would grow... :bigjoint: If you don't feel paranoid then I wouldnt stress about getting a card.


Well-Known Member
Cops can end up in your pad for many unforseen reasons.
The longer you dont get caught wouldnt statistics be in fav of your luck running out? (sounded good anyway)
I don`t know I figured it was better than risking my butt. Just think of the 300 a year
or whatever as back payments for all the ti,me you got away with it.
Best of luck.
EDIT: I also wonder if you got busted and only got probation would one of the terms
be that you are not to smoke or have weed? Then piss tests and home visits from a PO


Active Member
The minimum cost of defending yourself from a cultivation charge will be around $10,000. If it costs $300/year to have a card, then you would have to renew the card for 34 years for it to exceed the cost of raising a defense. This isn't even including all the asset forfeitures and lost wages due to having a criminal record, and mental suffering from the stress.

Think of it as cop insurance.



I was in a similar situation as you. I medicate occasionally to treat degenerative disc disease in my back. I rarely travel with medicine and I have never had any issue but as many have pointed out, 300 dollars a year is a fraction of the cost of what it would be to defend yourself against even a possession charge. A possession charge which is a felony would could cost you upwards of 3 grand and even though you wouldn't be facing any jail time on a first time charge you would be subject to some sort of drug education course and random drug tests. If you get a crazy neighbor or a rouge pizza delivery guy who catches a whiff, if you ever have a medical emergency or a fire at your residence, you could be dealing with the police.


Active Member
I actually like the fact I do not have to depend on one person. While every one has it now they are the same undependable potheads as before. So when one flakes out I go somewhere else. When one does not have the flavor I like I go some where else.

I did the stealth thing I just want to grow a quantity that would get me life in prison at the state level.

You sound like me for the most part the only time I smoke it is at home and I never carry. Why would I need it?
I like others look at it like a get out of a ticket for cheap fee if in case.


Well-Known Member
Glad I stumbled onto this thread. Just looked at my rec. Paperwork expired 7/7/12....

Just made an appointment for a renewal. All is good! Thanks smokinfool
Paraphernalia charge alone can cost $500. Just saying
I'm not a 100% on this but I dont know if our MMcard covers "used" paraphernalia on your person or in your vehicle. I am a 100% paraphernalia is a felony if you dont have one haha

And dude thinking about getting the card, think of it this way. You can go to shops when they open up, sure they are over priced... but if youre dry hey its not anymore then you are gonna pay some asshole drug dealer. You can goto the farmers markets here in town, meet other growers, talk shop maybe even make a friend:bigjoint:If you do get pulled over and the piggies smell the dope in ride, you have a better shot at not getting arrested with a card. sure 300 bucks is a new 1000watt but 30 days in the tent in the Arizona summer....get the card... have some peice of mind... smoke easy man
Its fucking lame and when you renew its the same shit!! I just renewed. Dr Visit - 99.00 and you still gotta pay the state 150 so to renew you get a whopping 50 dollar discount.. total price to renew 250 bucks for me.
I used a coupon, and my doctor dropped me 10% off for renewing with him got out the door at 202.50...still its flipping rape


Active Member
ROfl that's great... theres a few Chiropractors around town that do check ups for much less (I got mine for 75)... someone at BNB smoke / grow shop on alma school / guadalupe was telling me if you have a membership with them they can refer you to a doc that does recommendations in the 50 dollar range (maybe less with membership?)

good luck and stay safe whatever you do!