Growing With No Light?

Ok so I have 3 Fans Installed now, My 4th Fan was crap I am going to get a new one next week, just made quick video to show it, Should I make 4 tiny little ventilation ducts ( kind of ) just to hide any light or w/e from the outside of the fans but still allow air to get in/out.


Also I searched those CFL Light Bulbs, How are these It looks like some I have seen in pictures, it said CFL on the link before I clicked it but not on specs so :/

also these were the auto seeds i was looking at: ( and ( I am guessing the more expensive one will get me stoned, can anyone recommend a really good one as ill only be growing 1-2 plants just for myself to get absolutely blitzed when i feel like smoking on the odd occasion :)

also what is the best hydro nuet on this site ( for autos or will any of these do as if so I will get the cheapest one if its better than tap water. Also what kind of fertilizer should I use ( I need enough for 2 plants for say 70 days and nothing to expensive but I really dont know what I am Looking for :L

How am I doing xD
Read read read some more... Then read it all again. Keep posting progress
cant really post anymore progress until next week when i get paid thats why im asking you know what kind of thigsn to get from you guys since you all have experience and i need to get the best i can for the lowest but reasonable price :L I have red it was really good but dident give like specific items to buy and well I just want to get this first grow kind of perfect :P or atleast learn alot from it so I can make a awesome 2nd batch, as I rarely smoke weed but when ever I want it no one has it xD thats why I am only growing a small ammount
I grew a plant where i would have it on the balcony on days i could to give it sunlight and the other times i would put it in the bathroom under normal 100 watt incandescent bulb lighting. I used a 3 month no feed soil and once or twice added some miracle grow feed. The dog got into the plants and destroyed one and I saved 2. They stunted a bit but bounced right back. I put them on regular day night cycles and plenty of occasions the lighting was interrupted.
Eventually i put the plants into flowering and determined one was a male sort of, now looking back and knowing what i know i think it might of been a hermie. I felt really attached to that plant after seeing it bounce back from all its struggles, and it was a shorter plant but very healthy looking and strong. It kind of hurt to have to put him down. Anyways to cut this story short, the female that was left eventually flowered and produced me some bud. I didnt do a dry weight nor did i properly dry them fully, but i think it gave me under an ounce.
It was good weed, better then schwag. At the end of it all it wasnt very sustainable for the amount of product i wanted for the time it took under the conditions. SO it can be done. I learned alot. Now that i know what it takes to produce top weed, i really appreciate how resilient and strong the plant is. Under very subpar conditions it gave me something i was proud of. I gave her the school of hard knocks and she still came through for me. If growing like that is all you can do then by all means understand it can be done but youll have to severely adjust your expectations. But we all got to start somewhere and youll learn alot and experience what its like to produce something and see it from birth to harvest.

Remember its a weed and it will grow but we are fighting for quality control.


Well-Known Member
how much do you pay per kwh for electric. you could then work out how much its gonna cost. do volts x amps = watts x hours x price per kwh

at the minute im using 2 x 65w cfls they are on for 16 hours a day plus i have 2 x 120mm pc fans attached to the wall sucking out the old air continuously for the whole time the lights are on. i use about £2.50 per week for that. i also have an air pump on all the time as im using dwc.

when i switch to flower i will be using my 250w hps and running that 12/12 with all the others cost me about £4 a week to run so not a massive increase. its the 400/600/1kw lights that cost loads, then you have to think about a proper extraction fan and carbon filter. its easy to make a micro grow not cost you anything just by being careful with the rest of your appliances. ive now switched all my home bulbs from 40/60w incandescent to 1.9w led lights and it has more than balanced my growing cost out in savings. there are lots of things you can do if your worried about it costing you loads on energy.

but you will need light to grow weed, the more the better. try to have at least 100 actual watts for your first plant then add at least another 50-75w per plant. you can grow some magic bud with cfls, ive seen it. but dont expect 2-3oz per plant on your first run (i got 44g from 4 ak47 autos). i would say dont buy seeds for your first go either and use some bagseed to practice on. its not as easy to grow as you might think. noob's (like myself) have a tendancy to be overly keen and can do more harm than good. although she is a resilient plant the rough life will show in the bag at the end.


Well-Known Member
it wont cost that much .. dont worry ... I belive my big 600W HPS and 2 vneitlators and 2 fans cost me like 20-30$ a month in power ..

and sure it is a very good idea to do the actualy recerach before you go out and buy a lot of stuff .. I did atlest 2 months research and reading on and off before I began to invest and start it up ..

but sure do it that way .. I did it in a similar way .. fist I got my seeds and a T5HO fixture (2 bulbs) had a fan .. so I startet up .. a week later I got another 2 tube fixture .. and next pay check I got one more .. plus the 600W HPS and a small 4" ventilation and I build my room ..

this pay check I got a bigger ventilation 6" and use the 4" as fresh air intake ..

so yea do it a littel at the time do make sens .. small plants dont need so much to begin with either ..

and yea .. you got it right ther ... learn from this fist runn .. dont expect a Oz per plant ..


Well-Known Member
HDI? Are you talking about a HID high intensity discharge? Anywho GL.Aotos you have no control over vegg time so it will be very short from my personal exp.and finish under 3ft.outofhere
HDI? Are you talking about a HID high intensity discharge? Anywho GL.Aotos you have no control over vegg time so it will be very short from my personal exp.and finish under 3ft.outofhere
thats cool as im only using about a 3ft box anyway :L but thing is when i buy ( ) I get a Free OG Kush seed with it so so I can do Auto And indicia, but yeah now I have a Good ventallation set-up Im not gonig to cheap out on the bulbs ( ) this will be okay wont it if i get 4 of these and then 4 CFL Bulbs I hope :) but yeah gona carry on reading each day for few hours on these guides and find a really good fertilizer :) thanks for all the help guys, if you do know a good fertilizer please link me xD thanks again <3


Weed Modifier
it wont cost that much .. dont worry ... I belive my big 600W HPS and 2 vneitlators and 2 fans cost me like 20-30$ a month in power ..

and sure it is a very good idea to do the actualy recerach before you go out and buy a lot of stuff .. I did atlest 2 months research and reading on and off before I began to invest and start it up ..

but sure do it that way .. I did it in a similar way .. fist I got my seeds and a T5HO fixture (2 bulbs) had a fan .. so I startet up .. a week later I got another 2 tube fixture .. and next pay check I got one more .. plus the 600W HPS and a small 4" ventilation and I build my room ..

this pay check I got a bigger ventilation 6" and use the 4" as fresh air intake ..

so yea do it a littel at the time do make sens .. small plants dont need so much to begin with either ..

and yea .. you got it right ther ... learn from this fist runn .. dont expect a Oz per plant ..
i started my first plant in a window until i could get a fluorescent for only about 15$ .... vegged for a couple months....which gave me time to save for an hps,and a couple other odds and ends...i only use a 150watter but seems to have done really well my first round.i got over an ounce my first plant :)

is doesn't take much to grow if you K.I.S.S......


Well-Known Member
thats cool as im only using about a 3ft box anyway :L but thing is when i buy ( ) I get a Free OG Kush seed with it so so I can do Auto And indicia, but yeah now I have a Good ventallation set-up Im not gonig to cheap out on the bulbs ( ) this will be okay wont it if i get 4 of these and then 4 CFL Bulbs I hope :) but yeah gona carry on reading each day for few hours on these guides and find a really good fertilizer :) thanks for all the help guys, if you do know a good fertilizer please link me xD thanks again <3
For me i love foxfarm forest floor organic and use FF bigbud has earthworm casting and bat chiot and little of the Amn. nitrogen


Well-Known Member
thats cool as im only using about a 3ft box anyway :L but thing is when i buy ( ) I get a Free OG Kush seed with it so so I can do Auto And indicia, but yeah now I have a Good ventallation set-up Im not gonig to cheap out on the bulbs ( ) this will be okay wont it if i get 4 of these and then 4 CFL Bulbs I hope :) but yeah gona carry on reading each day for few hours on these guides and find a really good fertilizer :) thanks for all the help guys, if you do know a good fertilizer please link me xD thanks again <3

yea 4 of them and bulbs to fit .. maybe get 2x5000K and 2x 2700K bulbs ..
then later on .. get another 2x2700K .. once the plant is bigger .. 6 of them scohuld be able to produce some smoke Im sure ..

and indicas can also easily be grown in a small box .. but then I might do 12/12 from the start/week 2 and keep em low
and light leakes doing dark hours is a no go ..
yea 4 of them and bulbs to fit .. maybe get 2x5000K and 2x 2700K bulbs ..
then later on .. get another 2x2700K .. once the plant is bigger .. 6 of them scohuld be able to produce some smoke Im sure ..

and indicas can also easily be grown in a small box .. but then I might do 12/12 from the start/week 2 and keep em low
and light leakes doing dark hours is a no go ..
ah I think I will make a tiny cardboard makeshift vent around the fans so it blocks light getting in or out, im pretty excited for next week when i get paid :P, its a shame I live in England cant grow outside, its been raining for about 3 weeks now non-stop xD
For me i love foxfarm forest floor organic and use FF bigbud has earthworm casting and bat chiot and little of the Amn. nitrogen
hmm well its come to £74.72 so far thats with 4x light bulbs 5000k CFL and the Cords for them + my seeds, Im planning on using just dirt from my garden ( i have a compost - can use soil near that or under it? ) so what cheap fertilizer can i use as ive been looking at allot of fertilizers but very expensive i only have around £50 to spend next week since so many bills going out so, I have a bottle of miracle grow thats full already could i use that and maybe just use 2 lights for next week then the next time i get paid buy the other 2 lights? i keep hearing miracle grow fert is pretty crap for weed, or would i still get a nice yeild?
my first one grown with a cheap reg shop light ;)
Beautiful mate :) but yeah ill start off with some cheap lights and move onto better lights in the coming weeks, ive set up some vents now through my window :P for smell and oxygen, argh i cant wait to start xD im watching this dvd that was posted on this thread atm its hours long but gona watch it all :)


Weed Modifier
its the price we have to pay for, watch, and learn.

..than to experience it priceless...your on the right path.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
To save on electricity don't do it that way. Unplug things when you are not using it. Turn off lights when you don't need it. Use cfls or even the new led bulbs. And even call the company to get a better price. Then you can use the saved energy on grow lights and fan.