Growing With No Light?


Well-Known Member
if your in the uk, go to wilkinsons and get john innes #2 compost, its really good for the plants and it feeds for at least 6 weeks. its really cheap in there as well. i used it my first grow with little problems. also they are stored inside the shop so you dont find bugs in them like fungus gnats. bloody annoying things.
if your in the uk, go to wilkinsons and get john innes #2 compost, its really good for the plants and it feeds for at least 6 weeks. its really cheap in there as well. i used it my first grow with little problems. also they are stored inside the shop so you dont find bugs in them like fungus gnats. bloody annoying things.
your right that compost is really cheap and looks good, better than my garden soil xD thanks for info mate really appreciate it, when you say feeds for at least 6 weeks do you mean id have to replant it in new compost after that time, im a noob at growing anything but constantly learning :)


Well-Known Member
hmm well its come to £74.72 so far thats with 4x light bulbs 5000k CFL and the Cords for them + my seeds, Im planning on using just dirt from my garden ( i have a compost - can use soil near that or under it? ) so what cheap fertilizer can i use as ive been looking at allot of fertilizers but very expensive i only have around £50 to spend next week since so many bills going out so, I have a bottle of miracle grow thats full already could i use that and maybe just use 2 lights for next week then the next time i get paid buy the other 2 lights? i keep hearing miracle grow fert is pretty crap for weed, or would i still get a nice yeild?
Plz do not BUY cheap nutes and Soil!!!!! No MG.If your gonna grow dont cheap out on the most crucial things,meaning soil and nutes.Fish emulsion is good and cheap for vegg,A bottle of Bigbloom not that much,and great for flower total about 20bucks.And i cant tell how important it is to start plants in GOOD soil,learn from what ppl are telling you ive been growing 10plus yrs and got harded headed and did it my way,well chitty results and cost me more in the long run opposed to ppl telling Dont use cheap soil and nutes.Im starting a thread now,bored and im doing a 6 plant perp and have another flowering station im gonna try the 12 12 from start with 3 different soils to try and help ppl see how just the soil use choose makes a Big difference,for the community and the newbs.


Well-Known Member
ive grown indoors using only sunlight before for flowering. for vegging i used a few cfls not alot like 3-4 20 watters. i didnt know what i was doin and the plant turned out ok, it wasnt crap and yield was very good. i put the plant in a walk in closet in the master bedroom, the closet and windows on three walls. the wall facing the sun had two normal sized windows and one larger window it was like a green house with 1 wall that had no windows and the ceiling had no windows. the plants were put out on a window sill some days.

the plants were lst'd and ened up being under 24 inches. yeild about 2 ounces of weed per plant with minimal work and cost. the strain is mandala sadhu, very easy to grow and dont need much nutes, in fact all i used for this plant was epsom salts, molasses, and those cheap fertilizer sticks you can find at any garden center. i got my fertilizer at a 99 cent store and it fed all my plants for one season lol. the smoke was medium grade, not the best but it barely cost me anything. that was my first grow about 5 years ago and i dont live in that house anymore. if i still did i would grow the whole room and harvest pounds, it was a really nice room for growing without lights i just didnt know shit back then.
Plz do not BUY cheap nutes and Soil!!!!! No MG.If your gonna grow dont cheap out on the most crucial things,meaning soil and nutes.Fish emulsion is good and cheap for vegg,A bottle of Bigbloom not that much,and great for flower total about 20bucks.And i cant tell how important it is to start plants in GOOD soil,learn from what ppl are telling you ive been growing 10plus yrs and got harded headed and did it my way,well chitty results and cost me more in the long run opposed to ppl telling Dont use cheap soil and nutes.Im starting a thread now,bored and im doing a 6 plant perp and have another flowering station im gonna try the 12 12 from start with 3 different soils to try and help ppl see how just the soil use choose makes a Big difference,for the community and the newbs.
awsome yeah that is within my pricae range to start growing next week, ill get paid again before it starts to flower so i can get big bloom before then, you are a legend mate <3


Well-Known Member
awsome yeah that is within my pricae range to start growing next week, ill get paid again before it starts to flower so i can get big bloom before then, you are a legend mate <3
if you want good nutes, look around. i got canna terra vega/flores 1ltr bottles on ebay for £15 for the pair. (hydro shops sell them for about £12 each). when i bought my timer as well they sent me a free sample of a flowering booster. tomato food is good for vegging as its very well balanced 20-20-20. never use it at full strength though. you'll kill them plants quicker then you think. if your on a low budget why not look into coco coir. its cheap and reusable and completely nutrient free. you can get either hydro or coco nutes for that as well. the problem with asking opinions is you will get so many. keep it as simple as possible for your first few goes. or you will end up overwhelmed with the amount of info you get.