HELP All seedlings die every time! INDOOR grow


Hi,Ive tried to grow WW, silver haze and Northern lights a couple of times , and I fail every time. I always reach the stage of the seedling has first or second true leaves.
I have tried many soil mix including Hydrponics but every time its the same they die.
Im also growing tomatoes and peppers The peppers some times live and grow to maturity
Attached are pics of my setup.

Soil FaFard seedling and clone mix.
Temp is always between 21~ 25C
Light CFL 3x 32W
RH 45%+
Water , RO PH 6.3~6.9
Seeds are from sensiseed store in lovely Amsterdam :bigjoint:.

What am I doing wrong????

you proabably killing them with fert plant dont need any kind of food at all through the first few weeks of there lives if your learning to grow try some hardy bag seed so its not so expencive when you mess up. how far away is your lights if your hand gets hot holding over plant then raise the lights up.
isnt sensi seeds ams i bought 30 seeds from ams befor not one literly not one of them germinated also took forever to get here narvana is a way better seed company i get them like 2 weeks from the order and never have had any problems at all.
yea they deff are burned i relly hope you havent been feeding them that youung im almost postive you have been feeding them i dont think they will recover try agin and only water when the first few inches of soil is dry or the pot feels light and only use 1/4 strenght recomeded nutes the first time you feed witch sould be after 2 weeks
I dont see a problem anywher .. cept your plants :D

soil seems ok (tho I would keep small seedling who keep dieing on me .. in pure coco untill they are not babys anymore)

temps and rh seems ok

even the water is spot on it seems (6,5 is what your aiming for)

light seems ok for small plants .. just dont keep it to close in the early stages ..
but not to fare away either 4-10 inches away ... start 10 away and move it close as they get bigger (hopefully)

no I realy dont see a problem .. unless the seeds sucks .. but you do get seedlings so that cant be it .. must be to many fertz in the soil maybe ?
Yeah the 1st few pic aren't herb, but he said he was growin peppers and other things 2. The last 3 or so r the MJ plant from the best I can tell anyways, but dude damn!!!! Have u ever heard the phrase "killing them with kindness" cause ur just freakin lovin em to death. Ur right up there with lenny, do u have a dead mouse in ur pocket that I need to take away?
just to clear out all missunderstandings:


that shows you when diffrent nutriens is available for the plant ... boath in soil and hydro ..

here is some of my new seedlings


boath LSD from Barneys

in 50% organic soil/50% pure coco .. only thing added is a bit of kelp and lime ..

and I water with clean temperated filtert rain water with half strengs root power ..

I mist them evry day twise and water them evry seccon day or so as them small cup/pots do dry out pretty quick in the room under the T5HO with 26C and 50% RH
Thanks for the reply's...
I know im killing them with kindness, but I cant help it I want the damn thing to GROW.
I havent given them any nutes , only 1/8 of seaweed extract.
soil is for seedlings so it doesn't have any nutes.
I only water when its dry , so I dont think im drowning them

on my next grow I'll move the light up.but I cant be-leave that its only the light.

but is there anything else im doing wrong.
I would maybe try a few diffrent things in your case ..


lets say you do 4 seeds .. try in diffrent soils .. maybe two diffrent ..

so you have 2 in your normal soil and two in maybe coco or if you can find a soil for seedlings (its possible even in the normal garden center)

and then keep the light at diffrent levels so you have one with old soil and one with new close to the light and the other two furter away ..

see if ther is a diffrent and what look most healthy after a few days .. correct things if you see a diffrent ..

its all a trail and run I guess .. need to find your own sweet spot .. and I guess that applies evry thing .. water screduls .. soil mixes .. light distance .. ventilation/temps aso ..

Im still working on seccon month to make my air flow and ventilation preform the best in my room ..
must be lights to close stick you hand over the tops and check it deff could be from the lights. do what silpon said and find whats wrong
Ill give it a try, for the 4th time.
Ill raise the light , and water with a spry bottle ;) a couple of drops.
soil and water are OK, I think.
Temp and RH are ok.
anything else to watch out for.....
Ya some mixxed pics
I was hoping that the Mj seedling would look at the tomato and peppers and try to compete with them and grow like a lady....:-P
i recently purchased 10 kolossus and got 5 free ko kush x starkush from sannies seeds and every single one of them germinated and sprouted, check the journal in my sig for details on this grow and more to come as updates will be added every few days.
isnt sensi seeds ams i bought 30 seeds from ams befor not one literly not one of them germinated also took forever to get here narvana is a way better seed company i get them like 2 weeks from the order and never have had any problems at all.