Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Wonder if vegans will be exempt? When was the last time you heard of an obese vegan. We need calories any way we can get them.
wait, is beer vegan? an awful lot of yeast laid down their lives for that brew...
Wonder if vegans will be exempt? When was the last time you heard of an obese vegan. We need calories any way we can get them.
Wonder if vegans will be exempt? When was the last time you heard of an obese vegan. We need calories any way we can get them.
I just had some fun Googling "obese vegan". cn
Did you find stuff like Oprah eating a meat burger when she said beef is bad? I never heard of a fat vegan who has been one for years. I personally can't seem to consume calories faster than they're burned. I used to be a fat meat eater too.
I thought we were already in the next war.
Do you actually think that the GOP is not in favor of it's own version of a nanny state? A place where you can't smoke pot because it is bad for you and if a woman gets pregnant she has to be given reading materials or be invaded with needless proceedures designed to keep her from having an abortion? Oh you can't have a computer that might be able to view internet porn, that has to stop because the GOP knows what is best for your very soul.
And do you actually think the GOP has no PC proceedures? It isn't PC if you don't thank that soldier over there for his service. It isn't PC if you happen to say that the state may have had some influence in your sucess, It isn't PC if you don't wear a flag lapel or you don't put your hand over your heart at the playing of the national anthem. Don't kid yourself, PC is not the exclusive domain of the left and neither is that nanny state you are so leary of.
Nice trolling, 7/10.If Ron Paul becomes president, won't have to worry about this question.
No actually. That would disqualify from veganism imo.
The big problem is that Americans have been told since time immemorial that dietary fat is bad. The prototypical "healthy" low-fat, high-carb diet proves to be atherogenic, diabetogenic and conducive to weight gain. The science behind this, and its successful suppression by interested aprties within the biomedical community, makes for an interesting read. cn
Could you provide a link, please? I'd like to read that.
dont you mean another US invasion?
Just read the description of that book and seems very interesting. Think I need to pay a visit to Amazon.i'm currently reading the book Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. It's pretty amazing. cn
Get me the quote please where it Ahmadinejad has said he wants to wipe Israel off the map. And the sanctions were enforced by the US and UK if they didn’t want sanctions on Iraq there would be none.
And yes the Libyan people that overthrew Gaddafi were puppets maybe not the small foot soldiers but the people at the top were.
And you’ve not even read the Qu’ran show me the quote where it says the testimony of a non-Muslim in court is worthless. And am talking about the Qu’ran not fatwa’s moron because anyone can give a fatwa.
Also the quote your referring to is when the US didn’t provide evidence they could not force him to leave Afghanistan because no evidence was provided therefore they could only ask for him to leave. If however they did provide evidence they could have handed him over or tried him in Afghanistan where the punishment would have been death for killing innocent civilians.
And why do you even attempt to twist my words. I never said ‘osama bin laden's own words and his own database of terrorists and money launderers is all faked by the wicked sinful CIA’
I said the video where he confesses is fake. The CIA have admitted making fake videos of him so it’s much more plausible. Also in his own words just after 9/11 he said he said he was not responsible.
You don’t even know anything about the Al Saud regime. Its perfectly okay to overthrow them because they are another puppet oppressive regime. They was provided with weapons and money by the British after WW1 and are protected today by the US. Also why is there hardly a mention about the protests that are going on in Saudi Arabia? Also show me the verse in the Qu’ran where it says it’s okay to kill innocent children or non-Muslims.
Nope I don’t believe Mahdi is living in some cave in fact nearly all Muslims don’t believe that it’s only a tiny minority but of course people like you like to generalize on over 1.5 billion people. The muddy water verse you’re referring to is about what Dhul-Qarnayn saw:
18:86 (Asad) [And he marched westwards] till, when he came to the setting of the sun, [SUP][84][/SUP] it appeared to him that it was setting in a dark, turbid sea; [SUP][85][/SUP] and nearby he found a people [given to every kind of wrongdoing]. We said: "O thou Two-Horned One! Thou mayest either cause [them] to suffer or treat them with kindness!" [SUP][86][/SUP] –
Get me the quote please where it Ahmadinejad has said he wants to wipe Israel off the map. And the sanctions were enforced by the US and UK if they didn’t want sanctions on Iraq there would be none.
And yes the Libyan people that overthrew Gaddafi were puppets maybe not the small foot soldiers but the people at the top were.
And you’ve not even read the Qu’ran show me the quote where it says the testimony of a non-Muslim in court is worthless. And am talking about the Qu’ran not fatwa’s moron because anyone can give a fatwa.
Also the quote your referring to is when the US didn’t provide evidence they could not force him to leave Afghanistan because no evidence was provided therefore they could only ask for him to leave. If however they did provide evidence they could have handed him over or tried him in Afghanistan where the punishment would have been death for killing innocent civilians.
And why do you even attempt to twist my words. I never said ‘osama bin laden's own words and his own database of terrorists and money launderers is all faked by the wicked sinful CIA’
I said the video where he confesses is fake. The CIA have admitted making fake videos of him so it’s much more plausible. Also in his own words just after 9/11 he said he said he was not responsible.
You don’t even know anything about the Al Saud regime. Its perfectly okay to overthrow them because they are another puppet oppressive regime. They was provided with weapons and money by the British after WW1 and are protected today by the US. Also why is there hardly a mention about the protests that are going on in Saudi Arabia? Also show me the verse in the Qu’ran where it says it’s okay to kill innocent children or non-Muslims.
Nope I don’t believe Mahdi is living in some cave in fact nearly all Muslims don’t believe that it’s only a tiny minority but of course people like you like to generalize on over 1.5 billion people. The muddy water verse you’re referring to is about what Dhul-Qarnayn saw:
18:86 (Asad) [And he marched westwards] till, when he came to the setting of the sun, [SUP][84][/SUP] it appeared to him that it was setting in a dark, turbid sea; [SUP][85][/SUP] and nearby he found a people [given to every kind of wrongdoing]. We said: "O thou Two-Horned One! Thou mayest either cause [them] to suffer or treat them with kindness!" [SUP][86][/SUP] –