ire vibe (blazing pistilaros old site) but its down & they moved to the attitude to huck beans.
i never used these people ::::
anyone know a bank besides the tude that carries hazeman? wanted to snack on some more and have not seen it anywhere.
Sketch they should start taking off this week-ish.
You'll see. Take a pic in 7-10 days to compare. Boom!
Gud, ditch Firefox for Chrome. Much better IMO. I've used Firefox for years.. but Chrome is even smoother. Anything is better than IE tho. IE is the ball sack of Windows.
I Beleive in guns also. Agree it's people who kill not the guns. But how can this fucker buy that many guns and amo all at once and not set off a red flag. There in lies true problem.
I mean Fuck gas and just walk in a theater without being noticed is scary. Let's face it this dude did a third of what he could have done with all that fire power.
Un fucking believable. Dudes still alive. I guess we shall see what he was trully was thinking insain or not he should be Slowly and Inhumainly tortured for what he did.
What's really crazy is despite yet another mass shooting, any talk of gun control is still considered taboo here in America.
Not sure,What beans are ya looking for?
White grapes. My friends say thats the best herb I have grown.
Because when they take our guns, we will be enslaved, lined up and marched to our deaths, forced by gunpoint to declare that goverment is our master, not God
There is gun control here in Canada, and last I checked I wasn't being enslaved, lined up, or marched to my death. Niether have I been forced to declare that the government is my master. And usually it's the God People who want everybody enslaved and in line. But maybe you were being sarcastic?
everything i have popped by hazeman has outperformed the other stuff it runs alongside. even the twin fugus. rmh, xxx, elephant stomp even the 88g13 all up and running straight vigor. looks wonderful too.
Because when they take our guns, we will be enslaved, lined up and marched to our deaths, forced by gunpoint to declare that goverment is our master, not God.