good points both ways.
imagine if "the joker" used his shotty first THEN his handguns.
no offense, i hate guns.
not needed except by hunters.
handguns are for killing people. simple & factual.
& when you watch that robbery vid
you can see the old man firing PAST the point of whats acceptable. he is persuing & shooting. he's shooting from the hip. he's firing way too many shots after the situation was nder control. crazy old bastard.
^ though i LOVEd seeing those homies running for their shity lives ! (& im not racist!).
& why not discuss the political & historical implications of gun company profits? or their massive lobby in washington?
& worrying about an uprising in the USA is akin to thinking brooklyn decker is gonna fuck you silly tonight

ah cause she's not.
really, what kinda uprising can one defend against when the government controls the armed forces , can watch ossassma bin fuckface walk around his complex at night , and can make you disappear in an instant (even on paper).
your shotty & glock gonna defend against a drone dropping a bomb through your window or a tank rolling down your street? the might of the american military & its little brother the police (fuckface feds too) would run over entire cities of armed idiots.
its not like we recently just didnt shoot a missle through a window in pakistan killing one terrorist and an entire wedding party!!!
god bless who now?
& on what battlefield you want to engage the police state?
here, they roll mounted on horses , got track like tanks with 50mm cannons , helicopters , gun boats , body armor , military style training , & more.
=================> you let ordinary people control shit & you get LA riots & washington dc snipers & david koresh.
sorry... comparing ugandan, russian, or german (insanely long & twisted) history to gun control issues in modern usa is nuts.
even with guns in every german household, nothing was stopping the nazi idiological , spiritual, cultural, political, & actual war machine. nothing. not even the russians (brutal savages themselves).
still we here to grow weed!!!!!
lets talk about that & save the gun talk for the political forums.
got my Atami rootbastic today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!