Well-Known Member
I want to make firecrackers for my dog he has really bad eye problems could benefit from small amounts I wonder how much to feed him though? Anyone know?
DO NOT feed animals baked goods
i give my dog a bud every now and then. she lays down for a couple hours
None... Aside from dogs not metabolizing pot the same as humans they are also not aware of the side effects. Without being aware of why the side effects are taking place your dog is likely to be much more miserable high than with eye problems. And the most common eye problem for dogs are cataracts which are neither painful nor helped by pot.
Studies show that cannabis can and often does cause animals to die. Aside from the obvious implications of drugging an animal, you got to ask yourself, would you drug a baby the same way? Both a Baby and an Animal do not have a choice if you drug them, both will react with confusion and resent. Sure animals can be taught to like smoke but your exposing them to inhalant toxins and no animal on earth will willing do that to themselves. It's basic self preservation. Smell smoke, run away. If your teach an animal to like smoke then you should be shot and your animals taken away from you.