how much weed should you give 10-20 pound dog to eat?


Well-Known Member
I want to make firecrackers for my dog he has really bad eye problems could benefit from small amounts I wonder how much to feed him though? Anyone know?
None... Aside from dogs not metabolizing pot the same as humans they are also not aware of the side effects. Without being aware of why the side effects are taking place your dog is likely to be much more miserable high than with eye problems. And the most common eye problem for dogs are cataracts which are neither painful nor helped by pot.
My cat pretty fat and hes a light weight. He loves smoking. Its easy to tell he's done though because instead of staring / pawing at me waiting for the hit he lays down and starts purring.
what gastanker said. My 30 lb huskey got into and ate an eigth before and fell down the stairs. long story short, we had to get his stomach pumped. The vet said he had a chemical imbalance.
DO NOT feed animals baked goods

AMEN!!! #1 dogs DO NOT have the same thc receptors as we do. If you want to help that dog start them on a NON THC NON PSYCO ACTIVE reg...

Hihger CBD CBN! (fan leaves are GREAT for this) read up on the bennies of juicing (also consider the other non rx stuff they sell for your dogs)
None... Aside from dogs not metabolizing pot the same as humans they are also not aware of the side effects. Without being aware of why the side effects are taking place your dog is likely to be much more miserable high than with eye problems. And the most common eye problem for dogs are cataracts which are neither painful nor helped by pot.

Dogs must metabolise cannabis to some extent though, a few years back my parents friends had a dog who couldnt get enough of the stuff, as soon as you started smoking it in the house he would come running and sit in the room with you - when they started a small outdoor grow, the dog spent more time laying in the greenhouse than anywhere else.
Studies show that cannabis can and often does cause animals to die. Aside from the obvious implications of drugging an animal, you got to ask yourself, would you drug a baby the same way? Both a Baby and an Animal do not have a choice if you drug them, both will react with confusion and resent. Sure animals can be taught to like smoke but your exposing them to inhalant toxins and no animal on earth will willing do that to themselves. It's basic self preservation. Smell smoke, run away. If your teach an animal to like smoke then you should be shot and your animals taken away from you.
Eating raw bud won't get people high, but apparently it's not the same for dogs. I give mine a fresh popcorn bud every now and then. They love it and have never appeared to be impaired in anyway. This little guy however ate a huge amount for his body weight. Hope it helps.
Studies show that cannabis can and often does cause animals to die. Aside from the obvious implications of drugging an animal, you got to ask yourself, would you drug a baby the same way? Both a Baby and an Animal do not have a choice if you drug them, both will react with confusion and resent. Sure animals can be taught to like smoke but your exposing them to inhalant toxins and no animal on earth will willing do that to themselves. It's basic self preservation. Smell smoke, run away. If your teach an animal to like smoke then you should be shot and your animals taken away from you.

Not buying this. I spoke with one of Rick Simpson's reps regarding hemp oil and my late K9 friend with cancer. He recommended about half the dose an average adult would take for my 70 lb dog.
My rotweiler ate an eighth of weed started tripping pinned my girl on the bed and was growling in her face. I DO NOT recommend this it's just not right
My friend had a dog who could barely walk some of the time. I guess it had like, doggy arthritis or something. He put the stems in his dogs water and the dog would eat them(since they had softened up), voila, dog miraculously walks normally on his own. He did still walk with a little gimp, but nothing compared to when he didnt have stems. At first I thought it was cruel, but the dog was NOT having a bad time at all.
I give mine a couple of blows when we go to bed than we both sit up and eat patato chips and slim jims. We both sleep all night long. lol He never gets up after the high hits.
My Pomeranian used to beg for a hit when my friends would come over to do the Volcano. He'd jump up on the person holding the bag and beg them to blow in his face... Clearly he knew what he was doing, and enjoyed it. After, he'd run around the house barking for 15 minutes then sleep for several hours (kind of like us.) Once I dropped about an eight on the floor, and he ate it up before I could get it cleaned. He was miserable for a week. He could barely walk, wouldn't eat and would only come out of his kennel to drink and probably only did enough drinking to keep himself alive.

The short is... yes. It's possible for a dog to like weed... and yes it's entirely possible to get it high via eating... and yes it's entirely possible to make your dog completely miserable. I would give him very small amounts and see if it agitates him.