To flush or not to flush

Jar Man

Active Member
The only time you ever need to flush is when you have over fed the plants. With a proper feeding schedule there is no need to flush because there will be no build ups of nutes if you're feeding properly in the first place...
So many of you continue to miss the point being made. This poster spells it out simply and easily. The arguments being made are both correct, depending on several factors. Many overfeed their plants just enough there's a buildup nearing harvest. These are the ones who claim flushing is necessary to remove excess salts and let the plants use up the stored nutes in the plant tissue to improve taste and burn.

purklize- Your suggestions are unrealistic or off point. Imagine the greater degree of runoff because farmers continue to fertilize??? See? Same degree of irrelevance to the point. And to all others here, I have seen zero shred of valid scientific evidence to back your claims either. It's like you just want to argue over a whole lot of nothin'.

And k0ijn still thinks his opinion is unquestionable scientific fact. But don't let me waste any more of your time with mine.

To sum up, Z.E.R.O. scientific evidence can be found that holds any water to support your position you insist is based on actual scientific fact.

Jar Man

Active Member
So, k0ijn. Why is it again that every book on cannabis that delves into the subject states that THC production begins almost immediately as the seedling develops? My point, there's very good reason I don't listen to anything you say.


Well-Known Member
All it does is rob the plants of needed nutrients in the last few weeks when they put on the most weight
If your plant is still packing on weight, then you are harvesting too soon. Harvesting too soon might be your problem (not flushing).

Make sure to use clean water for at least ten days. I use plain RO water for flushing.


Well-Known Member
You don't harvest the plants in their last week of life, not usually at least... my plants really pack on weight during weeks 8-10.

Tomato and tobacco growers do feed right up to harvest - I grow a lot of tomatoes myself outdoors and I don't ever flush the soil before harvest. Imagine the fertilizer runoff issues we'd have from commercial farming if it was policy to flush all the fertilizer out of the soil every harvest! It would be impractical anyway, as many of the tastiest tomatoes are indeterminate varieties, meaning harvest lasts for months... plants can't last months without food.

I have never seen the slightest shred of scientific evidence of any issues from not flushing - it's all anecdotal, with a lot of people like myself who actually tested with and without flushing and could find no difference, throwing doubt on the anecdotal evidence, if you could call it that... I've seen thoroughly flushed bud crackle and burn black, and I've seen unflushed bud burn smoothly to white ash. Again, it's all in the cure, the rest is imagination. I suspect the reason more growers don't come out and condemn flushing is because they're commercial mmj growers and worry people will think "OMG! CHEMICALS! POISON!" when they see their horrible unflushed bud. But I'm not commercial so I don't give a shit. :bigjoint:

I think this idea that flushing makes bud taste better is comparable to starving your cattle to make better steak.
Umm, I grow my own tobacco and as far as I'm aware, when trying to grow to fruition (for seeds) it's standard to stop feeding as soon as flowers appear unless you are growing for the leaves (then you pinch out and keep feeding).
I also grow tomatoes and with my in-determinates, feed right through until near the end. The long harvest period gives me no choice.
When growing determinates however (which tend to fruit all at once, much like cannabis), I not only stop feeding a week before but also stop watering for 3-4 days before harvest. It's well-known to give the fruits a stronger, yet sweeter taste.


Active Member
purklize- Your suggestions are unrealistic or off point. Imagine the greater degree of runoff because farmers continue to fertilize??? See? Same degree of irrelevance to the point. And to all others here, I have seen zero shred of valid scientific evidence to back your claims either. It's like you just want to argue over a whole lot of nothin'.

This is like asking me to prove god exists. The burden of proof is on those challenging conventional reasoning. The only place where "flushing" is mentioned anywhere is mj grow books. I dare you to try to find it in a real horticulture book.

From my experience all of the growing "tricks" are bullshit, just the product of imagination... when you're stoned the imagination is very powerful and it's easy to hallucinate a "chemical taste" (which mineral fertilizers would never produce, anyway, they don't vaporize and they don't taste like "chemicals"). Remember, mj has some hallucinogenic properties! There's only one way to find the truth, and that's a blind taste test. Every time I've heard of or seen this done (as I have done this myself with friends), the results were clear: no one can tell the difference.

With soil, even if you back off on feeding, there's still food. If there wasn't, the plant would be dead within a few weeks.


Scientia Cannabis
And k0ijn still thinks his opinion is unquestionable scientific fact. But don't let me waste any more of your time with mine.

To sum up, Z.E.R.O. scientific evidence can be found that holds any water to support your position you insist is based on actual scientific fact.

I have provided scientific evidence of the what I've posted.
When I explained how nutrients are transported and how nutrient uptake and storage works in a Cannabis plant I had references of what I posted.

Nothing was my personal opinion.

I don't see how you could have missed every damn link I posted as a reference.
Go look up the long thread on the subject and you will find the references I posted from books (I took pictures from a study on nutrients and from a biology textbook).

It is after all the crucial difference between you and I.
I argue facts with proven references, you argue based on opinion.

So, k0ijn. Why is it again that every book on cannabis that delves into the subject states that THC production begins almost immediately as the seedling develops? My point, there's very good reason I don't listen to anything you say.
Oh you mean every book written on a scientific subject by people who aren't scientists?
Was that a serious question? Do you really want to know how & why authors can be mistaken?

Your statement is wrong on so many levels but I could just debunk it easily by explaining how THC is formed.
THC is formed from THCA, a precursor acid. Which in turn is formed by another precursor acid CBGA (the precursor for most if not every cannabinoid).
The form of THC you are talking about is not even formed until cloudy trichomes appear and/or in the process of decarboxylation.


Well-Known Member
I took the best producing plant from 35 feminized seeds last harvest and grew mother plants from it. White Widow but the seeds were really bad (Seedsman), every plant entirely different and some not even worth cleaning.

This coming Sunday they have been flowering for 8 weeks and looking at the few amber trichomes it is time to start flushing I think. Do you agree? I am growing on 80/20 perlite/vermiculite w/ AN Grow Micro Bloom and Bud Candy. I stopped giving them Bud Candy a few days ago. Gonna use Final Phase for flushing.

The first 2 images were just taken, the 3rd image 4 days ago. 2x 600W and I hope I will make the kilo.

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Your grow from pictures looks really good. You should be proud of your labors. In regards to flushing, there is a constant debate on that. It really depends on the actual genetics of the strain. For example I grew Chocolate Chunk from Th seeds. The Sage was the dominate phenotype. My previous experience with Sage in the past you can get by with no flushing as long as your drying and curing is right on the money. I personally flush and dependant on the actual genetics of the strain and the dominate phenotype the time frame varies. Now to your inquiry about the trichromes turning amber it is not always an indication to begin flushing. That depends on your preference on how you want your strain to hit. More amber trichromes you see in a representative section will lean to a more body high. Absent of amber trichromes under microscopic view will lean to a more cerebral high.


Active Member
No need to flush. Once I start seeing orange hair I begin lowering my ppm to around 600. Every week there after I lower the ppm until the trichs are cloudy and somewhat amber. By the time harvest gets here, my ppm have been brought down to 0 ppm for a couple of days. So there is really no need to flush if u keep it simple like this, therefore, reducing the "flush stage." Too easy my friends.


New Member
Jesus there are a million threads on flushing go search... as for your plant 2-3 more weeks.

With all the bullshit and moronic responses you will find there is ONLY one thing that will let YOU know.

DO IT YOURSELF AND SEE and then do what YOU think is best for YOU! See the common denominator here "YOU". Too many LAZY mother @!*&@ just ask and wait for someone to TELL them, well you will NEVER be a grower or a fan of the hobby if you always ask and never experiment or try.


Well-Known Member
I like to flush towards the end to wash away all salts that may be effecting growth and stuff. I personally think it helps but like the peaceful stoners on this site like to say, "do what works for you"

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
I just did a harvest with two of the same plants--> I don't pour water in the pots no more, lol""noob move''

Anyways One plant was feed till I cut, and the other one was given two water feed, with just plane water, about a week?And I can taste a differences from the one I didn't flush.The one not flush does smoke a little harsher, and has a taste to it, not bad, but you can taste it.

So next batch will have just watter the last week or two?

Do not pour gallons of watter or what ever, to flush them out, as this can do more harm then good.


Well-Known Member
I just did a harvest with two of the same plants--> I don't pour water in the pots no more, lol""noob move''

Anyways One plant was feed till I cut, and the other one was given two water feed, with just plane water, about a week?And I can taste a differences from the one I didn't flush.The one not flush does smoke a little harsher, and has a taste to it, not bad, but you can taste it.

So next batch will have just watter the last week or two?

Do not pour gallons of watter or what ever, to flush them out, as this can do more harm then good.
Same here. My wife won't touch the unflushed crop. The flushed crop comes out superior by a long shot. I tried it both ways so it's not a matter of being stuck in my ways or wanting to following most grow guides. Do want works best for you, some folks like the taste of unflused bud.


Well-Known Member
here's my report.... did a proper flush for 2 weeks..

compared 3 different nugs that had different lengths of curing... well basically the one that was flushed with maybe a few days cure had a way better taste now with a lttle cure then the ones that were cured down... they all have a similar taste but the uncured one is a tad stronger with not being cured taht long.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
I would also say his drying and curing is not good enough to rid the plant of said taste.
My curing is great, but H.P was right, I probably did give them little over?

I'm still a noob my self.But I can cure, and the strain was great stuff.

If you grow all organic I can see not flushing, but next harvest will just run water that week.