fuckin' sucks to be youcant install am running windows 7 64bit
cant install am running windows 7 64bit
Wine doesn't support WPF and probably never willruns fine for me in winprox64. Cant get wine to run it in linux thoport??
If you post the full details I can help though, sorry just need a little more info than that. If you can post the entire error message that would be best...fuckin' sucks to be you
I had some documentation a while back but it got outdated so fast I just removed it. Autotrack basically just tracks the hours your equipment was ran based on the light cycle, accumulating the total hours (so you know when to change a bulb for example). You want to commit the autotrack time before you change the light cycle anytime to keep it current, I will work on implementing this better once I get the new UI I'm workong on now out.Hey, I've been using this for a few months and love it!
I was looking for info about the auto tracking but the link i found further back in the thread doesn't work.
Is there a document you could point me to? thanks
I had some documentation a while back but it got outdated so fast I just removed it. Autotrack basically just tracks the hours your equipment was ran based on the light cycle, accumulating the total hours (so you know when to change a bulb for example). You want to commit the autotrack time before you change the light cycle anytime to keep it current, I will work on implementing this better once I get the new UI I'm workong on now out.
You just need to point it at mono.exe, hit save and then hit on. The listbox should populate with the url(s) that it's serving up, you can double click from there to launch the url. Here's how mine is set:
View attachment 2242212
Thanks! Didn't know that existed, I'll definitely put that in soon!Why don't you think about integrating the http://en.seedfinder.eu/api/ seedfinder api. This way stats etc. can be auto imported with strains all in the database. It'd be even awesomer, and shouldn't be that hard. Thanks!