DIY Natural Gas co2 Generator

you really have the ablity to be fully creative just give it some thought
there are some basic rules to follow make sure you get a few CO detectors (co is not co2)
inside the room outside the room in your bed rooms just to be safe 8 out of 10 chance they will never go off theres nothing to worry about but still be safe
you really have the ablity to be fully creative just give it some thought
there are some basic rules to follow make sure you get a few CO detectors (co is not co2)
inside the room outside the room in your bed rooms just to be safe 8 out of 10 chance they will never go off theres nothing to worry about but still be safe

Also want to make sure you understand that this DIY setup is strictly meant to be implemented for a closed/sealed grow room. I had one guy PM me to see if he could vent these exhaust gases into his walk in closet in an upstairs bedroom for his 3 plants...I swear some people have no common sense what so ever.
Also want to make sure you understand that this DIY setup is strictly meant to be implemented for a closed/sealed grow room. I had one guy PM me to see if he could vent these exhaust gases into his walk in closet in an upstairs bedroom for his 3 plants...I swear some people have no common sense what so ever.
i always forget to add this
i just asume everyone grows in a sealed grow room :wall:

and just to add to what you were saying this setup is also for mid - large grow ops. for the grower who has a dedecated grow room
not a few plants in a closet or tent or box type of setup
This is an awesome idea that I have been using for over a year with only good results. I do have CO meters at every entrance to my house and the water heater is constantly being fed with fresh air. Great cheap CO2.
Excellent post people. I have been thinking along these lines myself for a while, but I was thinking of plumbing in the air intake on a air compresser into the stack of the WH. Then when the ole lady takes her shower you do a cycle to pres. up your tank, then run that through a regulater and do the math as to how much needed. My problem is I dont have a co2 monitor to do my readings yet, but its in the works. any how just another idea, maybe someone with a monitor could try it out and let me know. 907
I want to also agree with the one who said to put carbon monoxide detectors in all your rooms if your doing this.
Carbon monoxide is lighter than air, so a carbon monoxide leak will actually start filling the upper areas of a building. You may have safe or no reading in a basement room while a 2nd floor may be building up dangerous levels.
"IF" you happen to notice something is going wrong in the building, e.g. being tired, and others feeling sick, you may have VERY LITTLE time to get out into fresh air. Even then, if you get out you may still have enough carbon monoxide in your body it could be too late without medical attention. The carbon monoxide in your system will actually cross the lung blood barrier easier than oxygen and it will prevent new oxygen from getting into your blood stream before the C.monoxide has a chance to leave your body.

How do I know? I got sick from it from using a kerosene heater that malfunctioned. I woke up like I was drunk, and the windows had a soot layer on it. The wick was not adjusted right.

This is some dangerous stuff. Tread lightly on taking risks with it.

BS - the reason that kerosene is widely used as an indoor heating fuel is that it does not release CO when burned.
Also love that some are scared shitless of it, ha.. SOooo doing it in my 11x12 room ASAP, somehow...

I got 2 options as i see it:

1) Water heater is outside in the 100+ desert heat of my patio closet, probably doesn't have to run a lot in such heat. It's aprox 25ft from grow. Has two stacks, 1 on top, 1 down at the bottom by burner. I assume the one from the burner is the one i want? It runs up into the attic about 15ft high, then could be Y'ed off and run to the grow room 25' away, than dropped right down on the plants. Too far a run?..

2) Gas dryer right on the other side of the grow room wall. Doesn't get used much, but i could set it to run as needed, just not sure how to get the CO2 from it best... thoughts?

First things first, buying CO meters. Any advice in the mean time would be appreciated. Can't believe this thread has been dead for so long, too good of an idea to not promote!

Actually i think the duct to the bottom is an air in vent FOR the burner, the stack on top is the one i see you Y'd off, duh,.. sorry, so excited to get this working!
I want to also agree with the one who said to put carbon monoxide detectors in all your rooms if your doing this.
Carbon monoxide is lighter than air, so a carbon monoxide leak will actually start filling the upper areas of a building. You may have safe or no reading in a basement room while a 2nd floor may be building up dangerous levels.
"IF" you happen to notice something is going wrong in the building, e.g. being tired, and others feeling sick, you may have VERY LITTLE time to get out into fresh air. Even then, if you get out you may still have enough carbon monoxide in your body it could be too late without medical attention. The carbon monoxide in your system will actually cross the lung blood barrier easier than oxygen and it will prevent new oxygen from getting into your blood stream before the C.monoxide has a chance to leave your body.

How do I know? I got sick from it from using a kerosene heater that malfunctioned. I woke up like I was drunk, and the windows had a soot layer on it. The wick was not adjusted right.

This is some dangerous stuff. Tread lightly on taking risks with it.

CO2" IS HEVEYER THAN AIR AND CAN POOL IN A BASEMENT 2 lung's full of high concentration co2 will kill you in seconds so on the ground floor co2 reeadings will be normal you step in to the basement and before you can check your meter or hear youre alam youre unconsious on on the way to deaths door,, co2 lighter than air its not frigging hydrogen dude, youre info could cost someone thare life
Hey 'stranger', you might want to learn to read, than comment,.. you never noticed the 50 thousand warnings already in this very thread?...
You sir, should not do this, because you've proven too stupid to read. Others who actually have two brain cells to rub together on the other hand, go crazy. Save the planet and your wallet. Just hope enough of us to save it for idiots like you.
CO" IS HEVEYER THAN AIR AND CAN POOL IN A BASEMENT 2 lung's full of high concentration co2 will kill you in seconds so on the ground floor co2 reeadings will be normal you step in to the basement and before you can check your meter or hear youre alam youre unconsious on on the way to deaths door,, co2 lighter than air its not frigging hydrogen dude, youre info could cost someone thare life
CO2 is heavier than air.. CO is close to the same, so factors like humidity need to be considered to determine the riskiest regions..
sorry i did ment dioxide co2, not carbon-monoxide... eg 1 carbon to 1 oxygen ratio ( burning fules releses h20 humidity) . it was just the way the guy said it was lighter than air and would go straight to the top of the house (it might do when hot), evrey mecanic knows the dangers of working in a car repair pit (if engine has been runing the co2 can pool in it) the guy that says i dint read the fourm i did thats how i found that quote but i dint read further than thair did he resd the quote and what i said? , i liked it when someone mentiond haveing an automated carbon monoxide venting system eg a detector that opens the valve to a split off from the boiler exorst duct to the seald grow room when the co2 levels get to low, when enugth is in the grow room shuts it off then vents the room after the co2 levels drop and repeats the process.
i remember reading the guy (thred starter) was venting the heat in to his atic (loft) which i thinks doggey becuse of police thermal imageing would see his house loft light up quiet badly in comparison to his naybours heat signitures so 2000w of lights an aircon and heat from his boiler exorst, i think i personally would have tryed to have attached it to or made it vent from the original boiler vent becuse heat coming from thare is normal.

huh ive just realised if youre venting from the grow room in to youre loft isnt the used co2 gona end up in youre house and you dont have a meter? you should be ok with the alarm, and i supose you could actually run the used air from the grow in to youre boiler from the air in side?... hmm but then it'd almost be a closed loop co2, aircond system (dose it dehumidifi) still gotta vent the ac and have an air supply in to the room ?

i dont know i hope this stranger without 2 brain cells manadged to give yourse some good food for thought?
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and dude as you said this is for mid to large scale operations i dont think these plants are going to need me to rig up a co2 system,, i could use abottled heater but i have no gas supply to my property >.< eather and the exorst air from the grow goes in to my living room after the carbon filter as its normally cold whare i live so most of the time im making a saveing of not having to run a boiler ( night electric 1-3kw per room storage heater) would it be practical for you to do this no becuse you need the co2 from youre boiler and the co2 means you probibly dont want to be heating youre house with youre grow rooms exorst gas so whos saveing the planit, i get my fresh air from the wall cavity (stocking over it to prevent bugs ) ive seald the door frame with plastic sheeting i cant afford for pepole to smell my grow from an outside vent and thare are naybours up down at the sides and diaganily. idealy would use a victorian style housees basment made to look as if filled in with concreat and vent threw the chiney, buy an old army bbunker or burry a container deep in a feild close to a power sorce and reason for exorst vent heat siniture, but im poor underfunded and dont really want to produce enught weed to even supply a social houseing estate for a day or to i just want to brake free from the dealer and thare jokes of 1g £10 in places, i used to buy an ounce a week for £130 he lies now and says he pays around £200+ depending on quality i know he dosent but basicly thare ripin us off if it cost him that much he would stop sellin wish it was legal it'd be just growing in my garden....
CO" IS HEVEYER THAN AIR AND CAN POOL IN A BASEMENT 2 lung's full of high concentration co2 will kill you in seconds so on the ground floor co2 reeadings will be normal you step in to the basement and before you can check your meter or hear youre alam youre unconsious on on the way to deaths door,, co2 lighter than air its not frigging hydrogen dude, youre info could cost someone thare life

you guys have to learn your co and co2 fact.... first 1 is deadly and the other is not ..... but before even thinking of doing this... you need to know what youre doing ... if for a second you think youre not sure bout something STOP and dont do it.. just that simple......... co2 is the same shit they put in soda pop.... lets just leave it at that.. but it will not hurt to have a CO detector..........
and above all CO2 is for SEALED grow rooms/boxs.... any leaks would be a waste of time .. it would be like tring to incress the OX levels in your bedroom by putting a tank in your room under your bed... while the bed room door is cracked open... or running your window a/c with the bedroom door open....... small grows dont need co2 enrichment, wont hurt,, but not needed
haha have you ever just taken a lung full of co2 from a fizzy pop bottle when you were younger i did thats why ive got 1 brain cell lolz. thay dropin in a block of dry ice and shut the lid to fizz pops.

sounds a briliant idea to get co2 in to youre grow as free byproduct of useing the boiler if you have to use a boiler any way, but you do have to plan it all out first dont do it half assed (abit like wireing lights get it wrong and you'll wish you never thought about growing) evryones situation is diffrent (gas supply, boilers, grow rooms, distances, flow rates, tempitures ,humidity, atached to prperty not attached, attended unatended, basement, loft ect ect ect) all play a massive part in how the setup will need to be, for all i know the boiler exorst could be constantly flowing to the grow room then threw a filter to outside and vents out the room when you want to go in obviously youve gota have a method of switching it off / checing its safe to go in. not much else i can say..

i dont plan on doing this tho i was just reading up out of intrest and spotted a guy saying co2 floats so i corected him then got told by some one else the dangers of co2 had been mantioned before so then i tryed to add something usefull to the thread and here i am again, if i told you the things ive read out of intrest some would make you wounder who i am but i do it without intention