Well-Known Member
So no law then?
there are laws against the stalking that zimm did.
So no law then?
Stalking? Need more than one encounter for it to be considered stalking. Stalking isn't even on the table, only morons, idiots and dumbasses are clinging to that theory anymore, which group do you belong?
Your like the stupid guy that tries to get someone for 6 charges of murder, one for each bullet they fired.
Stalking? Need more than one encounter for it to be considered stalking. Stalking isn't even on the table, only morons, idiots and dumbasses are clinging to that theory anymore, which group do you belong?
Your like the stupid guy that tries to get someone for 6 charges of murder, one for each bullet they fired into the same guy.
I just left the one part that leaves your entire post laying flat on its ass. Like you Dukeofstupid.
Oh and so you know, harrass is a separate word from Stalking. Welcome to the dictionary you idiot.
How about this from the national sherriffs association
"The alleged action of a “self-appointed neighborhood watchman” last month in Sanford, FL significantly contradicts the principles of the Neighborhood Watch Program,” stated NSA Executive Director Aaron D. Kennard, Sheriff (ret.). “NSA has no information indicating the community where the incident occurred has ever even registered with the NSA Neighborhood Watch program.”
“The Neighborhood Watch Program fosters collaboration and cooperation with the community and local law enforcement by encouraging citizens to be aware of what is going on in their communities and contact law enforcement if they suspect something – NOT take the law in their own hands,” continued Executive Director Kennard. “The alleged participant ignored everything the Neighborhood Watch Program stands for and it resulted in a young man losing his life. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Trayvon Martin during this terrible time.”
I just left the one part that leaves your entire post laying flat on its ass. Like you Dukeofstupid.
Oh and so you know, harrass is a separate word from Stalking. Welcome to the dictionary you idiot.
nope, sorry, not in any reasonable persons mind and certainly not enough to pass muster for a trial or any kind of civil action. You're a nut to think those are SEPARATE encounters. Its all just ONE encounter and nothing more, your attempt at being a lawyer is feeble at best, best to stay someone's sidekick instead, then people won't notice your failures so much.3 separate encounters. enjoy that crow, we're enjoying freshly harvested carrots. wife is chopping them for freezing as we speak.
784.048 Stalking;
definitions; penalties.—
nope, sorry, not in any reasonable persons mind and certainly not enough to pass muster for a trial or any kind of civil action. You're a nut to think those are SEPARATE encounters. Its all just ONE encounter and nothing more, your attempt at being a lawyer is feeble at best, best to stay someone's sidekick instead, then people won't notice your failures so much.
Are you attempting to make me, a farmer, jealous with the recanting of your veggie tales?
Mind telling us the malicious part?
You are right, any insane person WOULD agree with you. That aside, no one in their right mind is going to try this type of angle in court, rest assured bucky, your special prosecution is still safe.three encounters.
if i ran away from someone, and that person went looking for me and found me again, i would say that i encountered that person AGAIN. so would anyone else.
i bet my corn is further along than yours is, plowboy.
Sounds like a racist stereotype to me
Which is funny
Because in every movie I have ever seen a bottle being broken before a fight
It is always some white guy doing it
You are right, any insane person WOULD agree with you. That aside, no one in their right mind is going to try this type of angle in court, rest assured bucky, your special prosecution is still safe.
Your corn might be further along, When did yours go to pollination.
see if you can find a black guy holding a broken bottle
uncle buck is still upset because his clones will not root LOL noob
Mind telling us the malicious part?
It's a single instance when it all happens within 10 minutes time, you can't "Stalk" someone in 10 minutes.mine already have several ears a piece on them. should be a week or two until i'm chowing down.
if i run away from someone i just encountered, and they seek me out and find me again, then we have just encountered each other again, for a second time.
by your definition, my wife and i have only ever encountered each other once.
everything said here is true it's just not the point of the book (haven't read it so fwiw). I think the point is we are captivated by the Zimmerman/Martin case yet ignore the same things happening all over the country because it's too uncomfortable to talk about. Look at all of the knee jerk racist accusations (don't know the history of this forum very well so I'm out of that loop and am still taking posts at face value) in this thread just for pointing this fact out. It's like when someone says the problem with Detroit is we are not paying for these underprivileged kids college and you point out that there is only a 30% graduation rate from high school, let's fix that before we worry about college and get called a racist for it.
It's way over used. White people use entirely too much mayo. Black people drink too much kool-aide. Both statements are racist but only one inflames the masses. Weird times we live in.
So if I call you an asshole, that means I intend to do you harm? LOL I suppose you go around punching everyone who doesn't agree with your point of view and call it self defense eh? Or maybe calling a person a goon is the same as shankin' their ass huh? and the proper defense is to shoot first ask questions later?"these assholes always get away" "fucking goons"