DIY Natural Gas co2 Generator

Mike Holmes dislikes this thread..
whos he? the quality home inspector guy?
yeh to meny pepole make major alterations to make a grow room just make shaw you can reverse them, becuse one day you will move home / grow place and well we dont want them to know weve been growing indoor tomatos by the masses and if youre propertys rented crikey what about a home inspection and when you move as i-n-i dont wana piss of a landlord at the same time leting them know about the tomatos becuse thay will probibly go to the police and charge you for the repairs, for me its nothing that poly filler wont fix
Mike Holmes dislikes this thread..

lmfao.... whats really funny is i understand this joke..... and both of his shows are my favs.. wonder if he would ever come to the usa.... canada just dont seem the same house wise ... but mike homes knows his shit.....
whos he? the quality home inspector guy?
yeh to meny pepole make major alterations to make a grow room just make shaw you can reverse them, becuse one day you will move home / grow place and well we dont want them to know weve been growing indoor tomatos by the masses and if youre propertys rented crikey what about a home inspection and when you move as i-n-i dont wana piss of a landlord at the same time leting them know about the tomatos becuse thay will probibly go to the police and charge you for the repairs, for me its nothing that poly filler wont fix

like you said doing this would be like wirering your own light setup.... when i come across those threads i look right pass them knowing that there not for me...LOL no matter how often the op says real ez todo diy ballast and light remote rigging and setup.... that shit seems super dangerous.... but the sad fact is some ass will try that and or this and kill himself ........... my rule is if after reading the title and the first post of the thread and i still need it explained to me again, then that might be some shit that i need not be tring .....
He knows his shit, but he is about 3x more anal than reasonable ppl on his shows.. 5000yrs from now those houses are going to be gone, not monuments to the almighty contractor..:)
He knows his shit, but he is about 3x more anal than reasonable ppl on his shows.. 5000yrs from now those houses are going to be gone, not monuments to the almighty contractor..:)

and i also think that, if the tv was not there, would he do the same shit any other contractor would do... most of the time he dont even say how much the shit cost to do..
just some info i put together that should shed some light on this topic
thought i posted it befor but here it goes again..... also for new readers CO2 (dioxide) is not the same as CO (monocide)


so you dont have to go back :

here is my personal spin on it using alcohol:
now this is fucking dangerous.. when i start my next grow i will be trying this... but this would need a dedecated room ... and i would


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Good info That 5hit! Maybe pictures are what people need to finally get it.

So get this awesome shit,..
I automated the fan sucking co2 from the water heater. With an $8 Fireplace Fan Blower Heat Activation Switch. Placement of it, so it can heat up enough, but not so hot it melts was a bit tricky, but i managed to find the sweet spot with a cooking temp probe while the WH was running. I placed it on top of the WH, right where the chimney stack has an opening. I leaned it inward just a bit over that heat hole. Now the fan kicks on every time the water heater fires up. Now i will watch the co2 meter, and adjust the fan speed, to control the co2 added to my grow. So for like $40 total i just automated the adding of quite a bit of free co2 to my grow room. I just took a shower, and watched the co2 level go up on my cell, viewing the camera feed from my room. It's awesome to not have to go in there and see shit working right :)
My rooms still not as sealed as id like, but even getting a few hour long spikes of the stuff everyday is better than nothing. Even in less than optimally sealed room i feel like for most of the lights on period i'll be able to successfully tweak fan speed to maintain a pretty nice level of co2 in there. This is so cool!

Folks have got to get educated on how CO (the bad stuff) is created, and stop being dumb pussies. This way is free, your plants want it, and it reduces co2 emissions for the planet vs adding co2 in another way. It's such a good deal, it might be worth the deaths of a few total dumbasses who after doing this, then block fresh air from getting to there WH, and run without a CO meter. If you didn't get that last line, you're that dumbass, proceed to the first page and this thread and re-read.
One little point about the aging process, the reason wine beverages and alcohol main fermenters have air hair is to remove pattern, fruits goes and oxygen. When O2 is existing in the mash the fungus will generate more MeOH.
I just randomly ran into this one again, bringing it back from the dead I guess but a note I had... my water heater does not have a metal exhaust it's a modern unit with a blower attached to the top and PVC plumbing attached to that about 3" I'd guess... No metal in mine at all, not sure if it's a different type pf exhaust or what but this blower/plumbing is literally 12" from the wall of my grow room. This would be the easiest run ever but not sure if mine operates differently in some way. I'm not planning on doing this but my basement layout is so perfectly ideal if I was.

Since mine is PVC it seems as if you could simply tap into it with a smaller (1 inch or so) piece of plumbing with a quality PVC ball valve and turn it off at anytime if safety became a concern, I was thinking having a smaller tube would help regulate and keep the levels from getting too rapidly out of hand and maybe even getting some kind of electronic control valve/flange that could be attached to a CO2 controller. I have seen things like this put into the exhaust of modified cars plenty of times, flip a switch and you're running open downpipe in 2 seconds, I'd imagine the same principle could be applied here.

EDIT: I see someone said something similar on page 11 now... same basic idea but with metal exhaust which I don't have.
I love this-> "I'm not planning on doing this but".......... heres exactly what I'm thinking if doing. haha.
I say, if you follow the norm you'll have normal weed, and fuck the goodie goodies who'll tell you its unsafe. If they had a clue of how to do it safely themselves like you do, they'd be doing it too. Mines been supplementing fine for over a year. I actually want to redo it and get more from it somehow if i can. I get bursts of 1500 but unless you have a co2 meter/controller set to shut everything off and seal the vents, and a really tightly sealed room, I won't maintain 1500 for long. I run neg vac a lot vs paying for AC. Still bursts of co2 is better than nothing, and a whole lot better use of the co2 we all produce every time we take a shower than dumping it into the atmosphere. You don't even have to be a treehugger to get that. Just do it already!


Haha. I was actually probably going to run a Hydro Innovations MiniGen since it's tiny and so is my room (8x8x7) since I hear it hardly adds any heat at all (without the liquid cooling even) and a decent sized propane tank will last for months. I really think this idea is awesome though and yeah, I guess by putting thought into it I was considering it (maybe still am) lol.
I want to also, i want the constant 1500 ppm right out the box too, but I know its smarter to just redesign the box I live in the way it should have been. My shit's danker than 90% out there as is, so I just can't justify $500, and adding to the co2 problem when all it takes is a little redesign of the box I live in. One of these days i'll get it sealed and the fans & AC on proper timers so it holds the co2 i put in long enough, but before that i'll probably just move outside and well,.. no, then i'll start thinking of diverting my home's co2 to an outdoors greenhouse, haha man i'm so heartbroken i just saw this property one day after it rented, 2 acres, 5 min from the big city, fuuuuuckk!! I gotta get out of this box!

by the way dude,... just do it :)