Organic Soil Mix


Well-Known Member
I am trying different recipies for a soil mix.
I have been useing
Sunshine #4
FoxFarm Ocean Forrest
I want to fortifie the nitrogen and phosphorus
Was wondering if I could use different bat gauno each being high in one of the two, nitrogen and phosphorus.
What is fritted trace elements?
If you are not useing worm castings for nitrogen do you still need it?
Where can I find dolomite lime?
So what do you think?


Active Member
If your using fox farms Ocean forrestyou should try mixing it with Light warrior. If their in veg mode, due about a half and half because ocean forrest by itself will burn the youngling.


Well-Known Member
I just found this plant nursery outside of my town and they have THE PERFECT home blend for pot. It's completely organic with no nutes, so i can mold my plants from scratch They wouldn't give me the recipe or I'd pass it along....I know this doesn't really contribute ,BUT DAMN I'M HAPPY.


Well-Known Member
I just found this plant nursery outside of my town and they have THE PERFECT home blend for pot. It's completely organic with no nutes, so i can mold my plants from scratch They wouldn't give me the recipe or I'd pass it along....I know this doesn't really contribute ,BUT DAMN I'M HAPPY.
what did they like tell you its perfect for pot or is it advertised like that?lol

Fallen Buckshot

ahh maybe you miss understood and they said perfect mix for pots :P