mohammedans are the least accepting group on the planet. if you live near them you must either adopt their ways, pay the jizya and hide your beliefs or move someplace they havent colonised yet. this is not anti moslem, this is not racism, this is truth, plain and simple.
mohammedanism, like all abrahemic cults breeds violence and a desire for dominance. before an abrahemic can be right, everyone eles must be absolutely wrong about everything they hold dear. the jews have grown out of this behavior, and now live harmoniously with every denomination, religion, ethinic group and race in the world, except those who practice violent conversion pogrom and extermination of any who dont follow their ways. to whit... moslems and the most insanely fundamentalist christians.
living near a jewish enclave means occaisional yiddish phrases in conversation, seeing people who like dark clothing and hats, and an upsurge in small retail outlets.
living near a christain fundamentalist enclave exposes one to the annoying antics best exemplified by the westboro baptists, and people who pass out Jack Chick religious tracts.
living near a moslem enclave means:
you cant have dogs in public service
you cant express an opinion that moslems oppress women
you cant mention anything that might be considered haraam
you cant have a statue of the buddha
no prayer in schools? thats only for everybody else, not moslems.
drivers licenses and passports which require a photo do NOT require a photo for special people with special needs, and state laws forbidding wearing masks are discriminatory now.
demanding everyone else accept moslem's unreasonable wackado religious rituals as some sort of special right held only by moslems is fundamental to their mindset. in nations where mohammedan rule is the law everyone must abide by their restrictions, but in other lands we must bend over backwards to accommodate their clownish gris gris.
must we now accept the claim that any information provided by a dirty evil jew is a lie? i guess farfour the mujahadeen mouse isnt rampant jew hatred directed at the youngest children that one could reasonably expect to fall for brainwashing? yet ist the jews who are biased.
you obviously did not examine the information provided, including the text in it's original persian, with english translations made by noted experts on these languages who are NOT jews, or even israeli.
yeah it's the jews who are biased. really.