Flowering While Root Bound?


Well-Known Member
How is that possible? That throws the whole bigger roots = bigger fruits idea out the window!! What are you feeding them?
1/3 of the fert the directions call for ....once a week...rest of the waterings water

You don't have to prove shit to ANYBODY. I didn't mean to come off like a dick that's just how I talk, my apologies. But yeah that is just so impressive that it makes it hard to believe, if that makes sense. How much you yield out of those 6 inch cups on average?
The flowering plant in the cup produced 40.5 gs dry...you easily average 35 gs


Well-Known Member
You don't have to prove shit to ANYBODY. I didn't mean to come off like a dick that's just how I talk, my apologies. But yeah that is just so impressive that it makes it hard to believe, if that makes sense. How much you yield out of those 6 inch cups on average?
Like I said, just goes to show that all the fuss ppl make about shit being root bound is retarded.


Well-Known Member
well ive been thinkin about this because i use a 5 gallon bucket and my plants getting 3 feet and taller everyday so im worried about what might happen to my little girl.
I would say it will be alright...By the end of flower every plant I have is always mostly roots in the pot...


Well-Known Member
I transplant from 1/2 gallon to 3 gallon right before flower, and there is one strain I have that needs a 5 gallon before it is all over or it starts to yellow really bad and just look rough...
This go about I planted it straight from the 1/2 to a 7 gallon before flowering..so we'll see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
See I wouldn't go that far...I have a few strains that don't mind a small pot, but I also have a few that if I leave them in a small pot the leaves start to yellow really bad, and it starts to grow all weird and the leaves start to curl over to one side or the other...like half a leaf will be normal sized, but the other half will be small like a bonzai...


Well-Known Member
See I wouldn't go that far...I have a few strains that don't mind a small pot, but I also have a few that if I leave them in a small pot the leaves start to yellow really bad, and it starts to grow all weird and the leaves start to curl over to one side or the other...like half a leaf will be normal sized, but the other half will be small like a bonzai...

Did someone say Bonzi..... hell ya 5 yr old marijuana Bonzi
