Mystery Seed Grow - I named her Molley

I germinated Molley on 6-15 and she sprouted a half inch radicle and was planted on 6-17. As quick as she sprouted I'm hoping for a strong girl to make plenty of clones. I planted her in a medium sized jiffy pot. After two weeks I transplanted her to an 8" pot where she will stay. Unfortunately I had to plant her in Miracle Grow but her babies will go in an organic mix. I am using Fox Farm nutrients Grow Big Big Bloom and Tiger Blood. Right now she is getting 4 ml of Big Bloom and 2ml of Grow Big every other watering. I started that regiment in week 4. I started her under 360 watts under (4) 4' florescent tubes. Yesterday I moved her under (2) 2' bulbs because I moved a cabinet into the closet to seperate the veg from the flower. The room is approximately 4x3x10. I have one 100cfm exhaust fan.

molley 12d.jpgThis is Molley on 6-24

molley 12d (2).jpgAnother view and this is in the 8' pot and the jiffy pot was planted in the center. The mesh dissolves making it pretty easy.:clap:
md32.jpgThis is what the area looked like before i moved in the cabinet. She is sitting under (4) 4' florescent tubes here. This pic is approximately 10 days after the previous pics I posted.

md22.jpgHere is a top down view of her on the same day.

I want to grow perpetual and have some ideas on how to maximize my space by taking advantage of the vertical space.
100cfm.jpgI cut a hole in the ceiling leading to the attic. It is rated at 100cfm and does the job as long as the 400watt HPS isnt running. I will be running 3 florescent ballasts and the HPS soon and would like some feedback as to how to maximize the air flow out of the room. There is no intake , i forget the word for it, but with this running it sucks air through the doors and you can feel it when your inside the room. Can i stack these fans, ie mount them ontop of each other to increase the airflow out. With the HPS and the 4' tubes running the temp hit 90f. Right now the room stays at 82 day and night.

View attachment 2265301md322.jpgThese two pics are close around 2 or 3 days apart. The second one is after I topped her right at the 4th node. Now shes unbelievably bushy on top and the two tops are fairly pronounced and the stem is probably 1/4 inch thick.

m721.jpgThis is her 2 days ago. She is only about 7" tall and looking very nice. Feedback appreciated
Please feel free to post and I will have pictures up tomorrow of my growspace. I am trying to make the absolute most of it and want to throw some ideas around with my fellow gardeners.
So two days ago I began seperating my 4'x3'x10' grow closet into a perpetual setup. I have a 1 1/2' x 3'x 3 1/2' wooden cabinet I added in the corner of the closet. I added a pc fan and a small desk fan to help circulate some air into it. The back of it is open but its against the wall so air is coming in. I mounted two hook screws and a 2 light 18" ballast with adjustable chains for my mother plant and clones. Ontop of the cabinet there is approximately 3 ft of space where I plan on mounting my 2 4' 2 bulb ballasts. I plan on using that area for my plants entering the flowering stage , for 2-4 weeks and then moving them to the floor when they are stronger and putting them under the 400 watt hps. I need help determining the grow cycle for perpetual. I plan on taking clones on the 8th of august when Molley is 2 months old. I have approximately 3' x 1 1/2' of grow space above the cabinet and approx. 4' x 1 1/2' grow space on the floor infront of the cabinet. How far should I space my clones apart so that I have a constant rotation of plants. I plan on letting the clones have 1 week in the dome and 1 week of veg then 8 weeks of flower. If I need to divulge more info for a perpetual grower with experience please let me know. I really look forward to your ideas.
Ok I finally was able to upload my photos. I have the room completely ready minus the fix for the hps heat. I still have a few weeks to sort that out maybe a month. I opted to mount only 2 4fters above the cab for now. I ran out of chains. The hps ballast is mounted to the wall with the vent fan facing up towards the exhaust fan which is only a foot away. With this setup I feel i am maximizing my area. I made the light on the roof the outlet so there is no tale tale signs outside of the door. There was no outlet in the closet so I took the light off and mounted a grounded outlet and ran it to a mounted surgeprotector on the wall to keep all cables away from the floor. The cabinet will be perfect for the nursery/momma plant and there is plenty of space ontop of the cab and on the floor to flower some nugs. The best thing about the cabinet is that it was just collecting dust in the garage. Take a look at the photos and see if you can add any great ideas for me. Any help is appreciated greatly , also you have my permission to post comments as well as photos if they apply to helping a novice harvest a respectable yeild. In one of the pics the momma is droopy, I just flushed her about 35min before the photo. This room is set up for a perpetual grow, so If you have any experience in that area please make suggestions comments.
4fters.jpg4 fters lightsecondview.jpga view coming in the door hps over the floor space to the right is the 4 fter and below it is the nursery cab

topcabspace.jpgthis is the top of the cab with the hps to the left floorspace.jpgthis is the floorspace below the hps and to the left of cab

plugs.jpgheres the plugs temp.jpg inside.jpg a look from just outside the door

lightplug.jpgmy ceiling plug nutes.jpg humdome and nutes closeup.jpg momma

perky.jpg inside cab afterflush.jpgafter a flush.

Hope you sub and bring on the suggestions comments!!!



Active Member
Subbed up and along for the ride. Looking good so far. Not really familiar with your strain, do you know its make up? I know, i can go search but just smoked a bowl and too lazy to do so tonight lol.

Subbed up and along for the ride. Looking good so far. Not really familiar with your strain, do you know its make up? I know, i can go search but just smoked a bowl and too lazy to do so tonight lol.

She's a mystery seed but I recall it was some fire. Got any tips for perpetual as far as how far to space taking clones. mUch appreciated


Active Member
I just realized that when I looked at your title again. My bad, I blame the Crystal Goddess that I am smoking right now. For prepetual as far as I see and my research has shown it is all about how much work you want to do. Me personaly I am spacing it out so I will be harvesting every 3 weeks. So in my 12 station veg I will move group 1 into flower and then move from clones to veg. when I move the clones is when I will be taking the next set of clones so they are well rooted and ready for the end of group 2's veg and so on. But you can set it up to harvest as much as you want, but the more you want to add more plants, the larger your mother needs to be to take enough clones. I veged my mothers before I even started so I can take 15-20 clones at a time without harming the mother. Actually in mine, I think I veged my mothers too long, I am going to have to do a throw away trim pretty soon just due to space constraints to my mother cab. Hopefully that helps.

So say i take 10 clones on tues and veg em 2 wks. Then flip em and cut 10 more I would harvest every 2 weeks once the first batch starts flowering? Wow. The trick is gonna be how many I can run at once w/o running out of space or sanity.


Active Member
Should prolly veg at least 3 weeks brotha, unless you are planing on SOGing and staying really small with just 1 main cola. I am doing mine in a SCROG when they go to the flower room, so depending on my first cycle from my 3 mother plants, i will then decide if i will stay on a 3 week veg or a 4 week veg and just build a second veg station in my veg room so i can still stay on a 3 week harvest schedule. Again its totaly up to you if you are using a mother plant since it will be a mature plant when you go to veg, even though its a clone. still 2 week veg's would be a bit small for my taste.

Should prolly veg at least 3 weeks brotha, unless you are planing on SOGing and staying really small with just 1 main cola. I am doing mine in a SCROG when they go to the flower room, so depending on my first cycle from my 3 mother plants, i will then decide if i will stay on a 3 week veg or a 4 week veg and just build a second veg station in my veg room so i can still stay on a 3 week harvest schedule. Again its totaly up to you if you are using a mother plant since it will be a mature plant when you go to veg, even though its a clone. still 2 week veg's would be a bit small for my taste.

I am doing SOG and if shes an indica or hybrid then I want 10wk turnaround from clone to cut. I am using Molley aka mystery seed as my mother so she will be cranking out the clones once she hits 8 weeks old from seed around the 5th of August. I'm thinking of building a clone machine, I dabbled with hydro last go and built everything myself. I'm certainly no pro and consider myself an acolyte at best but I am well read and researched. I was going thru your first journal and wanted to tell you incase you didn't know that you can have a green bulb in during the sleep period and work in your garden when they are sleeping.


Active Member
I am doing SOG and if shes an indica or hybrid then I want 10wk turnaround from clone to cut. I am using Molley aka mystery seed as my mother so she will be cranking out the clones once she hits 8 weeks old from seed around the 5th of August. I'm thinking of building a clone machine, I dabbled with hydro last go and built everything myself. I'm certainly no pro and consider myself an acolyte at best but I am well read and researched. I was going thru your first journal and wanted to tell you incase you didn't know that you can have a green bulb in during the sleep period and work in your garden when they are sleeping.
I have green bulbs in my rooms, but I still try not to go in there unless it is an emergancy as I dont like letting any light in. I think I know where in that journal you were talking about and pictures arent worth me breaking the light for imo. Thanks for the tip though brotha!

Ok the lights have been on a few hours and I gave her a foiler spray because her stomata was covered in dirt from the flush yesterday. The lower foilage is droopy. Should I give her a couple days to spruce up after the flush? Im leaning towards a couple days. Here are todays updated pics. Looked at some inline fans today, didn't realize home depot had so many.



Active Member
Girls are looking great but I am curious as to something. I havent used 5 gal buckets for soil so I am prolly just missing something but I am wondering how come you left about a gal and a half of soil of room in those buckets. I prolly wont do anything in 5gal buckets and soil for a while, but I love learning new things.
