Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

Most cal mag products are synthetic. An organic one (GO, Biomin Ca, fulmag) would be a gentler option. Also dilute the product into your water before adding your myco product.
How long can a compost tea (aerated with bubbler) sit stangnant and still for before it becomes harmfull to the plant? Can you refridgerate it?

Also does anyone know how long a nettle tea can sit for once finished? and again this nettle tea is anaerobic (stagnant)

I would assume you want to use the teas as fast as possible, but i will have alot so i was wondering if i could save some for another time?
How long can a compost tea (aerated with bubbler) sit stangnant and still for before it becomes harmfull to the plant? Can you refridgerate it?

Also does anyone know how long a nettle tea can sit for once finished? and again this nettle tea is anaerobic (stagnant)

I would assume you want to use the teas as fast as possible, but i will have alot so i was wondering if i could save some for another time?

If it smells bad then I wouldnt use it.
But the nettle tea smells horrible, and its suposed to. Not all organik Nutes smell good, infact most to all organic things smell bad.
but the compost tea smells good, almost sweet. the nettles smell like fuckin shit
If it smells bad then I wouldnt use it.
Does anyone have any updated information on how well Earth Ambrosia and Nectar works?​

I have talked with the guy who makes it, Michael, while working for the wholesale distributor of his product. Thank god breaking that stank stuff down was not my job, the ambrosia was always totally hydrogen sulfide headache and all. The managers finally bought the guy a mask who did have to do it. Michael didn't believe me that fulvic acid was real or any different from humic. His product is highly variable batch to batch and I would not recommend it. He claims it is real stable because the organisms (nectar) and their food source (ambrosia) are separate.

Michael developed his myco products as land rejuvinators for depleted NM soils and also for his native tree nursery 'trees that please', then started an organic lawn care company, and now sells his products retail as well. He boasts super high spore counts and they are matched by super high prices. His powdered pure mycos mycomaxima is $88 in its smallest size at a local shop here! Michael is quite a talker if you can get him on the phone. He is very academic and tries to use big words to impress and explain that his stuff is better than everyone else's.

I used it (EN/EA) in a demo garden in side by side tests vs cheaper and pricier innoculants and it never was near the top of the heap. The plants on the cheaper and pricier ones always looked better than the local smart guys product. I don't know what it is but it made chile plants grow more kinky and asymmetrical than the other innocs they were normal in all other aspects. It is not designed for container gardening per se. He tried to make a coco based mix that was a major flop when I tested it in containers too. It was like a cow patty on top from too much compost and lack of drainage. He never gave us a second batch to test. The guy and his products are not dedicated to our industry at all, in fact he used to love going through the shop and trash talking most of the products they sell as their bread and butter.
Wow thank you for the very helpful post! I notice Great White is the thing around here.... I am guessing this stuff is some good stuff ey?
GW is good. It has trichoderma fungi which are a good thing but can outcompete the other fungi in the inoc. The spore count and concentration is great.
ive just bought some myco fungi,can i top dress the plants that are already in their final pots and water it in??? or is it best used while transplanting?
If you're already flowering there won't be enough time for the mycorizae to develop, best done @ transplants and @ the root zone.

If you're going to "topdress" try making some holes to get the granules/powder down into the root zone & then water.
Knnthc93.... Glad to see my old thread is still in play. I like to add mine to chlorine free water in a five gallon bucket and bubble them overnight using a cheap aquarium air pump. That helps increase the beneficial bacteria count, hydrates the myco fungi, and stablilizes the pH. I only adjust pH right before use, if it's below 5.5 or above 6.4. I like the pH at 6.1, which is the sweet spot for soil, hydro and coco.
The product I use is Super Plant Tonic by Blue Moutain Organics. It's got both beneficial bacteria and fungi, with Azomite added. It works as well as higher priced brands, and the company that makes it, does fresh batches often. IME I've seen 10 to 15 % increases in my yields, since I started using it 5 years ago. It's the only thing that comes in a bottle, that I buy on a regular basis. It runs about $ 7 a bottle plus shipping, they sell it on Ebay.
Here's a girl I used it on, from the week 3 of veg, and half way through flowering...... Chopped her this morning.....


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I used paul staments myco pack on my 1st big grow and it was amazing..I dipped clone roots in just a lil brown dust and put em in promix and used botanicare..1st harvest was over 6lbs...I since have use it all,went to the store and got an off brand we called "the sprinkles" and its done o.k. I guess..nothing like staments trying great white (free sample with an awesome big sticker :-) ) so ill see what it doo...but I have all my cards on paul stament...and I read this whole thread and noticed @5 references to him also...
I also use stamets' fungiperfecti mycogrow its the cheapest and has the most trich and bacteria. Hes not a weed dude hes a mushroom dude and knows his shit. Paul Stamets.