AACT, Bloom Tea, Veg Tea, Fungal Tea, Myco Tea, recipes from the outdoor guys.

Dude, ppl are pulling 112g/sq ft.
Im running GMO now and its absolutely amazing. Clones vegged 2-3wks are about to pull over an oz

12/12 from seed is not at all the same as growing from clone.

Seeds always take a month longer veg time than clones to get ro the same size

No one is pulling a quarter pound per square foot. You just said one xlone vegged 3 weeks pulls over an oz. That will take up over a square foot.
12/12 from seed is not at all the same as growing from clone.

Seeds always take a month longer veg time than clones to get ro the same size

No one is pulling a quarter pound per square foot. You just said one xlone vegged 3 weeks pulls over an oz. That will take up over a square foot.
Growing 4clones per sq ft.
Veg and Pest/Disease Defense Tea

Ingredients are per 15 gallons of water

3 cups alfalfa meal
1.5 cups kelp meal
1.5 cups neem meal
1.5 cups crab/lobster shell meal
0.5 cup humid/fulvic acid liquid supplemental
No molasses! This is not a microbe tea. This tea is more for the extraction of PGR's.

Brew time: 2-7 days depending on ambient temp. The hotter it is the shorter it will take to bring the Brew to a finish. The longer you leave it the stronger it gets.

Strain and spray brew undiluted while wearing clothes you don't mind staining and getting super stinky. It's a good idea to spray at a time when you know you're going to shower right after haha. You will notice results almost immediately from a foliar spray.

Soil drench at a ratio of 1:1 diluted with fresh RO or non-chlorinated tap water.

When finished dump the remaining organic matter into outdoor garden or onto mulch of vegging plants and gently rake in with your fingers without disturbing roots.

This one is ready and going on its 3rd day.View attachment 4377393
I bumped it up to 12 cups alfalfa pellets and 3/4 cup humic/fulvic acid. This one is without the crab and neem meal. Been bubbling for about 12 hrs.20190922_015624.jpg
Heres a little fact for you thats been known around the forum... i was one of teh first people on here to bring the organic's section to life, why? Because i am an expert in the subject..... i was trained and educated at the Vancouver island university in the Horticultural Technician program. i was one of the first people in Modern organics to start breaking rules that people were seen as "taboo" such as using MEAT as a fertilizer (we use fish, why not others?) And Using Organic ester's of Phosphoric acid to produce Viable Organic Fertilizers.... i've Worked for major corporations helping develop fertalizer regime's AND before i had my degree i helped the University Of Montana develop their Nutrient management program.... http://landresources.montana.edu/nm/

P.S: This isn't the 1950's and Microscopes are CHEAP.... seriously, $300 (1 Oz)... http://www.ebay.com/itm/40X-2000X-L...oscope-with-3D-Stage-USB-Imager-/200841810689

People wonder why this forum is going to shit, then they refuse to accept information by those who have actually WORKED for it....

Edit: Before you go spouting off some more BS here's a little doc on the Essential nutrients needed for plant life... they have to come from somewhere, they cant be cooked out if they are not already in the soil in proper amounts.... and for them to be there in the proper amounts they need to be ADDED... http://www.ncagr.gov/agronomi/pdffiles/essnutr.pdf

and MAYBE you should advise people to actual TEST THEIR SOIL, that way they know whats actually going on and not fucking everything up on your word. when i give recommendations its generalized balanced fertilizers that willWhy not cause damage by throwing fertilizer amounts out of alignment...http://www.ebay.com/itm/RAPITEST-PR...4?pt=US_Garden_Tools&var=&hash=item3f302905b6

Why did you pick krill?
I want to do AACT to compliment my all purpose organic bloom fertilizer. If I'm starting with just EWC, kelp meal, and molasses, what would I add for a PK boost in mid to late flowering?
I am thinking langbeinite and high P guano. Are these OK in AACT? Does this combo sound good for late flower?

Is there a good free source that explains individual ingredients in depth?

And I have a full bottle of Humboldt Honey Natural, would this be acceptable to use in an AACT? If nothing else just so I don't waste it and have to buy more carbs.
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I want to do AACT to compliment my all purpose organic bloom fertilizer. If I'm starting with just EWC, kelp meal, and molasses, what would I add for a PK boost in mid to late flowering?
I am thinking langbeinite and high P guano. Are these OK in AACT? Does this combo sound good for late flower?

Is there a good free source that explains individual ingredients in depth?

And I have a full bottle of Humboldt Honey Natural, would this be acceptable to use in an AACT? If nothing else just so I don't waste it and have to buy more carbs.
I would use only ewc and molasses in the aact. And make a separate nutrient tea with some high guano and kelp meal added into the mix for a pk boost.
Is there a good free source that explains individual ingredients in depth?


Very nice thanks! I finally placed my orders today to go full organic and ROLS. This site is so helpful! Thanks grow heroes!
Cool thread. I'm wondering if Tennessee Brown Rock is water soluble--was thinking of adding this for phosphorus in a tea for flowering. I added TBR as a soil amendment at the start of the year and as a topdressing mid-way through veg., but now wondering if I put it in tea if it would be immediately available to the plants.

Cool thread. I'm wondering if Tennessee Brown Rock is water soluble--was thinking of adding this for phosphorus in a tea for flowering. I added TBR as a soil amendment at the start of the year and as a topdressing mid-way through veg., but now wondering if I put it in tea if it would be immediately available to the plants.

I've got a bag of that. I haven't used it much because I cant find any info on application rates. I believe I read somewhere a little goes a long ways. Where have you heard of it? What prompted you to buy it? I was talked into it years ago when I was still listening to the grow shop employees.

I now use fish bone meal for phosphorus.
My wife had a bag of it from years ago. I researched it before using and it, popular with organic farmers and heavy in phosphorus and calcium. Will try and get more data on application rates. As a soil amendment I just went with my soil report's recommendations in terms of pounds per thousand square feet and did the math, using the percentage of phosphorus listed on the bag (it was high--32 as I recall).
My wife had a bag of it from years ago. I researched it before using and it, popular with organic farmers and heavy in phosphorus and calcium. Will try and get more data on application rates. As a soil amendment I just went with my soil report's recommendations in terms of pounds per thousand square feet and did the math, using the percentage of phosphorus listed on the bag (it was high--32 as I recall).
I just found 300-500 lbs to an acre. Seems like a lot. I suppose one could break that down to a square/yd/foot.
Hi just wondered if I could get a little help.
I am making a tea containing the following- stingy nettles,moss,spinach leaves and compost (homemade).
The compost is a mix of kitchen waste,grass,leaves, old crop roots nettles and horse manure.
My question is how long can I keep this brewing and once I add it to my feed schedule diluted of course how long before it's no good.
I am new to organics and am loving it best of all it costs little when you have everything you need outside and not in a store.
Here is a few pics of how first organic is going.
The one on back right I fimmed at third node, One at back in middle I have defoliated and the rest I have done lst they are all Louis macrons.
The small pot in the front center is some sort of Thai strain
According to the most recent Compost Tea Brewing Manual (5th edition) by Dr. Elaine Ingham, the key to extending the life of your tea lies in the amount of available oxygen and food. That is, if you can't use all of your compost tea immediately after brewing, keep aerating it and consider adding small amounts of food after 2-3 days. If you want to get technical, we recommended that you use a meter to monitor dissolved oxygen levels. You want to make sure these levels stay above 6ppm.

If the microorganisms in your compost tea have adequate oxygen and food, they will continue to survive. BUT, and that's a big but, this can't go on for long...

How Long Does Compost Tea Keep? (compostjunkie.com)
Hi everyone just brewed my first tea, it contains spinich,nettles,comfrey, TSP of mollasses,brown sugar and honey.
I have brewed it for 24hrs and used 1litre tea to 7 litres of water with 15ml of seaweed extracts and will use the rest in 72 hrs (next feed). Plants have started 2nd week in to flower.IMG_20201203_142953.jpgwith being in flower should I apply the tea every feed or every other.
Plants are in a homemade compost,peat and perlite mix under a 250hps this run is a compost test and to see if new cross will have picked up the French macrons Hermie trait , hope not but we will see in next 2-4 weeks. Any information on hippie teas is appriciated.
People dont eat Cow manure ethier, Yet we know how good it is for growing plants.... Hmmm.... Also, Guano's and Manures Pastureize themselves. its a well known fact that poop heats up as it degrades, when in large piles it pasturizes its self when turned.

#1 compost piles, Especialy OLD compost piles (From way back in the day) were made up of Naturaly grown organic mulch. if you had a compost, it was because you had a garden... the compost is a Direct result of things Humans do not eat....

#2 Your Grama's compost would have been made specificly from things humans DONT eat. remember, 50+ years ago people ate EVERYTHING on their plates. the husks and shells were the only things thrown away.

Based on common sense you would THINK and realize "Oh shit, if i put Alfalfa that PH 5 into my PH 7 soil, it will Mess shit up". THATS common sense..... but common sense isn't so common anymore, we have gone through a massive dumbing down of society.
Totally agree with there being a massive dumbing down of society.
It's what we in the UK call the snowflake generation. Too busy with heads stuck in computers indoors rather than getting out and getting dirty I remember a time when we didn't have mobile phone and internet. You actually had to go out and find shit, Google has made life to easy which means we is getting soft hell my nieces and nephews can't even climb a flipping tree.
Totally agree with there being a massive dumbing down of society.
It's what we in the UK call the snowflake generation. Too busy with heads stuck in computers indoors rather than getting out and getting dirty I remember a time when we didn't have mobile phone and internet. You actually had to go out and find shit, Google has made life to easy which means we is getting soft hell my nieces and nephews can't even climb a flipping tree.
totally agree my step son is 17 years old we had a fox in our garden so I called him to come take a look quietly he was like wow didn’t know we had foxes in the U.K. then off he goes back to his Xbox think it’s so sad
Hi everyone just brewed my first tea, it contains spinich,nettles,comfrey, TSP of mollasses,brown sugar and honey.
I have brewed it for 24hrs and used 1litre tea to 7 litres of water with 15ml of seaweed extracts and will use the rest in 72 hrs (next feed). Plants have started 2nd week in to flower.View attachment 4759272with being in flower should I apply the tea every feed or every other.
Plants are in a homemade compost,peat and perlite mix under a 250hps this run is a compost test and to see if new cross will have picked up the French macrons Hermie trait , hope not but we will see in next 2-4 weeks. Any information on hippie teas is appriciated.
With your comfrey and nettles you would get more out of them by steeping them in a bucket for a couple of months ☮️
With your comfrey and nettles you would get more out of them by steeping them in a bucket for a couple of months ☮
Would that be
With your comfrey and nettles you would get more out of them by steeping them in a bucket for a couple of months ☮
By steeping them is this done in water and leave it to go like mulch will do for next one but am two weeks in to flower so not possible this time. I have added nettles and comfrey to my composting heap as well for next time, I decided to go organic because am tired of buying weed from people using chem feeds (nothing wrong with chem feeds have used in the past it's a personal choice.)
I am quite amazed how easy organic growing is once you have your basics sorted the rest is simple and with a little extra help from the more experienced growers on this site you can achieve your goals.
Yes just fill a bucket with comfrey leaves and fill with water you can chop comfrey up which will speed the process up a little put a lid on as it stinks like the death
With your latest brew you could top dress with the left over leaves also take a look into worms and ewc as they are key to organic growing imo ☮️