Veg and Pest/Disease Defense Tea
Ingredients are per 15 gallons of water
3 cups alfalfa meal
1.5 cups kelp meal
1.5 cups neem meal
1.5 cups crab/lobster shell meal
0.5 cup humid/fulvic acid liquid supplemental
No molasses! This is not a microbe tea. This tea is more for the extraction of PGR's.
Brew time: 2-7 days depending on ambient temp. The hotter it is the shorter it will take to bring the Brew to a finish. The longer you leave it the stronger it gets.
Strain and spray brew undiluted while wearing clothes you don't mind staining and getting super stinky. It's a good idea to spray at a time when you know you're going to shower right after haha. You will notice results almost immediately from a foliar spray.
Soil drench at a ratio of 1:1 diluted with fresh RO or non-chlorinated tap water.
When finished dump the remaining organic matter into outdoor garden or onto mulch of vegging plants and gently rake in with your fingers without disturbing roots.
This one is ready and going on its 3rd day.
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