How long till the next US war??

these are facts. undeniable truths. play all the word games and semantic contortions you want, you cant change what really happened.
No you cannot change what happened but you sure as hell can control what the 'facts' are and yours are slightly skewed don't ya think?
ORLY? have i made the assertion that moslems be eliminated in gas chambers? nope.

this fucked up religious cult has been a pain in civilized nation's asses for 1100 years, yet we are prohibited from discussing the actual facts deeds and words of mohammedanism out of some bizarro fear of offending the dinkbags who shit themselves over a picture of a puppy on a postcard in scotland?

yeah, im the nazi. way to deflect from the hard issues. i guess youre not Oliver Cromwell, youre a lot more like Neville Chamberlaine.
Yo, it sure as hell isn't alone as far as religious cults being a pain in the rest of the world's ass and for a lot lot longer than a thousand years!
As an insult I presume? Because of my ferverent dislike for Catholism? I can't see the rationale between this and my views on the Israeli occupation of Palestenian territories?

I like Collins cos he was an idealist but a pragmatist at the same time.

see i dont care that you hate on catholics, nobody demands that the heads of anticatholics be chopped off. not even the catholics themselves. you see where im going?

theo van gogh got brutally murdered for speaking out against moslem oppression of women, in the fucking netherlands, not mogadishu or tehran. moslem violence is the cheif export of dar al islam. forget that fact and youll see irish pubs blowing up just like french cafes and german discos.

theo van gogh is not the only person in the west who was murdered for daring to hold views moslems dont like. salman rushdie has still got a bounty on his head, as do many more artists and writers who dont toe the line.

you may claim to not support the islamic theocrats in their war on everything thats not moslem, but you sure defend them a lot.
Yo, it sure as hell isn't alone as far as religious cults being a pain in the rest of the world's ass and for a lot lot longer than a thousand years!

you inmply christianity and judaism i presume. why not trot out a copy and paste of the last 5 pages of this thread and save yourself some time. jews and (most) christians dont try to chop heads off writers like richard dawkins for his anti jesus views or even ernst zundel for his holocaust denial and rampant antisemitism.

defending the indefensible is a fools errand.
dr. kynes I'm sure if you visited certain christian villages in Africa they would be happy to burn you at the stake. I'm not for this mind you, just letting you know that violence still is perpetuated by christianity. Don't think that the westboro church wouldn't burn you either because they would if they could...
see i dont care that you hate on catholics, nobody demands that the heads of anticatholics be chopped off. not even the catholics themselves. you see where im going?
:eyesmoke: are you insane? yes they did and do... maybe not "chopped off" but ?
Forget the crusades; Forget using it as a reason to take over land and murder the natives; Forget using it for slavery, the KKK, etc;

Not that long ago they were burning them at the stake in New England?!
see i dont care that you hate on catholics, nobody demands that the heads of anticatholics be chopped off. not even the catholics themselves. you see where im going?

theo van gogh got brutally murdered for speaking out against moslem oppression of women, in the fucking netherlands, not mogadishu or tehran. moslem violence is the cheif export of dar al islam. forget that fact and youll see irish pubs blowing up just like french cafes and german discos.

theo van gogh is not the only person in the west who was murdered for daring to hold views moslems dont like. salman rushdie has still got a bounty on his head, as do many more artists and writers who dont toe the line.

you may claim to not support the islamic theocrats in their war on everything thats not moslem, but you sure defend them a lot.
I think by your logic we should blame the whole population of the United States for the Iraq war, no?
Wow talk about diverting from the thread topic lol

Theres something like 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world. 1 in 4 people are a Muslim so if you honestly think that all Muslims want to kill non-believers etc you can believe that all you want.
You could of course use some common sense and review all the verses where it says to kill non-Muslims in the Qu'ran and actually read from an authentic website verses before and after to understand what the context. You go on websites that hate Islam and use 'facts' from there which is the same as going to a KKK or Nazi website and believing everything they say about Blacks and Jews is correct.

Most of the countries in the Middle-East have only came about in the past century so of course they are not perfect especially when they have covert operations from outside countries determining who gets in to power. You can hate on me all you want I honestly don't care in the slightest lets just try to stick to the thread topic if you don't like it start a thread about how 1.5 billion people want to kill you.
theo van gogh got brutally murdered for speaking out against moslem oppression of women, in the fucking netherlands, not mogadishu or tehran. moslem violence is the cheif export of dar al islam. forget that fact and youll see irish pubs blowing up just like french cafes and german discos.

theo van gogh is not the only person in the west who was murdered for daring to hold views moslems dont like.
That was a horrible murder but you are again skewing facts. Aayan Hishi Ali is a woman I have nothing but admiration and respect for and she has worked tirelessly fighting for Muslim women-he was the Director of a very in your face documentary that she wrote, and the note attached to the knife they stuck in him was directed at her... they did a bit more than hold a view -they aired Islam dirty laundry and some Allah freak got his feelings hurt.
No you cannot change what happened but you sure as hell can control what the 'facts' are and yours are slightly skewed don't ya think?

no. facts are immutable. opinion can color the perception of facts (like claiming there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction found in iraq but only if you drastically narrow the definition of a WMD) or declaring the gulf war 2 was a totally separate war (cease fires dont end wars. the korean war is still very much going on) or insisting that afghanistans talib mullahs would surrender bin laden to the US with sufficient proof (despite statements to pakistan that they could only ASK him to leave the country, and would certainly not turn him over to kaffirs)

moslem violence is rampant throughout the world, from abu saif to terror cells in michigan. pretending they dont exist or would be satisfied with a paletstinian homeland or even with the destruction of israel is ludicrously naive.

the koran and hadiths are quite clear on these matters, the jihad will continue in all it's glory untill all the world bends knee to allah and no other.

immutable facts are very much like the laws of physics. you may deny that gravity exists, yet that will not allow you to fly.
That was a horrible murder but you are again skewing facts. Aayan Hishi Ali is a woman I have nothing but admiration and respect for and she has worked tirelessly fighting for Muslim women-he was the Director of a very in your face documentary that she wrote, and the note attached to the knife they stuck in him was directed at her... they did a bit more than hold a view -they aired Islam dirty laundry and some Allah freak got his feelings hurt.

yep. murdered for not maintaining the super secret details of their cult. if they could have laid hands on the broad she would have been killed in a quite extravagant manner. much like the mafia the militant moslems love to send messages.

i dont see how this is a skewing of the facts. slaman rushdie still has to hide out or face a ritual stoning, anyone who renounces mohammedanism and chooses another religion (or no religion) is still automatically sentenced to death, and that sentence is carried out whenever they can get away with it (imams and mullahs dont want to go to jail) oakland's Your Black Muslim Bakery was still a hub for political assassinations, and murder for hire as well as local protection rackets extortion and robberies, or are they insufficiently muslim for this discussion?

abu saif still demands a philippino caliphate, in indonesia, christian girls still get their heads hacked off for going to school ( by six masked moslems with machetes. then just days later two more schoolgirls were shot dead in the street near their school in the same province. chechnya is still a seething pot of moslem violence not against the russian army, but against the chechnyans who are not moslems (army shoots back, and nobody likes that) when they are not banning red bull and shutting down restaurants during ramadan, but no, im skewing the facts.
no. facts are immutable. opinion can color the perception of facts (like claiming there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction found in iraq but only if you drastically narrow the definition of a WMD) or declaring the gulf war 2 was a totally separate war (cease fires dont end wars. the korean war is still very much going on) or insisting that afghanistans talib mullahs would surrender bin laden to the US with sufficient proof (despite statements to pakistan that they could only ASK him to leave the country, and would certainly not turn him over to kaffirs)

moslem violence is rampant throughout the world, from abu saif to terror cells in michigan. pretending they dont exist or would be satisfied with a paletstinian homeland or even with the destruction of israel is ludicrously naive.

the koran and hadiths are quite clear on these matters, the jihad will continue in all it's glory untill all the world bends knee to allah and no other.

immutable facts are very much like the laws of physics. you may deny that gravity exists, yet that will not allow you to fly.

Northern Ireland Loyalist Paramilitaries (U.K., extremists)

What attacks have the loyalist paramilitary groups carried out?

Despite accounting for almost thirty percent of the deaths in the Northern Ireland conflict, loyalists’ attacks have generally drawn far less media and international attention than those perpetrated by the IRA. Major loyalist attacks include:

The UVF’s 1966 shooting of four Catholics, one fatally, outside a Belfast pub. This attack was the first major act of sectarian violence since Ireland was divided, and it spurred Catholic activism, which soon turned violent.
The UVF’s 1969 bombing of a power station near Belfast. Initially attributed to the IRA, this attack also helped trigger the Troubles.
The UVF’s 1971 bombing of a Belfastpub, which killed fifteen people.
A pair of UVF bombings in Dublin and Monaghan, both in the Republic of Ireland, on May 17, 1974, that killed thirty-three civilians, making this day the deadliest of the conflict.
The UDA’s October 1993 machine-gun attack on a bar in the Northern Ireland town of Greysteel, which killed eight civilians.
The LVF killing of Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams’ nephew in January 1998.
A fierce campaign of intimidation and abuse of Catholic schoolgirls inBelfast between June and October 2001.
The murder of fourBelfast residents in the summer of 2005 (marching season). The Independent Monitoring Commission blamed the UVF for the deaths in a special report in September and the group’s ceasefire was declared broken later that month.

Religious violence, harassment, and intimidation typically flare up during the summer “marching season,” when hard-line Protestants don bowlers and orange sashes and parade through Catholic neighborhoods to celebrate centuries-old battlefield victories. Many Catholics see these parades as provocations.
Have the loyalist groups targeted civilians?

Yes—and more frequently than the IRA. Between 1968 and 1998, loyalist paramilitaries killed an estimated 864 civilians (most of them Catholic), compared with an estimated 728 civilians (most of them Protestant) killed by the IRA. Experts say loyalist groups have often acted out of religious hatred, while the IRA has more often targeted British security officers—killing more than 1,000 of them—in an effort to further its political goal of ejecting the British from Northern Ireland

see i dont care that you hate on catholics, nobody demands that the heads of anticatholics be chopped off. not even the catholics themselves. you see where im going? .
You see where I am going?

Northern Ireland Loyalist Paramilitaries (U.K., extremists)

What attacks have the loyalist paramilitary groups carried out?

Despite accounting for almost thirty percent of the deaths in the Northern Ireland conflict, loyalists’ attacks have generally drawn far less media and international attention than those perpetrated by the IRA. Major loyalist attacks include:

The UVF’s 1966 shooting of four Catholics, one fatally, outside a Belfast pub. This attack was the first major act of sectarian violence since Ireland was divided, and it spurred Catholic activism, which soon turned violent.
The UVF’s 1969 bombing of a power station near Belfast. Initially attributed to the IRA, this attack also helped trigger the Troubles.
The UVF’s 1971 bombing of a Belfastpub, which killed fifteen people.
A pair of UVF bombings in Dublin and Monaghan, both in the Republic of Ireland, on May 17, 1974, that killed thirty-three civilians, making this day the deadliest of the conflict.
The UDA’s October 1993 machine-gun attack on a bar in the Northern Ireland town of Greysteel, which killed eight civilians.
The LVF killing of Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams’ nephew in January 1998.
A fierce campaign of intimidation and abuse of Catholic schoolgirls inBelfast between June and October 2001.
The murder of fourBelfast residents in the summer of 2005 (marching season). The Independent Monitoring Commission blamed the UVF for the deaths in a special report in September and the group’s ceasefire was declared broken later that month.

Religious violence, harassment, and intimidation typically flare up during the summer “marching season,” when hard-line Protestants don bowlers and orange sashes and parade through Catholic neighborhoods to celebrate centuries-old battlefield victories. Many Catholics see these parades as provocations.
Have the loyalist groups targeted civilians?

Yes—and more frequently than the IRA. Between 1968 and 1998, loyalist paramilitaries killed an estimated 864 civilians (most of them Catholic), compared with an estimated 728 civilians (most of them Protestant) killed by the IRA. Experts say loyalist groups have often acted out of religious hatred, while the IRA has more often targeted British security officers—killing more than 1,000 of them—in an effort to further its political goal of ejecting the British from Northern Ireland

You see where I am going?

your going nowhere
I think by your logic we should blame the whole population of the United States for the Iraq war, no?

that is the mohammedan position. and not just the US, everyone who is not a moslem is guilty of being not a moslem, and thus is a target for murder by whatever means is most convenient or spectacular.

moslems do not hold this view, and many moslem nations are officially opposed to the mohammedans. unfortunately that makes them non-moslems in the eyes of the mohammedans. even in their perfect islamic world they will not stop killing each other over petty squabbles about their sill book.

dragging up the inquisition witch burnings and the crusades is pathetic. ancient history from the christian dark ages. why not trot out the razing of jericho to indict jews for genocide and mass murder? jews and (most) chriistians have rejected the idea of forcing others to convert to their dopey religion, and have abandoned the habit of burning heretics and pagans since centuries past. you sound like my ex-girlfriiend who drug up my smoking in every argument when i had quit smoking 2 years before.

perhaps we could demand that the descendants of new guinean head hunters apologize to the descendants of their victims, and the descendants of cannibals regurgitate the human flesh their ancestors ate...

Yes—and more frequently than the IRA. Between 1968 and 1998, loyalist paramilitaries killed an estimated 864 civilians (most of them Catholic), compared with an estimated 728 civilians (most of them Protestant) killed by the IRA. Experts say loyalist groups have often acted out of religious hatred, while the IRA has more often targeted British security officers—killing more than 1,000 of them—in an effort to further its political goal of ejecting the British from Northern Ireland

You see where I am going?

i dont see your point. your own statement shows that the IRA (and it's many disparate factions and sects) target the occupying forces, not neighborhoods, schools, churches or children, and they certainly do not lash out blindly at foreign nations, even those with cordial relations with the UK. the IRA are freedom fighters. if the PLO and it's subsidiaries acted similarly they might have some support among thinking people around the world. they do NOT. the PLO hamas and hezzbollahj do not strike at the IDF they strike at any soft target they can reach in any land even those with no connection to israel save membership in the un (belgium, the netherlands france germany etc..)

comparing the PLO hamas and hezzboillah to the IRA or even america's own revolutionary war leaders is specious, and in fact damages the point you stretch so far to make.

the PLO hamas hezzzbollah the alaqusa brigade, abu saif, al quaeda etc are not fringe groups outside the mainstream of moslem thought. they are simply the most vocal and extreme voices in their community (like pat buchanan) these groups march openly, shout their vitriol openly and perform their random rocket attacks openly in full view of the local populace in lebanon, the west bank and gaza. there is no outcry until the IDF comes in to bust the rocketeers, then everybody is an innocent civilian,, nobody has a weapon, and every house full of rockets explosive vests and guns is just innocent hijinx. do you propose that the pakistani military elite had NO IDEA osama bin laden was living next door to their top brass? if you believe that, maybe you'd like to buy a bridge.

the mullahs and imams do not condemn these attacks, they only condemn the israeli response. when they think nobody is listening the mullahs and imams preach more violence, demand more sacrificial "martyrs" and prod more dumb teenagers into putting on bomb vests.
Just in that excerpt thousands of christians were murdered at the hands of other christians or as you put it anticatholics killing catholics and I am really trying to point out that All of the Religions have a Lot of blood on their hands is all- not a one of them smells better than the low life greedy power hungry fucks that they All are!