Either I'm paranoid or.......

So if I am reading this right, that is tough, you want to shoot your neighbor becasue he looked over the top of your fence??

Dude, first dont do it and second get off the meth and get some help. You shoot your neighbor because he looked over the fence at your grow and you will be on CNN

YOU better watch it buddy... YOUR LOOKING and POSTING in HIS THREAD! :)
So if I am reading this right, that is tough, you want to shoot your neighbor becasue he looked over the top of your fence??

Dude, first dont do it and second get off the meth and get some help. You shoot your neighbor because he looked over the fence at your grow and you will be on CNN

Seriously, your plants are currently worthless foliage, and you know this.
It seems like you have never grown in the open before. Your neighbors will always look over the fence. You just happened to catch them in the act, then proceeded to freak out.
Shooting someone over worthless foliage = meth head move.
Neighbors are curious, get used to it, or move to a remote location.
Either way, please dont shoot anyone, especially over some leaves and stems. Get some bear mace.
YOU better watch it buddy... YOUR LOOKING and POSTING in HIS THREAD! :)

and he is strapped!

YOU better watch it buddy... YOUR LOOKING and POSTING in HIS THREAD! :)

This is the photo they will have up on CNN as they lead you away in cuffs to your 8x8 home you will live in for the rest of your life.

Put the crack away before the crack puts you away.


  • fence girls.jpg
    fence girls.jpg
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So I was gonna suggest you get one of these, but you already have a pit bull. Shouldn't that do it? My rotty won't let anyone into my yard, or his yard lol. I got a small arsenal of firearms too but I sure as fuck ain't shootin no one in my yard. But is they break into the house, game on mother fuckers, gotta protect the family not my garden.
and he is strapped!


This photo seems to resurface so much.... and yet I would love to know the real story (you know it's gotta involve some sort of online role playing thing)
Like how the Guitars are added... esp the rick band one.. why not add the consoles.. *you know he must have all of them and even the retro ones porb the originals NES..*

and the toper... the speedo.. like hey ladies... if the guns and toys get them juices aflowing... how about some sort of rug on my chest and a speedo!

yet..... as I have seen way too many times... there is a chick out there..... 110% into this kinda guy...
You guys are jerks *tear*. lol no I'm not shooting anybody guys. And posting pictures of my illegal weapons is the smartest thing i have EVER heard.

Seriously, your plants are currently worthless foliage, and you know this.
It seems like you have never grown in the open before. Your neighbors will always look over the fence. You just happened to catch them in the act, then proceeded to freak out.
Shooting someone over worthless foliage = meth head move.
Neighbors are curious, get used to it, or move to a remote location.
Either way, please dont shoot anyone, especially over some leaves and stems. Get some bear mace.
reread the op one more time. it's not over some stupid plants dude.
ya sure that many people have a 44 40 .... wheres the picture?
I'm the only person I know that owns one besides my grandfather. I'm not going to show pictures of the weapons I own now but i could post what I went to prison for because that's old news already, been charged for that shit. i gotta get them off my old cell phone some how. It is hilarious how ppl are always so suprised with the weapons I have. I got caught with 3 when I got busted.