Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
What was so super secret about it?
you cant be this thick headed.
in EVERY moslem nation every single one. without exception. ALL OF THEM! there are laws prohibiting any person from speaking out against any aspect of mohammedanism, moslem thought, islamic teachings, and in many cases, anyone who is moslem for any reason. bringing to light the abuses of women in the moslem world is a crime, often punishable by torture, public beatings, or even death. tho van gogh simply got the punishment prescribed in the koran and hadith for infidels and enemies of islam.
if you think this is untrue, then i advise you do a little reading. if you think theo van gogh is an isolated incident, then perhaps you are not as well versed on this subject as you think.
perhaps you might look into the turkish terrorist group "The Idealist Youth" (more commonly called the grey wolves a modern reboot of the Young Turks movement of the early 20th century) and their bombing of the armenian genocide memorial in alfort france in '84. this attack was carried out under the fig leaf that in turkey it is a crime to defame turkishness (in addition to any criticism of islam) and the turkish law does not limit itself to turkish territory, thus anything or anyone who defames turkishness is violating their laws, anywhere in the world. sweet.
the turk government spent years "trying" to apprehend these "nasty terrorists" (wink wink, nudge nudge) all the while, using them quite openly as paramilitary assets in the oppression of kurds, additional murder of armenians, and assasins world wide. meanawhile in the west... the turkish government still asserted they were doing everything in their power to stop these "wicked terrorists".
one of the most wanted men in the grey wolves was Abdullah Çatlı who died in a car crash. in the crash with him were members of the turkish police leadership, a turkish Member of parliment and the abdullahs girlfreind. wanted. sure.
the turks are
A: completely incompetant
B: completely corrupt
C: completely complicit.
many people who speak out publicly against the abuses of islam, against women, jews other religious minorities, homosexuals,, athiests etc have found themselves in prison, or dead at the hands of "lone assasins" who always seem to be well supplied, well supported and reluctant to discuss who else might have been involved.