How long till the next US war??

What was so super secret about it?

you cant be this thick headed.

in EVERY moslem nation every single one. without exception. ALL OF THEM! there are laws prohibiting any person from speaking out against any aspect of mohammedanism, moslem thought, islamic teachings, and in many cases, anyone who is moslem for any reason. bringing to light the abuses of women in the moslem world is a crime, often punishable by torture, public beatings, or even death. tho van gogh simply got the punishment prescribed in the koran and hadith for infidels and enemies of islam.

if you think this is untrue, then i advise you do a little reading. if you think theo van gogh is an isolated incident, then perhaps you are not as well versed on this subject as you think.

perhaps you might look into the turkish terrorist group "The Idealist Youth" (more commonly called the grey wolves a modern reboot of the Young Turks movement of the early 20th century) and their bombing of the armenian genocide memorial in alfort france in '84. this attack was carried out under the fig leaf that in turkey it is a crime to defame turkishness (in addition to any criticism of islam) and the turkish law does not limit itself to turkish territory, thus anything or anyone who defames turkishness is violating their laws, anywhere in the world. sweet.

the turk government spent years "trying" to apprehend these "nasty terrorists" (wink wink, nudge nudge) all the while, using them quite openly as paramilitary assets in the oppression of kurds, additional murder of armenians, and assasins world wide. meanawhile in the west... the turkish government still asserted they were doing everything in their power to stop these "wicked terrorists".

one of the most wanted men in the grey wolves was Abdullah Çatlı who died in a car crash. in the crash with him were members of the turkish police leadership, a turkish Member of parliment and the abdullahs girlfreind. wanted. sure.

the turks are

A: completely incompetant
B: completely corrupt
C: completely complicit.

many people who speak out publicly against the abuses of islam, against women, jews other religious minorities, homosexuals,, athiests etc have found themselves in prison, or dead at the hands of "lone assasins" who always seem to be well supplied, well supported and reluctant to discuss who else might have been involved.
Only God knows. I'm presuming it's near. Wait for Romney to be your president :)

Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret , and with enough waterboarding we can get it out of them.
- Donald "Rumi" Rumsfeld

romney will be a disaster, but i think maybe less of a disaster than 4 more obama years.

mitt romney might even have a lighter touch on the flipper buttons which lob missiles at yemen. fewer civilian casualties would be nice, though am enjoying the havoc our resident president and pinball wizard is wreaking on the terrorist factions.

mitt will probably drain a few, and waste several of obama's free plays.
First of all, there is no such thing as a "Palestinian". They are Arabs. There was no demand for a Palestinian state until Israel once again became a nation. This is political and nothing more. Victimhood is the terrorist game and the weak minded are nothing but useful idiots in the Islamist game.
Palestine was a British territory before it was GIVEN to the now-Israelis.

It couldn't have been a country because the Brits wouldn't have let it be.

There will be no peace until Israel accepts the two State solution, the Palestenians have as much of a right to self determination as the Israelis less than 100 years it's possible to end all hostilities and infact change it to good, peaceful trade. We've proven that.

Both sides need to just back the fuck down and start talking, again neither side is 100% right or wrong.
you cant be this thick headed.

in EVERY moslem nation every single one. without exception. ALL OF THEM! there are laws prohibiting any person from speaking out against any aspect of mohammedanism, moslem thought, islamic teachings, and in many cases, anyone who is moslem for any reason. bringing to light the abuses of women in the moslem world is a crime, often punishable by torture, public beatings, or even death. tho van gogh simply got the punishment prescribed in the koran and hadith for infidels and enemies of islam.

if you think this is untrue, then i advise you do a little reading. if you think theo van gogh is an isolated incident, then perhaps you are not as well versed on this subject as you think.

perhaps you might look into the turkish terrorist group "The Idealist Youth" (more commonly called the grey wolves a modern reboot of the Young Turks movement of the early 20th century) and their bombing of the armenian genocide memorial in alfort france in '84. this attack was carried out under the fig leaf that in turkey it is a crime to defame turkishness (in addition to any criticism of islam) and the turkish law does not limit itself to turkish territory, thus anything or anyone who defames turkishness is violating their laws, anywhere in the world. sweet.

the turk government spent years "trying" to apprehend these "nasty terrorists" (wink wink, nudge nudge) all the while, using them quite openly as paramilitary assets in the oppression of kurds, additional murder of armenians, and assasins world wide. meanawhile in the west... the turkish government still asserted they were doing everything in their power to stop these "wicked terrorists".

one of the most wanted men in the grey wolves was Abdullah Çatlı who died in a car crash. in the crash with him were members of the turkish police leadership, a turkish Member of parliment and the abdullahs girlfreind. wanted. sure.

the turks are

A: completely incompetant
B: completely corrupt
C: completely complicit.

many people who speak out publicly against the abuses of islam, against women, jews other religious minorities, homosexuals,, athiests etc have found themselves in prison, or dead at the hands of "lone assasins" who always seem to be well supplied, well supported and reluctant to discuss who else might have been involved.
It wasn't all that secret so shame on us for not caring prior to 911
The REGION known as Palestine has basically been occupied by "external" rulers for its entire inhabited history.

So tell us what is preventing the Pals from becoming a sovereign nation.


every time the negotiations get close to a solution, with israel offering comptromises, and the plo promnising an end to violence, some new faction pops up and starts lobbing rockets because peace, stability and a plaestinian homeland is the last thing the other arab and moslem nations in the region want. they want israel "wiped off the face of the map" (ahmedinijhad) all jews driven out of the mideast and sent "back where they came from, you know poland and germany " (helen thomas noted democrat, leftist, journalist and racist)

as long as the palestinian "refugee camps" exist, and can be maintained in an adequate level of squalor and misery then the islamist supremecists, radical jihadists, and mohammedan fascists can contiinue to justify their terrorist attacks on french preschools, dutch tv producers and belgian cartoonist

with peace in palestine and israel, they lose their number one rallying cry. thats just unaceptable
Exactly. Israel isn't the problem.

again we have a perspective problem

from my perspective, and apparently yours, this is true, israel is not a problem, the violent militants and their defneders and supporters are the problem, but from the perspective of the average moslem, israel IS the problem, an entire country established (in their view) from nowhere right in the middle of their region by foreign powers without so much as a reacharound. add to that the immigration of huge numbers of foreigners (who happen to be ancestral enemies of mohammed and moslems due to their refusal to adopt the mohammedan religion in the eighth century) and the sudden displacement of thousands of people who lived in that area for generations (though the jews paid quite well for most of the land they now inhabit) and the minority status of the palestinian residients in what they view as their own country. this all adds up to a lot of animosity.

imagine if the UN declared that the southwestern US actually IS the fabled mythical land of Aztlan, declared that anybody with a spanish surname could simply move in, anybody without such a spanish heritage was now a second class citizen, and would be forcibly displaced until such time as the mexican immigrants to their new homeland were established. further, the rest of the US, and the western world refuses to accept the refugee honkeys, and we have to live in broke dick crowded tent cities in the desolate scour lands of idaho or the frozen edge of minesota and north dakota. suddenly guerilla war would come to the peaceful land of Aztlan, and they might have to flex a little south american style violence to ensure peaceful expansion of chicanismo.

i promise you, whitey would not go quietly, and the violence in gaza would seem like a sorority pillow fight.

this is basically what happened in palestine/transjordan/judea/israel. had the UN and the west bought the palestinians out, and established them in new homes in the country of their choice in 1948, the islamist radical militants would have to use a different rallying cry to demand worldwide terrorist jihad.
Israel is a honey pot put there by the Christians to keep the Muslims occupied with the Jews. At least, that was the plan.
Why didn't the Pals have a soveriegn state before Israel?


at the time that piece of desert fell under the jurisdiction of the british crown as part of the territory of Trans-Jordan,, a subsidiary of Actual Jordaan, a wholly owned subsidiary of Great Britain Incorporated. the Trans Jordan territory was hacked off from Actual Jordan (the jordanians didnt mind at the time, that stretch of dirt was a drain on their economy, rather like detroit is in the US today) most of the world thought giving the jews a worthless hunk of desert with no infrastructure and failing subsistence agriculture was an awesome plan. nobody wanted all them jews, and the territory formerly known as israel was a perfect wasteland to drop them in. the jews, (sneaky as they always are) were more than happy to get the land back,, and in fairly short order had the country on track for a rennaissance. a whole lot of nearby countries suddenly realized that the desert wasnt actually desert, it was just mismanaged for like 800 years. (see picture)


and then they suddenly had sellers remorse. since everybody knows jews are sneaky underhanded double dealing bastards, they must have cheated somehow...

the territory was intended to be a slap in the face of the israelis, it didnt even include jerusalem their historic capital, and holiest sites. the israelis had to win that territory in a war they didnt even start, but the UN has spent 60 years telling them to give it back. the israelis had to work their asses off to turn that useless desert into the fertile prosperous land it is today. if i was a lebanese or syrian and i had to choose to live in lebanon syria or israel, i would try to move to israel. but then i dont let my religion dictate how i live in matters unrelated to religious observance. if i was atheist agnostic or christian i would suck a hundred cocks to get into israel from any of those fucked up countries. even if i was a "moderate muslim" i would rather live in israel with jew than in lebanon with hamas. maybe im crazy.
Well, there was the other issue that Britain had misled the Palestine dwelling Arabs that they would be given the area. That was in the time before WW2 and the Jews lost their homes in many parts of Europe. After the trauma of the war many settled in Palestine where there had been a Zionist movement since the late 1800s.

Some of the Arabs responded by fighting this influx. Some of the Jews were aggressive in obtaining land. Britain got tired of mediating the civil war in the region and handed over the management to the UN. The UN then decided to split it into a couple of sections and maintain the civil war. there has not been agreement since.

It is the "fault" of EVERYONE INVOLVED.
Hey keynes, Where did your quote come from?
"Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret , and with enough waterboarding we can get it out of them.
- Donald "Rumi" Rumsfeld"

I don't see that attributed to Rumsfeldt anywhere?
So how many of you guys would be willing to give up a majority of your country to a minority? You can't beat the facts that nearly all of what today is Israel used to be Arab owned land for centuries but they was kicked out of their homes over the past 60 years. Would any of you accept that? I wouldn't give up my land without a fight and would continue to fight until I get it back end of. You can twist it anyway you like.


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Hey keynes, Where did your quote come from?
"Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret , and with enough waterboarding we can get it out of them.
- Donald "Rumi" Rumsfeld"

I don't see that attributed to Rumsfeldt anywhere?

he said it in a closed door meeting with dick cheney and pope benedict.

So how many of you guys would be willing to give up a majority of your country to a minority? You can't beat the facts that nearly all of what today is Israel used to be Arab owned land for centuries but they was kicked out of their homes over the past 60 years. Would any of you accept that? I wouldn't give up my land without a fight and would continue to fight until I get it back end of. You can twist it anyway you like.
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im not sure u were paying attention to our little history lesson we just got
So how many of you guys would be willing to give up a majority of your country to a minority? You can't beat the facts that nearly all of what today is Israel used to be Arab owned land for centuries but they was kicked out of their homes over the past 60 years. Would any of you accept that? I wouldn't give up my land without a fight and would continue to fight until I get it back end of. You can twist it anyway you like.
View attachment 2267427

Your map is misleading as the region goes past 1917. That is why I posted one which covers recorded history. It has been lived in not by Arabs, but Semites. That includes Jews and Arabs. The Europeans were there for a bit as well.

If we look at the past few centuries there, for many, many years Jews, Arabs, and Christians lived alongside each other fairly well. The problem came when one group was given "ownership" of the area instead of being guests of whatever government was occupying at the time. Sort of like Afghanistan when the Soviets pulled out, but with only really two major Tribes involved and each given a piece.

And you can say what you want about outrage and fighting back. The issue is that many Arabs and Muslims (NOT all, MANY) endorse and celebrate he killing of civilians, where the Jews just do not. I have never seen, nor met, nor read any Jew representing that disgusting viewpoint. Just watch the parades and what is taught in the schools.

This is a fundamental difference between the two sides and goes a long way towards "legitimacy" in dealings. Support for the Palestinian people by those able to make change would be vastly improved by cutting that crap out.
"Arab owned land" is just more propaganda.

early on the british crown evicted a shitload of jordanian settlers and people who had lkived in that area for centuries to help establish the israeli homeland on that wretched piece of useless dirt. most of the jordanian aaccepted their payoff and left for new lands or went back to jordan, many even came to the US, those that remained, most of them sold their land for what they considered an awesome price for marginal grazing land, or played out farm land with bad soil and little water. they were happy as fuck to get bought out, and sold willingly (unlike the earlier evictees who were given a check and told to gtfo) most of the land owned by jews in israel today was bought by jews from arabs before the seller's remorse kicked in.

the disputed terriroties were won in the yom kippur and six day wars which israel did NOT start, and were held by israel ever since as the spoils of war. thats traditional. before the foundation of the UN thats how countries expanded generally, except the US who bought most of the southern us from france in the louisiana purchase and alaska from the russia in seward's folly.. texas california arizona and new mexico were won in combat from mexico, but it was all stolen from indians except for a few small patches in the northeast that were bought from the natives for baubles trinkets and fire water. and lets not even open the can of worms known as hawaii...

native peoples always get the shaft. most native peoples either integrate form enclaves, or throw endless protest marches like the tibetans. they do NOLT blow up hospitals and machinegun preschools in far off lands with no connection to the supposed aggressors. thast the point of this whole damned thing. getting sahfted a couple generations ago does not make australia's aborigines, or the native americans or the britains rise up and start lobbing bombs into schoolbusses. thats a wholly moslem reaction. nobody else does this, ever. even the IRA kept their fight on target, and di not wander off and murder french kids because france didnt declare war on england this decade.
Your map is misleading as the region goes past 1917. That is why I posted one which covers recorded history. It has been lived in not by Arabs, but Semites. That includes Jews and Arabs. The Europeans were there for a bit as well.

If we look at the past few centuries there, for many, many years Jews, Arabs, and Christians lived alongside each other fairly well. The problem came when one group was given "ownership" of the area instead of being guests of whatever government was occupying at the time. Sort of like Afghanistan when the Soviets pulled out, but with only really two major Tribes involved and each given a piece.

And you can say what you want about outrage and fighting back. The issue is that many Arabs and Muslims (NOT all, MANY) endorse and celebrate he killing of civilians, where the Jews just do not. I have never seen, nor met, nor read any Jew representing that disgusting viewpoint. Just watch the parades and what is taught in the schools.

This is a fundamental difference between the two sides and goes a long way towards "legitimacy" in dealings. Support for the Palestinian people by those able to make change would be vastly improved by cutting that crap out.

Ohh really Israelis don't celebrate the killings of innocent people.

I could get more but I can't be bothered to be honest. So would you be willing to leave your home so the minority members of your country can live there???
Who cares about who used to live there 200 years+ ago its not relevant to today. Most of the people living in Gaza now have land in what is Israel currently, some even have title deeds yet they can't go home because some foreigner from Russia or the US live in what used to be there home.