How long till the next US war??

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

― Albert Einstein

Hold On! Aren't we already in a war? Didn't we just kind of get out of one? Shouldn't we maybe try this Peace thing out a bit first?
Thank you for reminding me...

dude we were really nice about it u shouldnt complain

1,000,000+ dead from the war, 500,000 dead children from sanctions which turned out was a waste since he was building no wmd, Don't even know how many adults died from the sanctions. Since the US was so nice would you complain if the same was done on to it? (Hopefully that won't happen of course)
1,000,000+ dead from the war, 500,000 dead children from sanctions which turned out was a waste since he was building no wmd, Don't even know how many adults died from the sanctions. Since the US was so nice would you complain if the same was done on to it? (Hopefully that won't happen of course)

and where do u get those numbers? its our fault an evil muslim dictator wouldnt cooperate? starvinig his own people and selling the food that the civilized world gave was a great plan to make us look bad....another example of what u people do to each other in the name of your religion
o.... and we could have gone old school ww2 style and just blown the whole dam thing up...we could have won the war and never set foot on the wasnt us dropping gas in the streets
Hopefully not for a very long time, but I doubt it the way the world is today. I believe that someone will take a swipe at us somehow like 9/11, and we will have to retaliate again to save face and to show that you can't fuck with the USA without feeling our wrath. I still believe that the US is the greatest nation that has ever been or will be. I think that shit is extremely fucked up right now, and we are not heading in the right direction yet. I have faith that we will get a president sometime soon that will be able to get this great country back on track. Although I don't think it will be this election. Maybe the next one after that. Lol!
1,000,000+ dead from the war, 500,000 dead children from sanctions which turned out was a waste since he was building no wmd, Don't even know how many adults died from the sanctions. Since the US was so nice would you complain if the same was done on to it? (Hopefully that won't happen of course)

there were NOT 100,00 casualties from the gulf war 1 or 2 together. only a fool would believe that. if half a million iraqis died from the sanctions it was not due to the sanctions it was due to saddams deliberate calculated moves to bolster his political and military position and his personal fortune at the expense of the iraqis.

the number is extremely suspect as well. only an idiot would accept the stats from the baathist party headquarters

if saddam wanted the sanctions lifted all he would have had to do was abide by the cease fire agreement he signed. he didnt do that. EVER. he broke every single requirement of the cease fire and if you say he didnt then you are a dirty, damned bald faced liar.

there were MANY weapons of mass destruction found in iraq, from chemical weapon sprayers (still with saran residue on them) to scud missiles hidden in junk yards (fully functional and well maintained ready to launch as soon as their payloads were loaded) and many other weapons and materials prohibited by the cease fire agreement.

and heres a fun little nugget:

"Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later, “the rounds tested positive for mustard source - data acquired from wikileaks iraq war classified data dump. ]

or is the US govenrment lying about shit in documents they never intended for the rest of the world to read? the US government found plenty of great stuff in iraq, including chemical weapons, bilogical facilities, long range missiles, prohibited aircraft, and german made parts for a nuclear fuel enrichment facility which had been buried in an iraqi nuclear scientist's back yard, under orders from saddam's top deputy directly. keep on slinging those stories from the islamist websites. i guess they seem really credible when you are brainwashed.

the only true statement you have made yet is that the war was a waste. if only saddam had not been placed in a position to threaten the entire region, maybe some of the trouble could have been prevented. absent a time machine thats not gonna happen. deliberately regurgitating lies bullshit and outright fabrications from the good people at al jazeera and parroting the words of farfour, the mujahadeen mouse does not help your cause, or your case, it makes you sound like a drooling retard with an agenda prepared by the craziest cult of mohammed, and a script written for you by machmoud ahmadinejad's least successful speechwriter.
What you talking about its a fact no Weapons of Mass Destruction was found. You can twist it just like every other statement you've made but its a fact even Bush and Blair have admitted that there were no WMD why would they admit that if they actually did find some use just a tiny bit of common sense. You a friggin idiot that will believe anything.
The leading weapons inspector in Iraq whilst the sanctions was in placed said there was no WMD program and denounced the sanctions as genocidal which turned out to be correct. Yet again facts mean nothing to you. The fact you've still got my quote in your sig despite the deputy Israeli PM proved me right makes you look like a tool. Also is 500,000 dead children not enough? Of course it never will be because you simply hate any Muslim and look at them as sub-humans so even if 10 million were killed you wouldn't care.
What you talking about its a fact no Weapons of Mass Destruction was found. You can twist it just like every other statement you've made but its a fact even Bush and Blair have admitted that there were no WMD why would they admit that if they actually did find some use just a tiny bit of common sense. You a friggin idiot that will believe anything.
The leading weapons inspector in Iraq whilst the sanctions was in placed said there was no WMD program and denounced the sanctions as genocidal which turned out to be correct. Yet again facts mean nothing to you. The fact you've still got my quote in your sig despite the deputy Israeli PM proved me right makes you look like a tool. Also is 500,000 dead children not enough? Of course it never will be because you simply hate any Muslim and look at them as sub-humans so even if 10 million were killed you wouldn't care.
He probably wants about 6 mill to go, so you and him can be on a level playing field.

Im starting to see a relationship between theism and general illogicality. You guys hate each other just cos you's each believe their "sky daddy" is correct?

Seriously? The 21st Century is calling you's here.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out the reason we were so sure they had WMDs is because we provided them.
What you talking about its a fact no Weapons of Mass Destruction was found. You can twist it just like every other statement you've made but its a fact even Bush and Blair have admitted that there were no WMD why would they admit that if they actually did find some use just a tiny bit of common sense. You a friggin idiot that will believe anything.
The leading weapons inspector in Iraq whilst the sanctions was in placed said there was no WMD program and denounced the sanctions as genocidal which turned out to be correct. Yet again facts mean nothing to you. The fact you've still got my quote in your sig despite the deputy Israeli PM proved me right makes you look like a tool. Also is 500,000 dead children not enough? Of course it never will be because you simply hate any Muslim and look at them as sub-humans so even if 10 million were killed you wouldn't care.

its a fact that no weapons of mass destruction were found because you say it is a fact. nice try. read the provided citation.

hans blix and his bikini inspection team wee not allowed to inspect iraq you dumbass. thats clearly stated in the UN report, and is indisputable. even the most wool headed moslem sympathizer would not atttempt to make such a statement. hans blix never described the sactions as genocidal, he never declared the country free of prohibited weapons, he never denounced shit (learn what the word means) so you are once again proven to be a liar.

you quote holds a place of honor as the most retarded (and least intelligible) statement ever directed at me. the statement (when translated from whatever fucked up school of grammar it was prepared in) is a demonstrable falsehood (besides being gibberish) and thus acheives heights of comedy yet unmatched by any of the dimwitted statements crafted by the fevered (and presumably severely damaged) brains of the islamist militant set.


Why is that an Iranian Military Office Building? why yes it is...

i guess that translation is good enough for the iranian military, and since the iranians are the authority on the nuances of the persian language, i shall bow to their expertise.

i do not hate all moslems, just you.

and others like you who lie twist the meanings of your own statements to suit your current and ever changing storyline, fabricate news stories, deliberately stage fake events then proclaim them real, modify historical fact to suit your agenda, and then declare any who speak the truth to your lies must be a zionist jew moslemhater racist with a lust for palestinian blood.

Why don't you read this then those were before '91. Bush and Blair have said it they was wrong Iraq had no WMD yet your still trying to say there was. Just goes to show how intelligent you are.

Also your forgetting Scott Ritter who said it multiple times Iraq has are not making WMD which is correct. He was chief inspector before he resigned because of interference by the UN in his work.
“By 1998 Iraq's biological and missile plants were destroyed. In terms of the intent of the UN Security Council resolutions, Iraq had been disarmed. The world is blind to this reality. Even though Iraq has been disarmed, sanctions will remain until Hussein is gone.”

Again why have you still got me in your sig answer that. I proved you wrong using your own governments statement.
Dr. Kynes, it's funny how it's in English too. It's almost as if they're bragging. But somehow it's a plot on part of the United States? We're doing this all on our own? At the very least it seems we're just lazy opportunists and letting all these nutjobs do the hard work for us.
Why don't you read this then those were before '91. Bush and Blair have said it they was wrong Iraq had no WMD yet your still trying to say there was. Just goes to show how intelligent you are.

Also your forgetting Scott Ritter who said it multiple times Iraq has are not making WMD which is correct. He was chief inspector before he resigned because of interference by the UN in his work.
“By 1998 Iraq's biological and missile plants were destroyed. In terms of the intent of the UN Security Council resolutions, Iraq had been disarmed. The world is blind to this reality. Even though Iraq has been disarmed, sanctions will remain until Hussein is gone.”

Again why have you still got me in your sig answer that. I proved you wrong using your own governments statement.

I have friends who were in the military. They got shots for all kinds of shit, like anthrax. They were constantly sending hazmat crews to clean up after a missile attack. That shit's expensive. If no WMDs existed, they'd send gunbunnies like they did in Vietnam and Korea to sweep up and bury bodies, not use dudes in space suits. Someone is lying, my guess is your sources. Massive lies doesn't mean conspiracy either. It just means you're stupid
Why don't you read this then those were before '91. Bush and Blair have said it they was wrong Iraq had no WMD yet your still trying to say there was. Just goes to show how intelligent you are.

Also your forgetting Scott Ritter who said it multiple times Iraq has are not making WMD which is correct. He was chief inspector before he resigned because of interference by the UN in his work.
“By 1998 Iraq's biological and missile plants were destroyed. In terms of the intent of the UN Security Council resolutions, Iraq had been disarmed. The world is blind to this reality. Even though Iraq has been disarmed, sanctions will remain until Hussein is gone.”

Again why have you still got me in your sig answer that. I proved you wrong using your own governments statement.

see in my culture, unlike yours, truth and fact are based on the TRUTH and actual FACTS not the statements of dingbats, political appointees, and fools. the truth and facts come from critical examination and testing of data, not pithy quotes, how often a tale is repeated on facebook (no matter how many "likes" it gets) nor from proclamations by "clerics" or imaginary deities.

if, as you claim, iraq's chemical weapon factories were destroyed, does this necessarily mean saddam had no chemical weapons? of course not. thats why they call them STOCKPILES you drooling blithering idiot. these stockpiles have been found, many of them, throughout the occupation of iraq. pretend they do not exxist all you like, your proclamations and protestations do not change facts, and i dont give a shit what you believe. i just dont want the poison to spread through your lies.

the cease fire which temporarily halted the first gulf war included stipulations that iraq not only destroy or surrender their chemical and biological weapon facilities but also their stockpiles, or provide adequate proof that they are destroyed, and allow inspection to verify the facts. none of that happened. saddam tried to hide as much chemical weapons stock as he could, and it continued to surface for years, a few gallons here, a few hundred artillery shells there etc.. try to lie less transparently next time. factories make weapons, but destroying a factory does not eliminate the weapons it already produced you foul pustule. the UN weapos inspection teams were never allowed access to many suspicious sites aaround iraq, and THIS is what triggered the sanctions you mindless buffoon.

the cease fire also stipulated that saddam shall not fire on coalition forces while they enforced the cease fire, and no-fly zones. he didnt abide by that stipulation for a single day.

saddam was also to surrende or provide proof of destruction of all his scud missiles. he did not. at last count as i recall, the us troops found over 50 scuds in launch ready condition hidden around iraq. all they needed was their chemical payload, and it was party time in jerusalem or haifa. again you fail at truth you ignorant swine.
citations and quotes from the world socialist website do not bolster your position, and they are even less convincing when the article in question is merely an opinion piece. you truely are the dimmest bulb of this age. what did you do? google "iraq no wmds" and plop down the top results without reading them? rarely have i witnessed such retardation.

the presence of your laughably clumsy quote in my signature seems to be the source of a great deal of butthurt. do you propose that i have it there for any other reason you simpering sniveling hyena.

you have proved nothing regarding ahmedinejhad's desire to wipe israel off the map, every thinking person sees the translation game for what it is, cowardice and backpeddaling from a poltroon of brobdingnagian proportions who cannot even conceive of a place where his every utterance is not held in reverence by the thronging masses of the faithful. sorry i used so many big words,, but maybe you can get ahemdinejad to translate them for you. i hear he is good at that.

even iranian newspapers and military buildings featured that quote, and the english translation for years before he decided to put on his party face and shift the blame for all conflicts to israel. revise history all you like, those with functioning brains will not be fooled by your clumsy attempts, you slackjawed baboon
I have friends who were in the military. They got shots for all kinds of shit, like anthrax. They were constantly sending hazmat crews to clean up after a missile attack. That shit's expensive. If no WMDs existed, they'd send gunbunnies like they did in Vietnam and Korea to sweep up and bury bodies, not use dudes in space suits. Someone is lying, my guess is your sources. Massive lies doesn't mean conspiracy either. It just means you're stupid

check out this article from wired, it looks like the military and the governemnt were covering up just how much shit saddam had floating around. i guess they didnt want to cause a panic or enflame the already tense situation. of course most of the far left wouldnt believe bush if he said saddam gassed the kurds. they would assume it was the cia or haliburton.
They're pulling an all your base on you, you crazy hillbilly! We planted all of it just to make it seem plausible those troglodytes are full of hate because you wore the wrong color scarf. If we left, it would ALL stop, even though they've been doing it on their own for thousands of years.

I think we're just an excuse. It's not like we're not taking advantage of the situation, though. But what do I know, I'm just a stupid pot smoking hippy.
check out this article from wired, it looks like the military and the governemnt were covering up just how much shit saddam had floating around. i guess they didnt want to cause a panic or enflame the already tense situation. of course most of the far left wouldnt believe bush if he said saddam gassed the kurds. they would assume it was the cia or haliburton.

Wired is clearly a Republican mouthpiece!
Dr. Kynes........ do u know if we found anything else like food or aid money in any of those secret hiding spots?

saddam didnt give two shits about that kind of thing. he had numerous offshore shell companies in which he hid his personal slush fund, with the help of dirty UN officials

in breif koffi anan (former un secretary general) and his son made out like bandits siphoning off oil for food monies for their personal enrichment, and helping saddam hide his own siphoning.

saddam's weapon caches were for weapons not useless crap like food medicines or trinkets, but if you were a lowly private, lance corporal or gunnery seargent and you found a sack full of benjamins in iraq, would you turn it over to the gerneral staff, or divvy it up with your comrades in arms, and swear them to secrecy Tontine style? i know where i would go, since the general staff will loot even more readily than the private soldier. besides, who can say where a GI got that pocket full of Hundie-Sticks he is stuffing down the g-string of some goatherders daughter at the local green zone strip club.
They're pulling an all your base on you, you crazy hillbilly! We planted all of it just to make it seem plausible those troglodytes are full of hate because you wore the wrong color scarf. If we left, it would ALL stop, even though they've been doing it on their own for thousands of years.

I think we're just an excuse. It's not like we're not taking advantage of the situation, though. But what do I know, I'm just a stupid pot smoking hippy.

are you implying that someone set up us the bomb? this is unacceptable!!