Best solution? Pretty severe leaf disfiguration.


I've been lurking plant problem threads, deficiencies, etc. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough, but I haven't really found many people with similar problems. Allow me to start off by saying that these are directly planted into a flowerbed, in premium potting soil. They were well watered since day one, they are all from seed. We had a pretty bad bug problem the first few weeks, we sprayed "safe for veggie up to harvest" sprays etc, and it worked pretty good. We never went overboard with it. We had a SERIOUS bug problem though at first, so instead of spraying a bunch of different crap we decided it would be fine. They were all started about the first week of May.

Would a simple fertilizer solution be efficient or should i use a specific kind?


After over-looking a few pictures, I realize some of them are straight up bug chew. I'm mainly looking for options on the spotting, etc.



its almost like mg but its white so maybe bleeching from the sun.

thanks for your input, i'm not going to spend too much time worrying about it - half of these fucking things are going to turn out male anyway probably, they're all chronic bagseeders. lets just hope that the few that are really shitty are the males =)

still looking for some solutions, appreciate the advice in advance!