hell yeah!!! *dances*

i can show you some of my guitar hero skills if you'd like.

Whats up everyone...last court ordered dui classs today, thank god!

Hell yeah, congrats! I went with my brother ONCE to one of his classes, and OMG, I nearly DIED it was so fucking boring...and I dunno, some of the people seemed to like it way too much, talking about all their old drug days. I swear, this one guy was BRAGGING about his days as a tweaker.

Yeah, woot woot for getting out of those classes! me guys, you do not want to get a dui, such a hassle and sooooooo much money.

i've never had to go (don't drink and drive) but i've always heard it was a HUGE pain in the ass!

are you being tested or can you smoke it up?
Hell yeah, congrats! I went with my brother ONCE to one of his classes, and OMG, I nearly DIED it was so fucking boring...and I dunno, some of the people seemed to like it way too much, talking about all their old drug days. I swear, this one guy was BRAGGING about his days as a tweaker.

Yeah, woot woot for getting out of those classes!
Lol, yes I can definitely tell youve been to one...even the counselor tells us about all the times he did pcp and ether, thats all anyone talks about
I know! It seems a little not good if you ask me. I mean, when I quit doing other things, I didn't talk about them, didn't mention them, if someone STARTED to talk about them we'd eventually be like, "OK, enough of that shit."
... out from a dark alley the guy stumbles onto the street ... he's covered in blood, breathless, his face a terrible mess of dark, swollen eyes, crusted and freshly oozing blood, scrapes, cuts and bruises ... barely able to make his way he feels a rush of relief when he sees someone there ... unknown to him, it's Petey Pothead, the infamous local stoner who spends more time high than than the clouds in the sky ... Moving as fast as he can the injured man makes his way to Petey ... "Quick!" he utters frantically, "Hurry - call me an ambulance!" Petey looks at him momentarily with that stoned look in his eye, then raising a hand to point at him, says, "You're an ambulance!"
And everyone's bragging about what they did to get in there. lol, I swear to god one guy there, the fucking guy LEADING the meeting, was twacked out
i've never had to go (don't drink and drive) but i've always heard it was a HUGE pain in the ass!

are you being tested or can you smoke it up?
No Im not gettin tested, but even if I was I got my medical reccomendation so I think even if youre getting tested or on probation its cool.
No Im not gettin tested, but even if I was I got my medical reccomendation so I think even if youre getting tested or on probation its cool.

didn't notice the location was LA - used to having to creep around and be secretive about everything. and i hope you didn't take my (don't drink and drive) as a self-righteous holier than thou thing. I don't really like to drink so it is no sacrifice and it is not like i've NEVER done it. i don't think you took it that way but just in case... i figure i'm self-righteous enough - don't want to come off that way by accident!
And everyone's bragging about what they did to get in there. lol, I swear to god one guy there, the fucking guy LEADING the meeting, was twacked out
yeah I felt the same way about my counselor....he told us stories about how he got taken down to the station for dui with a couble 8 balls in his parachute pants. and how he got in a fight with 5 cops on pcp....they were pretty funny stories though, but yeah if you really had an alcohol problem it wouldnt help you out very much
didn't notice the location was LA - used to having to creep around and be secretive about everything. and i hope you didn't take my (don't drink and drive) as a self-righteous holier than thou thing. I don't really like to drink so it is no sacrifice and it is not like i've NEVER done it. i don't think you took it that way but just in case... i figure i'm self-righteous enough - don't want to come off that way by accident!
No I didnt take it like that....I will definitely not drink and drive again, i dont really drink that much in the first place...its just the night I got a dui I was put in a bad situation and pretty much had to drive, if I had to do it over I would sleep in my car...but just so you guys know, they can give you a dui if you are drunk and asleep in your car, its called intent to drive. In fact, if I get pulled over as teh passenger with someone driving drunk, I get another dui!
wake and bake! at erm... 12:45pm XD ON My 19TH BIRTHDAY!!! I almost wouldn't have had weed today. that would have sucked, but i do!

so whats up people? whats everyone listening to music wise?
didn't notice the location was LA - used to having to creep around and be secretive about everything. and i hope you didn't take my (don't drink and drive) as a self-righteous holier than thou thing. I don't really like to drink so it is no sacrifice and it is not like i've NEVER done it. i don't think you took it that way but just in case... i figure i'm self-righteous enough - don't want to come off that way by accident!

I do not drive if I've been drinking, and I don't let someone drive me if they've been drinking.

My aunt was killed by a drunk truck driver, he fucking dragged her body DOWN THE BLOCK. He didn't even notice, it was people running after him SCREAMING that finally made him stop.

The worst part of drunk driving is that the drunks usually come out without a scratch. It's one thing if you want to drive drunk and get yourself killed, but that's usually not what happens.
I do not drive if I've been drinking, and I don't let someone drive me if they've been drinking.

My aunt was killed by a drunk truck driver, he fucking dragged her body DOWN THE BLOCK. He didn't even notice, it was people running after him SCREAMING that finally made him stop.

The worst part of drunk driving is that the drunks usually come out without a scratch. It's one thing if you want to drive drunk and get yourself killed, but that's usually not what happens.

I am not recommending drinking and driving! is that how it sounded?

as we get older we get more sense. i would be a self-righteous prig if i acted like i never drank and then drove because i have. am i proud about it? no. would i do it again? no. do i condone it? no.

you have been personally affected which understandably makes you more keen on condemning the act. But didn't you say you were also in DUI classes?
Sorry about your aunt. Another part of my punishment is I have to go to morgue and look at dead bodies...I throw up at the sight of blood, so I already know Im going to pass out cold...but I guess if it helps people get the picture its a good thing
NO, email, it didn't sound that way! lol, sorry if I made it sound like I took it that way. I had typed something else in the beginning, and just deleted it, so I didn't think of how the whole thing would read, sorry.

But no, I said my brother took DUI classes and I went to one with him. And he was in DUI classes, but he wasn't there for drunk driving.