I think you confirmed your position in post #319. I asked if you were okay with kids dying...you replied yes. I recognize that you are not the actual killer, but I inferred that you are okay with others doing it. You didn't elaborate further.
Your buddy Samwell has a potty mouth... Nice of you to come to his rescue, because sooner or later his creativity in insulting would lapse and then he'd have to resort to repeating himself or hurl the big one...accuse me of being 12.
I'm fine with discussion, disagreement and presenting varying points of view but some people seem to be short on ideas and consistency and long on ad hominen attacks when their reasoning can't provide words to convey what they are thinking. See you around.
you make light of dead solders, and you disrespect there memory
my personal opinion is war is wrong for many reasons that go beyond civilian casualties, many would say that we were attacked and we had
a right to go to war, and in your description of what is ok aggression and what isnt you site that if you are defending yourself then its ok, but
how is it you dont believe in civilian casualties but you believe in war, and to except war as a possibility then to condemn what happens as a
result of war is a real two faced way of always being in the moral right, your a narcissist, plain and simple , you want to feel good about your
values, vs living in reality where you realize that war is ugly and that the military will do its job, without hesitation-to think expect or think
anythingother than that will happen is just well childish, naive or plain ignorance
PC thug, go ahead, its your hypocrisy, just dont shit on the lives lost in any war this country has, or you might as well jsut get the fuck out, cuase you have no back bone, ya the war is wrong and ya people are getting caught up in something that is not about good and bad but about politics, but they are still our brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and uncles , so please dont make little satirical comments about our friends and family dieing so you can keep your moral high ground your fucking coward, you see them and there choices and you say thats the bad guy, how does it feel to make a morale stance that requires dead solders and kids to make your point