One of the most basic questions...


Active Member
A little background first... The first (and last) time I grew weed was about 35 years ago. Back then we didn't know much about it other than 'girls' were good, and 'boys' were bad. Buds were bad as that meant seeds, and we knew seeds reduced potency. So we grew for leaf, and rolled huge doobies from our Homegrown and had lots of fun. Surprisingly, the buzz from some of that homegrown was comparable to what was available from the local dude anyway. There were little to no resources for information on the subject either. Today, I'm overwhelmed at the vast amount of info available, and the science that has developed in growing techniques. I almost hate looking at the pictures that I see everywhere!

I started a plant this year for the first time in a long time. Got it in a 5-gallon bucket around March; we had a very mild winter here in New England. Around July it become root-bound, so I transplanted it in the garden, and it has recovered nicely. It's about 5' tall as I've kept it bushy, and it has about 40+ kolas on it and I still have a good 60 days or so until the daylight hours shift to more dark than light. (How long does it stay in the flowering or budding stage btw...?) The seed btw, came from a small bag that I wasn't too impressed with to begin with, but it was all I had. I planned this as an experimental year to learn as much as I could, and I think I should still get something decent to help me through the long, dark days of winter.

Next year will be the push for producing enough to last me all year. (I'll share, but won't sell...)

My question (finally!)... Where do you get your seeds? Do you buy them online? Are those overseas businesses reputable? Is it 'safe' to order from them? I don't need someone knocking on my front door one day. If I do order from those folks, what strain or variety should I chose? I can't believe the number of choices, and they all look so good!! At a quick glance, it looks like they run about $10 per seed. Would they all be viable seeds? Again, back in the old days there was one type of seed and it was called 'pot seed'. That was all you needed.

I'm looking for something that will do well outdoors, but one where I could try a few in grow shed. I don't need some strain that will knock me on my butt for hours on end. I smoke all day long, so that stuff can and will wipe me out. Just something decent that grows well and with a good yield. I figure I need to produce about 12 to 20 oz. to last me a full year of personal use.

I appreciate any and all replies and suggestions. I don't think I'll ever adopt the full science and all the cloning and growing techniques that I see talked about on this forum, but I do want to be able to reliably produce a harvest each year so I never have to buy it again. Plus it will give me another hobby for when I retire and become an 'old stoner'. By then, I should be really good at it I hope!! :-P


Bobbinweave (aka Bob)


Well-Known Member
dude you dont smoke the leaf lol did u relly used to grow for leaf not but even but with seeds in it is stronger than a leaf bud doesnt get seeds in it if you dont pollinate it


Well-Known Member
i get my seeds from narvina do not buy from amsterdam marajuana seeds i got ripped off the only 2 times i bought from them i heard sannies is also a good place to get seeds but i only buy from narvania


Well-Known Member
all of their seeds greminate and they send it in a post card so if it gets serched they wouldnt know there is seeds inside because they put the seeds inbetween the paper and they have cool little seeds packages to


Well-Known Member
I always order seeds from Attitude Seed Company that is based out of United Kingdom. All the years they have been opened I have yet to be disappointed by them.


Well-Known Member
if your looking for big yeild try big bud it also won the cannibis cup in 1989 its not the strongest under 12% thc but it has massive yeilds from what i read thats exactly what your looking for


Well-Known Member
if your growing indoors and you want 12 ounces it will probably take 12 females for your first grow because i only yelided 1 oz per plant on my first grow indoor grow. out doors you will probably get about 1 lb per plant you first grow


Global Moderator
Staff member
Cool story - we need more old dudes on this forum, for the stories if nothing else.
Attitude gets my vote for purchasing seeds - I just placed an order yesterday and as has been already said, they have yet to disappoint me & the freebies are very cool too.
As far as which strain - that's all personal preference. I have had really good luck with White Widow, a very nice producing plant quantity wise and the taste/stone is top notch.
At any rate, should you decide to head indoors with your hobby & get stumped feel free to shoot me a PM. Outdoors stuff not so much, but I have a bit of experience inside.
Peace & welcome to RIU my friend.


Well-Known Member
all of their seeds greminate and they send it in a post card so if it gets serched they wouldnt know there is seeds inside because they put the seeds inbetween the paper and they have cool little seeds packages to
You shouldnt post how seed companies "discreetly" ship you seeds. It defeats the purpose of being discreet.

Attitude seed bank and herbies seed bank has always been the go to places for me and my boys. Never had any problems yet.


Well-Known Member
You shouldnt post how seed companies "discreetly" ship you seeds. It defeats the purpose of being discreet.

Attitude seed bank and herbies seed bank has always been the go to places for me and my boys. Never had any problems yet.
lol and tell me u think cops are looking at this and how would they know witch package is his?


Global Moderator
Staff member
lol and tell me u think cops are looking at this and how would they know witch package is his?
The policy of "Discretion is the better part of valor" - and even, "Never underestimate ones opponent" may apply.
Why would one willingly expose to the world (and the opposition) such details?


Well-Known Member
Paranoia on the one hand, being aware on the other...I think we'd all agree it's somewhere in the middle?


Well-Known Member
Loved that tune paranoia by the kinks! It actually is true! If you cant keep a clear mind in purchasing genetics how ya gonna grow a garden? Oh and just a thought, if your a think good genetics can only be purchased from these online suppliers i encouage you to explore bag beans from good smoke. You can also pheno hunt if your l;ucky enough to get 4-5 good seeds from the same strain of bag beans just a thought, years ago i woulda laughed at you if you told me you payed anything for seeds online. Sometimes you gotta suffer to taste greatness.


Well-Known Member
Loved that tune paranoia by the kinks! It actually is true! If you cant keep a clear mind in purchasing genetics how ya gonna grow a garden? Oh and just a thought, if your a think good genetics can only be purchased from these online suppliers i encouage you to explore bag beans from good smoke. You can also pheno hunt if your l;ucky enough to get 4-5 good seeds from the same strain of bag beans just a thought, years ago i woulda laughed at you if you told me you payed anything for seeds online. Sometimes you gotta suffer to taste greatness.
yea i have grown bag seed for years and i have made many costom strains with the bag seeds but unfortantly i only get good ass swag or some ok mids. if u want good genetics then u will need to find a seed in a bag of dank or buy online. i have never in my enitre history of growing found good genetics in swag bag seed. but i did find a seed in some dank once and it tured out to be fire as shit. as soon as i started ordering seeds i noticed a huge differnce in over all quality. with that being said the chances of u finding a good strain in bag seed is like 1/2000 i would rather spend 20$ on 10 fire ass seeds from narvina then spending a lifetime improveing a bag seed strain


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's true cause not everyone is a stubborn prick like me that saves everydamn bean he finds, hell i even asked a friend to trade me (old school black film canisters with the grey plastic top) 10 of those full of varying beans from stuff he was smoking and sharing with his fraternity brothers for three years while here. Your right it is definatley hit and miss, but for the beginner its good practice to try with those i would think. I have never had shwag after i took care of my ladies irregardless where the seed came from. Been lucky i guess. It would be awesome to attain access to one or two fool proof, high yielding, potent genetics, but i like the challenge of not knowing what to expect and taking things as they come from my garden cause after my first grow its always something lol!


Well-Known Member
Haha I also remember the days when leaf was considered to be smoke as much as bud! Some lids back in the day were just leaves, and you could get a buzz from them.