possibly aphids?


hey so i saw some little tiny stick lookin sons of bitches on my plants this morning. theyre maybe half the size of a sesame seed and pretty much same colour. killed as many as i could find and bought some neem oil... am I on the right track? how about some insight


Well-Known Member
get a spray bottle add a tiny drop of dish soap, preferably unscented original kind , a tiny drop of cooking oil, 1 table spoon of red pepper flakes, a pinch of garlic powder & a pinch of onion powder. spray the leafs on the top and bottom sides.

This should be for a spray bottle about the size of a quart

Test it on one leaf before you go balls out. wait a day if its fine then spray your plant with it.

garlic and onion are natural deterrents because of their odor. the pepper will burn new nymphs and the oil and dish soap will make it stick to your leafs

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
If their all gathered up on the stem then yea their aphids.
If you can get a picture ill give you the exact answer.
I'm an outdoors man matey!



Well-Known Member
pretty sure you don't need to flush neem. Neem is actually a fungicide also. you can water your plant with a light mix and it will help prevent the soil from harboring molds and fungus like on root rot.

just dont spray on buds. I don't think the human body can consume it.


Its still in veg for least another month so no worries about buds. And I think I killed em all off.. Saw one and acted fast. Kk so I dun need to flush em... Im not worried about over watering.. I have a good watering schedule tht wrks. No theyre definately thrips.. Least they were


Active Member
pretty sure you don't need to flush neem. Neem is actually a fungicide also. you can water your plant with a light mix and it will help prevent the soil from harboring molds and fungus like on root rot.

just dont spray on buds. I don't think the human body can consume it.
i think u could drink it


Active Member
Its still in veg for least another month so no worries about buds. And I think I killed em all off.. Saw one and acted fast. Kk so I dun need to flush em... Im not worried about over watering.. I have a good watering schedule tht wrks. No theyre definately thrips.. Least they were
the babies live in the soil i would soak em and throw some sand on top