Pre employment drug test


Active Member
It is a common way to get DNA and I have never had a drug test done this way just urine and hair folical. mouth swabs check saliva for drugs present and can test for cannabis but I t think it can only go back about a day or 2. Its the easiest and cheapest for of drug testing. I like it as it doesn't seem to discriminate us stoners over all other drug "offenders". I know someone trying to clean out for a drug test for a college program and its taking him 30 days when all other drugs leave your system much sooner.


Active Member
Yes Ive heard of this. I once worked with a tweeker that they tested on the spot and they used this method. He said he just held a little water in the side of his mouth and the test came back "inconclusive."


Amazon does it, but the results aren't very reliable. I think they use it because its cheaper than follicle and urine. Pretty much weeds out the people that got high just before they showed up for the test or work.


Active Member
tweakers can usually piss test within 48 hours of being clean so in my eyes drug tests now unfairly target pot smokers due to the nature of THC and how its stored in fat cells. which is why I like the mouth swab test as it kind of evens it out.
i have personal passed a mouth swab after smoking 8 hrs before. they are a crappy easy test to pass. then again thats good for us.


Active Member
i have personal passed a mouth swab after smoking 8 hrs before. they are a crappy easy test to pass. then again thats good for us.
very good for us, hope they take over for urine tests. If you fail a mouth swab two days after your last joint then you deserve not to get the job due to your poor oral hygiene.