Purps.GDP.lemon og.1600 watts

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Well-Known Member
2 x 5 pack of double bubble doja
2 x 5 pack of east coast purple diesel
16 mental floss x dpd
6 pre 98 x dpd
13 dpd f2 x sfv og kush

about 1/2 the mental floss x dpd look premature
all rest look fine

View attachment 2268570

gotta get other eye done tonight
good luk with those.glad i was able to fix u up and all yure friends.....hava good day D...let us know how they turn out for yu.rdr.


Well-Known Member
everything looks so good
nice job
kaching right around the corner

it would take me a year to smoke that much weed
id be smokin eating everything


Well-Known Member
thanx but no more auction talk on this thread please,shit gettin onmy nerves wat used to b e fun,,that place i kept on the cool,,,,,i'd much appreciate it..not puting up with children jus grower.and sorry i dont do autos D.


Well-Known Member
some first of the non purpling purps ,smells candy dank,sweet taste..didnt clean it very good.killer weed .i little dry trim ready off a plant.



Well-Known Member
mornin captan

i only do autos when i have a time restriction - i used to do them on the side likas an appatizer for main course

those nugs look good
even before the trim
you trim after dry i guess
whut you normally do wit trim bubble hash or whut
gona have alot of it

i dont envy all the trimming you got to do
seems every thing has some pieces you dont like

i wish i was close i could help you trim - and smoke a little
make the best of it kaching kaching right around the corner
have a good day bro


Well-Known Member
not much.my next list for the nexr grow is lemon og,og18,purple og18 undr 1000.violator kush,10 other beans under the 600 and free seeds from few weex ago order ..goin with the big yielders...ordering this weekend.not gonna pick up those big bud x dpd,,i'm doin the ecpd 5 and mm5 i already have..........non purpling purp nug.



Well-Known Member
not much.my next list for the nexr grow is lemon og,og18,purple og18 .violator kush,10 other beans aleady have..ordering this weekend.non purpling purp nug.

Yo bro...Day one today of flowering stage for my Violator Kush...Had the girls vegging for exactly two months yesterday...Being only 4 of the beans popped I figgered let the 4 get some heft to em'..which they have. They look amazing! Almost too big to fit under my light..just right really..If ya want I'll snap a cpl of photos for you tomorrow when my light goes back on. Scored the Usio 600 watter http://www.ushio.com/products/horticulture/hiluxgro.htm 97,000 lumens...What a production getting a HPS...lotta asshole sellers out there..unF'nBelievable! How the fuk do they stay in business is what I wanna know!! This guy was very cool..from an Amazon store...but the dope sent me this expensive bulb in just a plastic envelope...thats friggin insane! When I saw it sitting at my front door I'm like...ut oh...and sure enough I opened it to find it like glass dust...wrote him and he immediately sent me a new one first class mail packed in a box with tons of bubble wrap...The guy before him had me waiting for week before he could ship it cuz he was going on vaca...so OK..no biggie..but the bill on my paypal acct was nothing like what he told me...like double what he told me..I sent him two emails showing him what he told me...some lame excuse he gave me..told him to fuck off Noddy...hahaha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xblXyUfQ0HI anywayz...good luck with yer new batch...I'l letcha know how my Violator violates!! Hope to get more'n a dozen+++zips off each of em!


Well-Known Member
cant wait to strt mine wen this crop fini...yea i found it best to use pre paid.i dont trust anyone with personal info...great to hear about the plants and wat to expect.postem here anytime,yea i use the hortilux 1000 andd 600 hortilux .

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
not much.my next list for the nexr grow is lemon og,og18,purple og18 undr 1000.violator kush,10 other beans under the 600 and free seeds from few weex ago order ..goin with the big yielders...ordering this weekend.not gonna pick up those big bud x dpd,,i'm doin the ecpd 5 and mm5 i already have..........non purpling purp nug.

Got one gdp in flower too, with no purple??My temp in room is 87f?


Well-Known Member
hello 209ccg...its a reg fem purps.i hope i have mine gdp they are flowering ok.that pic from attitude is quite deceiving.i .jus buy my beans at attitude or sea of seeds mainly avoiding auctions from this day.rediculous,lol.

Cajun Grower

Active Member
sounds good yea all my stuff's up and going gonna pull tht deformed purp i have when lights come back on tonite turned out to be a male too...give the others alittle more breathing room ! feel like crap today legs killing me think i over done it this week go to drs. next friday hope he's got good news schedule next surgery get some of this hardware out my leg !

Cajun Grower

Active Member
i hear ya my boy back homes sending me 150 beans this week various strains dropped 2 he sent me last week looking good we'll see down the line how they turn out !


Well-Known Member
no tellin wat u mite get bro,i'll do the magic merlin and ecpd and cross if i get a purple dad out of the mm.would like to do some F1s off one arm off the plant.
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