In what stage is this plant?


In what stage is this plant?
And are those pistils showing on top(zoomed in second picture)
And if they are is it male,female or hermie,it is feminized strain but I am new at this so I cannot confirm visually even with internet pics comparison

2.jpg1.jpg no advice then?
is it ph...nutes...light..why post such vague posts
Probably because when a plant looks like that there is a myriad of problems that could cause poor growth. To me, I think you have an air circulation problem going on possibly. Where is the plant growing? Are you circulating the air around it? The stalk looks tough, but those leaves tell me she is dying for a breath of fresh air (CO2)


Active Member
Maybe a bit more info on your grow is needed. Just by looking online (as you said you have), you can see your having some serious issues in growth. What's your soil, lighting, nutes, air temp and humidity, water ph, and growing experience? With comparing your plant to pics on the web, your first question should have been what's wrong with yur grow vs are these preflowers.