Nugbuckets Lab


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine had some good points after I forwarded the article to him. He said this:

"Just finished that article. Troubling stuff, but I'm not quite that skeptical.

Because by admitting that THC and CBD are medicinal, they will have to remove MJ from Schedule 1 (not approved for anything, much less a rigorous laboratory study)status. This means that all of the people who have been dying to do formal studies will presumably be able to access it (unless the DEA/FDA comes up with some unprecedented way of keeping it Schedule 1, like claiming some other chemical in MJ is truly dangerous...good luck with that) and the true nature of the miracle plant will be published in serious academic journals, effectively destroying the anti-MJ propaganda machine.

When everybody who bothers to educate themselves even a tiny bit learns that it is a fucking magical plant that's basically free, they'll plant it in their backyard, closet, wherever. A free cancer killer?! NO ONE will be able to enforce prohibition when that becomes common thinking.

And, as a bonus (potentially, hopefully), this will help wake a lot of people up to the lies that we've been told since birth. "If they've been lying to us about this for so long, what else have they been lying about?"

Call me idealistic, but maybe this will be the tipping point we've been waiting for. Or at least part of it...

What do you think?"

Me, I think that both things will go down. The gov is going to try anything in a last ditch effort to thwart legalization and make a buck or two themselves. If they do try and behave as that article predicts, then the people will revolt at some point, knowing that they are being intentionally screwed. I think legalization is inevitable... the question is just when.

KushKing, what were you thinking?? And of course, what about you, Nugs?


Well-Known Member
its all money. you cant patent a plant, unless you genetically alter it. (correct me if Im wrong guys!). So natural aka raw cannabis is still never going to be able to be a monopoly pharmacutical situation like most pharms are. Extractions on the other hand, of individual canabinoids (or canniboids idk which I say and use both) could be picked out and exacted as a single thing remade synthetically.

Im not a scientist. all the documentaries say patients prefer raw weed in bud form over pills or individual cannabinoids. I know all who benefit from my plantswould say the same... we are on the same level as far as natural medicine goes... it minimizes negative sideeffects.

again my spelling sucks asnd correct me if Im wrong im open to that


Well-Known Member
Very interesting read, but not surprising at all...hell the DEA sells drugs and has been for a long time, keeps their operations off congress' books..

no I think the CIA or other no name ops run most hard drugs into the country. Just my opinion. Coke, heroin, maybe meth...

This serious talk makes me sad. hopefully nugs has some pics to make me feel better... heres mine

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Well-Known Member
i have been stewing on this for a few days now.......i am going down to do a photo update, and ask my plants what they think.......stay tuned.....


Well-Known Member
Fuck.....i just did a big Lab update...but i posted in the main-lining thread......oops......head on over, and check it out!


Well-Known Member
You make a tea from scratch for cal and mag? Thats pretty sweet. Can you tell me about that?
bro, i don't sweat cal/mg/ph because i add dolomite lyme in my soil should try it, ultra simple, can't really fuck it up....i have bigger things to sweat than cal/mag/ph...puts that worry to bed!


Well-Known Member
check this shit out!.....Ace "fruity pebbles" @49 days.............thanks Sevren!:leaf:
