How long till the next US war??

Religion is vastly over-exaggerated to the point where doing things that are not religious becomes socially acceptable- people look for ways to add on to what has been revealed to them. EXAMPLE: Nowhere in the Quran does God say that music is prohibited, yet you see some stupid Imams warn you against listening to it or you will go to hell- they bring to account corrupted hadeeths that were compiled 200 years after the prophet Muhammad died, most are filled with lies and are contradictory to the Quran.

Post the renaissance people were being killed for questioning Christianity and doing things that were presumed as being contradictory to Christianity. We have a similar scenario in corrupted Islamic countries that imply severe, unethical totalitarian practices. A man in Afghanistan was going to be killed for wanting to worship Christ, yet the Quran states clearly that there is no compulsion in religion. In the name of religion and government people have been fooled into thinking extremist views are ideally religious. Extremism is present in Afghanistan, it's present in America, it's present in almost all parts of the world. People are a problem, people will continue to be the problem and people keep getting stupider.

The Bible clearly states that Jesus only worshipped God, yet a majority of Christians call Jesus God, assuming he is omnipotent and has mortal borders at the same time- clearly contradictory. Jesus fell flat on his face and worshipped God in an ignored Bible verse. So if millions of Christians believe Jesus is God, then why is it surprising to see extremism in Islam? The ego is dangerous, and following a majority with no proof of their intentions is also very, very dangerous.

Those verses warn people, not force them to become Muslim. If you don't believe them, then that's completely fine. Though fear of hell is a driven element of religion, it also governs ethics. Fear of punishment leads me to not steal or kill. I fear a punishment from my creator, therefore I refrain from unethical practices.

Say you shot and killed 3 innocent people, do you think when you die that everything will end in a snap? Or the spirit will be reunited with the Universe? Etc...? Etc...? We are in a physical reality with tangible evidence of creation, it's all around us. A man who kills men for a living and claiming it is okay to do so will later realize it harms more people than it does benefit. Sadness, fear, guilt and other feelings are intangible, but influence our reality and our energy. Our energy channelling determines our psychology of reality. For example: A fat ass who watches the Superbowl, loves fox news, hates Muslims, verbally fights people if they do not agree with them, whole-heartedly says there is no God, without presenting any evidence to finalize the claim, etc... is exposed to the environment of negativity and close-mindedness. That same person can pick up the books he criticizes and examine all sources before making arbitrary claims.

Thanks to Islam I show everyone respect, though I'm not perfect, I am aware I need to struggle to stop sins that can be avoided. I've been harassed by a jinn for 2 years because I started hating my faith due to being influenced by horse shit like Call of Duty and Mainstream news. Whether it's real to many and false to others, this is my path to spiritual easiness. God showed me what was right and what was wrong during my high school days because I was deviating from my initial spiritual path. Not studying my religion was the most dangerous thing I ever did at the time, had I not I would have ended up like this guy:


Surah 9.123:
One verse leads to another, most times verses are used out of context. Each verse has a setting in which it is implied towards, for example: Self defence in Islam and in any sane democracy allows people to fight back when they are being targeted, but suicide is a sin that you will go to hell for, it's said in the Quran.

Surah 5.33, is the death penalty in America any different? I'm a forgiving person, but say the Zionist banking elite are brought to trial in an Islamic country, do you think they deserve a simple prison sentence for the wars they've caused? What about Sergeant Bales, who killed 17 people in Afghanistan for no reason? Do these people really deserve to do what they do and get away from justice?

Again, Quranic verses must not be taken out of context.
The Bible says: atheists are fools, it's ok to have sex with your daughter and it's better for bandits to rape and kill your daughter rather than subject Angels to homosexual acts. Sounds like my kind of religion, fuck Allah, go Yaweh!

Uhh.... Not you again!!

00:38 seconds into the video implies to you. :mrgreen:
Those verses warn people, not force them to become Muslim. If you don't believe them, then that's completely fine. Though fear of hell is a driven element of religion, it also governs ethics. Fear of punishment leads me to not steal or kill. I fear a punishment from my creator, therefore I refrain from unethical practices.
Again, Quranic verses must not be taken out of context.

[22.38] Surely Allah will defend those who believe; surely Allah does not love any one who is unfaithful, ungrateful.
[22.39] Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them;
[22.40] Those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah. And had there not been Allah's repelling some people by others, certainly there would have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques in which Allah's name is much remembered; and surely Allah will help him who helps His cause; most surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.
[22.41] Those who, should We establish them in the land, will keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and enjoin good and forbid evil; and Allah's is the end of affairs.
[22.42] And if they reject you, then already before you did the people of Nuh and Ad and Samood reject (prophets).
[22.43] And the people of Ibrahim and the people of Lut,
[22.44] As well as those of Madyan and Musa (too) was rejected, but I gave respite to the unbelievers, then did I overtake them, so how (severe) was My disapproval.
[22.45] So how many a town did We destroy while it was unjust, so it was fallen down upon its roofs, and (how many a) deserted well and palace raised high.
[22.46] Have they not travelled in the land so that they should have hearts with which to understand, or ears with which to hear? For surely it is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts which are in the breasts.
[22.47] And they ask you to hasten on the punishment, and Allah will by no means fail in His promise, and surely a day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you number.
[22.48] And how many a town to which I gave respite while it was unjust, then I overtook it, and to Me is the return.
[22.49] Say: O people! I am only a plain warner to you.
[22.50] Then (as for) those who believe and do good, they shall have forgiveness and an honorable sustenance.
[22.51] And (as for) those who strive to oppose Our communications, they shall be the inmates of the flaming fire.

this is IN context. it clearly and unambiguously declares that them what are on allah's side would have been able to defend themselves against the profit's armies (oops sorry, i mean Prophet, oh, no i had it right the first time)

the meaning is clear, might makes right. if allah was on your side you would win, and those who seek to oppress you (including moslems) would fail because of allah's might.

it then goes on to regale us with cases in point of those who did not believe their "warnings" and "communications" (thats threats and ultimatums around here) and were put to the sword, their churches and synagogues pulled down and their houses burned.

dont try to sling bullshit or sugarcoat mohammed's words. he made them very clear in a few sections, despite the muddy halfassed poetic license in all the rest. he may have been too high to keep his metaphors intact in a few places, but thats how opium does you.
I don't know when or where it will be fought, but I can say it will definitely be over resources.
I don't know when or where it will be fought, but I can say it will definitely be over resources.

Just wait til we run out of helium here soon, and the first mother loses it at her kids birthday party because she can't take taping them to the wall. Shit will get bad quick.
Just wait til we run out of helium here soon, and the first mother loses it at her kids birthday party because she can't take taping them to the wall. Shit will get bad quick.

really, youre going with the strategic helium reserve conspiracy?

thats where you want to take this?

It's a buoyant argument ... you can't keep it down. Also, arguing about helium is best done with a lungful of same. Emphasizes dignity. cn
Hey guys, apologies for digging this one out since it has been quiet for a while but i can't resist writing a few words. I found this thread by accident and after an interesting start it became quite a battle. Reading some of the comments, i just thought "guys, relax and spend an hour with your plants". Didn't really expect such strong views on a forum which is about growing weed, which i always thought of as a thing that can unite.
Let me tell you a funny story about jews and muslims which is actually happening right now in Germany. A german court decided that circumcision does not comply with the "Grundgesetz" so a big discussion started about the pros and cons and the right to a life according to your religion compared to the german right of being unharmed. Guy, i'm telling you, i have not seen Jews and Muslims agreeing with each other like that ever before. It was just hilarious to read through the forums.

But anyway. Personally, i think everybody can believe what he wants to, who am i to tell anybody what to believe? But in 2012, with the electric light, hubble telescopes, hadron colliders and all these things religion is pretty much an insult to the human intelligence. These books (bible, tora, koran, you name it) have been written a long time before we found out about all these funny things. The bible apparently is 2000 +/- years old, it has been written, translated, badly translated, re-written according to what was necessary to "guide" the masses.

"Religion is like a pen*s, you can be proud of it, you can play with it, you can do whatever you like. But don't pull it out in public and keep it away from our children"

Peace :joint:
"War against Iran and nuclear weapons"

Iran will either test a bomb in some remote location or be found with some sort of nuclear manufacturing.

The USA will go in and invade.

The only country to commit mass murder with nuclear weapons is the one most scared of other countries having them.
There is no... this war, that war. We are still in Korea, Japan, Germany, Oman, etc. The war is also still with Iran. We are in Cold Economic war with China and Russia and Brazil. It is frightening to me what weaklinges remain in the aftermath of the Left. Reminds me of most of Europe with most of their warrior blood lines killed off. It will take untold blood to take our self reliance.

But, make no mistake that is the Plan of the Sharia-fascists, that we are Appeasing. Appeasing is war. But, it defines losing it, however.
Just wait til we run out of helium here soon, and the first mother loses it at her kids birthday party because she can't take taping them to the wall. Shit will get bad quick.

I see where you going....I'm gonna load up on Prozac stock...thanks for the tip.