Ask something socially unacceptable


Well-Known Member
this is about as socially unacceptable as it gets...
+rep to whoever makes it through the video
Oh sweet Jesus!

That was horrible. Just awful.

Keep your +rep, dude. I do not want it or need it.

I love a challenge.

And this is one is one I wish I had let pass.

You are obviously an agent of Satan.


Well-Known Member
Why the fuck do ghetto bitches think its ok to breast feed in public? That shit is so tacky.


Active Member
If you had a big enuf cock could you realy go fuck yourself would that shit work?

If you had two cocks when you went for a piss would you have wet shoes?


Well-Known Member
You need to get a grip my friend as breastfeeding is hard enuf for women to do in public without fools like you.
Maybe thats fine over there in Scotland.. women can sit by the loch and whip their tit out for the whole world, but here, that shit is not classy. I just had a baby, all his mother had to do was pump milk before we went out and take it in bottles. If your too lazy to do that than idk what to say.