
It takes a lot of bullets to kill zombies..Head shots are the best. You can freeze them in the water. Then shoot the frozen house zombie like glass. Oh yeah always try to look for the treasure box.. Oh shit who cut on the power. Yeah zombies
Thanks that dude didnt think i was for real lol so i felt a post was needed! Still looking for optics for it but
its soon to come :)
You know what, bows are the shit as well.

the bow an arrow is gonna be my primary home defense weapon. gonna get a bad ass recurve bow with a green laser on it so i dont have to think bout aimin just light the intruder up an GAME OVER.

i love guns tho. i only gotta a baretta
px4 .40cal, but i should be gettin a new job in the near future an ima pick up a shotty an i dunno if ima get a pistol grip ak or an ar15 first.