How to enduce lucid dreaming?


Active Member
Hey I need some help on lucid dreaming. I get randomly drug tested so this is my only choice for a while. I was smoking for about 2 years straight heavily and when I stopped Ive got my dreams back and they came back real intense and crazy. Anyone experience this?


Well-Known Member
Ginkgo Biloba, It is fairly cheap and you can buy it at pretty much any store - supplement section.

Melatonin, same thing as G.b it is fairly cheap and found at pretty much any store - supplement section.

Fish oil, Not only good for lucid dreaming but very good for the brain. It depends upon the person when the lucid dreams start to happen, could take a week or days.

Also congratz on quitting/stopping weed ;)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Hey I need some help on lucid dreaming. I get randomly drug tested so this is my only choice for a while. I was smoking for about 2 years straight heavily and when I stopped Ive got my dreams back and they came back real intense and crazy. Anyone experience this?
yes those dreams you have when youve had no weed for a few days ,are awsome, i love them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah congratulations on quitting the smoking. It's always good to take a break. Unless you definitely require it for medical uses of course.


Well-Known Member
surprised no one has said...


this is most important step to lucid dreaming. try to remember any details you can and write them down. how many fingers do you have? do light switches work? does it hurt when i do something painful? things like that you need to try to ask yourself when you are dreaming and answer truthfully. keep an eye out for recurrences as these will be your queues that you are lucidly dreaming. write them down as well. my queue that i am lucidy dreaming is light switches, they will not work. same for electrical outlets. if i unplug something and it still works, i know.

if the dream journal isnt working out you can induce lucid dreaming by using those supplements posted before and by utilizing an alarm clock... set your clock so youll be sleeping for two hours. when you wake up from the alarm immediately turn it off and go back to sleep while convincing yourself that you are still asleep and still dreaming.

everyone is different though. some people just have it naturally, some people (like me) have to train. it took me nearly a month and a half of daily journal entries and some pretty intense studying of the journal before i was able do it. and its one of those things that just comes to you.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey I need some help on lucid dreaming. I get randomly drug tested so this is my only choice for a while. I was smoking for about 2 years straight heavily and when I stopped Ive got my dreams back and they came back real intense and crazy. Anyone experience this?
whenever I take a break from toking, I'm the same. my dreams become real intense


Active Member
Calea zacatechichi worked somewhat for me. I second karmapuff on the melatonin.

I also made it a habit to check the clock before going to bed. I find that in my dreams letters and numbers are just random lines or shapes if that makes sense. When I check the clock in my dream a it triggers me to think "why the hell is my clock gibberish?" Next thing I know I am lucid in dream world.
Yes I've been toking daily for 5 years straight and I just recently stopped for 2 weeks my first time ever. I have had VERY vivid dreams every night during the past week. I even got sleep paralysis 4 or 5 nights in a row multiple times per night. I wake up more tired than I was when I laid down.


New Member
Lucid dreaming comes natural to me now but I used to use the clock to tell if I'm dreaming.
Look at a clock a few times every day and at night try and look at the clocks when your dreaming.
You will know if you are dreaming because when you look at the clock in your dream it will have something random.