Rawr Mwootens 2012 outdoor! (2nd gen , first thread disappeared)

The dog and the duck is too funny. Sac is the city of trees? Really? I thought Chico claimed that title and honestly can think a many places that deserve it more than those two. ;)

Although Sac has definitely been producing some trees in the recent years.
That water tower is like right down the street from my parents' home. Doing my part to help the tree population ;)
My estimate was a little off... We got over 450 and there's still more on that 1 plant.
So, another neighbor brought me a few more plants .. he gave me 2 bluedream mother plants .. they dont look so hot but hey wtf why not see if i can do anything with them.
I suppose its also all about where you're from and where you're meeting folks. Where I'm at I've had zero problems. I avoid certain cities and if people are from those places they meet me in my town. I've had people drive in from fresno and even vegas. I wouldent do it in Sac or Fresno lol no way >,<
I suppose its also all about where you're from and where you're meeting folks. Where I'm at I've had zero problems. I avoid certain cities and if people are from those places they meet me in my town. I've had people drive in from fresno and even vegas. I wouldent do it in Sac or Fresno lol no way >,<
sad to say that they are 2 of the grimiest places in cali lol.
sad to say that they are 2 of the grimiest places in cali lol.

Really? lol When I saw your name posted as the last poster I was thinking "Alright, here comes FF to clear our names." lol But you're agreeing damnit! I love the people here. This city is so down to Earth. Most agricultural economy based cities are, imo.

I grew up in the hood (although Sac's hood's have nothing on LA and Oakland's hoods) and my friends would complain about being poor and living in a dirty neighborhood. I'm like, "Bitch. My family's from the 3rd world. This ain't shit." lol

Yeah but I what the fuck do I know? I only let cool energy and people into my life. 8)
Really? lol When I saw your name posted as the last poster I was thinking "Alright, here comes FF to clear our names." lol But you're agreeing damnit! I love the people here. This city is so down to Earth. Most agricultural economy based cities are, imo.

I grew up in the hood (although Sac's hood's have nothing on LA and Oakland's hoods) and my friends would complain about being poor and living in a dirty neighborhood. I'm like, "Bitch. My family's from the 3rd world. This ain't shit." lol

Yeah but I what the fuck do I know? I only let cool energy and people into my life. 8)
lol Yeah. I tend to stay away from the negativity as well......Fresno has such a bad rep for it's gang activity but it is actually a great place to set up a farm or ranch.....It just sucks that one group(Fresno Bulldog gang) can get so big and run around terrorizing the city raping and killing innocent ppl. This is why I said it is grimey.....And from what I have heard through fam bam and friends that have lived up in Sac it aint much better.....You are right tho both cities are pretty laid back if you can get past the terrorist's. You just gotta be with the right crowd and avoid the chaotic "street" scene.
I just had a nice lady drive up here from Fresno for clones.

Heres that blue dream that was given to me. I transplanted it at this angle and put her in a 30gal smart pot I also gave her a half dose of the maxsea and some super thrive after.
