Rawr Mwootens 2012 outdoor! (2nd gen , first thread disappeared)


Well-Known Member
Woot, what do you use for bugs on your plants? I am currently using Garden Safe Neem Oil Extract and I am not liking it so much, bugs are still nibbling at some of my leaves. Any help would be grateful! Thanks




Well-Known Member
I use other bugs >,< ladybugs and I've hatched 7 mantis eggs so far this year. I also plant other things around to lure / repel other bugs. As you see I keep the garden and the rest of the yard in good shape to reduce insect habitat.

I do use Neem to kill bugs on my lure/bait plants and azamax on my actual plants but I try to avoid pesticides all together and go as natural as I can. Mantis, green lacewings, tichogama, ladybugs, assassin bugs, spiders and terro and bait so there is no Scale farming. This year I also invested in a bug zapper.


Well-Known Member
yea that Oz place was super tasty and really fun to boot. I figure since alot of you guys are from sac it would be an easy sell.

Ok, first off. Happy fourth! when I started growing last year I was taking alot of advice from a friend of mine and he liked to say "knee high by fourth of july and you'll get a pound apiece" lol I'm pushin chest high this year :) woot lol.
this year I'm gonna go out and trim for clones and start lollypopping. the neighbor is coming over and we are gonna clone the fuck outta these things I bought a 4' 8 bulb t5 light and the neighbor has one as well, we set up in his garage and hes going to clone all my cuts today :) beer, food, clones galore! wish me luck lol and happy fourth!


Well-Known Member


Chubba (uk cheese X bubba kush)



this is this evening after clones were pulled from chubbas.


Well-Known Member
Just amazing! You just inspired me to go grab some clones off mine. Those plants are gorgeous. Congrats so far! Keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
Fuck peeping the plants - You're in Sac? So how many clones do you want to donate to fellow a patient? lol. :) (joke)

Plants look amazing. That short wide weepy one makes me smile. Not sure why but it makes me smile.


Well-Known Member
I dont live in Sac >,< I'm a few hours south but if I was I'd give you some clones and why wouldn't I people are always giving me clones too.

thanks for all the complements guys :)


Well-Known Member
clone table I think I may have to buy one more table when it gets busy >,< and we're gonna try to stuff 20 clone trays under them with 50 clones apiece on them >,<

Today was a busy day and I got tons of stuff done :) I'll take pictures soon a it seems everything is growing like crazy now and I even stepped my purple plants up to full 5 gallon waterings.


Well-Known Member
your corn is impressive...i don't know if i missed it..but what is the tennis ball on a stick and that little box looking thing?
should i have some tennis balls in my garden?


Well-Known Member
the box is 2 power outlets. and the stick with a tennis ball is actually a concrete stake with a tennis ball on it. the stake is so that I can drag a hose in there and have it run on the stake instead of the first plant in the row (every row has one) and the tennis ball is so that if I trip and fall I don't end up brain dead.