CLoNing outside


Well-Known Member

yeah they are pretty success full +90%, this is my second time this method. Last ones i donated :-o. So anyways how its done is you will need some stuff.


don't put them in direct sun light and keep them misted for the first few days, in a week the roots should be white and sticking out the bottom.


Well-Known Member
i recommend against using it unless you cant spray the plants or put a mister on them. Humidity domes are ok need lots of air flow for the success to be good.


Well-Known Member
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yeah they are pretty success full +90%, this is my second time this method. Last ones i donated :-o. So anyways how its done is you will need some stuff.


don't put them in direct sun light and keep them misted for the first few days, in a week the roots should be white and sticking out the bottom.
The warm cement underneath helps tremendously.



Well-Known Member
Thx - I already have everything on the list (I imagine the first one is rockwool) so I might just give it a try. For some reason, my bucket cloning attempts have started failing. I wet from 95%, the first round to 5% the last two rounds before I gave up :o


Well-Known Member
I prefer the dome just keep in in the shade for a few days... i just cut about 20 clones using jiffy pellets dome and...... trying willow water for the first time instead of cloning gel


Well-Known Member
Let us know how the willow juice works! I have many willows that I can put to use :)


Well-Known Member
so far i have had them misted the whole time and they are doing good no roots sticking out the bottom yet

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
I just cut 3 gdp 2 bubbas and one sour deisel and put them in jiffy pellets w/rooting powder. also outside in a humidity dome,I bring em inside at nite. ive been 90% successful once this will be my second try. im also keeping them in the shade.


Active Member
Tip: If using one you need to take the dome off every couple of hours your creating a greenhouse effect and it will get hot and kill your clones.


Well-Known Member
Yeah cloning outdoors is awesome, free plants all summer long! after the first one of course.
I haven't bought any seeds yet but may for next year. I've been waiting to gain more competence at cloning. I started 10 clones this year (in addition to my seedlings). They are a lost smaller but I expect to get a couple of zips off each - nothing to sneeze at :)


Well-Known Member
I haven't bought any seeds yet but may for next year. I've been waiting to gain more competence at cloning. I started 10 clones this year (in addition to my seedlings). They are a lost smaller but I expect to get a couple of zips off each - nothing to sneeze at :)
I got a bunch of SUPER SILVER HAZE x3D I breed last winter. Sprouted one and its going great with very little work, its about 5 feet tall and looks fairly sativa >.> who'd guess that. I have only feed it twice so far this year, has really long hairs.