

i live in the uk and dont have access to all the popular nutes like fox farm and all that stuff you guys talk there any good nutrients that i can buy here that will work throughout the grow?


hey iNFID3L,

what bio bizz would you suggest? on amazon i found a biobizz bio-grow that has a npk rating of 8.2.6 , and it says its suitable for all stages.

would this do the job? thanks.


Well-Known Member
bio grow, and then bio bloom, you can use the 2 together when you flower, you use the bio grow until 2 weeks into flower stage, then use the bio bloom alongside the bio grow until the last week.

so, use bio grow and bio bloom, that photo i put up... all i used was the 2 i have mentioned, and of course PH your water.

that plant was a white widow, it was my 1st grow, i had nute lock out, so i flushed it, then topped it, then started using biobizz, havent looked back since ;)


Well-Known Member
if you guys have Miracle Grow out'll get the job done.....don't use it for hydro though. good luck


Well-Known Member
i started out with MG, almost killed my plant, never ever would i suggest MG to anyone, but theres nothing wrong with the freedom of choice.


Active Member
& what ph would you recommend for organics my friend & would that be ph before adding or after adding nutes?

oh & remember with organics..... base, water, additives, base, water, additives... feed in that order to prevent burn or lockout...

base = grow&bloom..
water= normal organically ph'd water.
additives = topmax, heaven, alg-a-mic... etc.


New Member
It really does noy matter what type of nutes you use. Make sure you have a formula for vegging plants and one for flowering. The key isn't the nutes its the ppm you are feeding at. Most nutrients will produce really good bud, even MG has come a long way.

I would suggest buying a couple of meters, one-ppm and two-ph. These 2 meters will make sure that whatever you are feeding them its at the right strength and ph.

A good grow bible will also be a good investment

Good luck


I'm thinking of just adding dolomite lime to my mix then i dont need to worry about the ph of the water, but thats quiet expensive around here, i hear you can use powdered egg shells instead. Any info on this?