The primary role of government?

What IS the primary role of government today?


What SHOULD BE the primary goal of government?

To ensure that our Constitutional rights are not violated. Not through making laws to "keep me safe", but rather through laws, or the lack thereof, to ensure that i have the ability to NOT be safe.
i can't participate in a thread about government when the OP avatar is holding an AK wearing a turban...or whatever....assault rifle with a shady
I think the original intent of the government was to protect my rights and my property. In essence it was designed to protect me from you.

What it has evolved into is protecting me from myself. I'm fine without that, how do I make it stop?
For the protection of life, liberty and property. Now it's just a huge beast. People paying so much in taxes with way less jobs has got bussiness around here way down too.
To make sure it's not needed. Government, if it has to exist, should run in the background without us knowing.

I saw a drug documentary and a DEA agent said, "this is more money than I make!" That seems to be what most people think government is for.
i can't participate in a thread about government when the OP avatar is holding an AK wearing a turban...or whatever....assault rifle with a shady

The government has corrupted you.
Those people in their country are hero's.
Just as our soldiers are hero's to us.
But terrorists to them because WE invade.
I believe that its for protecting the constitution, foreign relations, and standing military. That's all it was suppose to do, nothing more. The idea was to not have government in everyday life, true freedom or something like that.
Infastructure - funding for highways, airports, railways, canals, etc

Security - border control, court systems, national disaster relief, protect life and liberty, etc

International Relations - maintain neutral/positive trading relationships

Leave the rest to the states.
I believe that its for protecting the constitution, foreign relations, and standing military. That's all it was suppose to do, nothing more. The idea was to not have government in everyday life, true freedom or something like that.

The states and people are the ones who are supposed to protect the constitution. but yeah I agree with everything else. =)
The primary role of government is to keep itself in power using force, coercion and manipulation of the language. Oh yeah, they also provide bread and a circus.
The question didn't have anything to do with Fed or State, U.S. or otherwise, what is the role of government? To provide order. This is the single thing that no other organization can provide as well. It happens to be the key to each and every one of our rights, it happens to be the key to our free enterprise system.

Argue over the definition of order, argue the extent of order needed or provided but the basis and reason for government never ever changes.
What IS the primary role of government today?

Crimnal Enterprise with the goal of maintaining their monopoly on power and inaccountability for violations of ethical/moral principals.


What SHOULD BE the primary goal of government?
to uphold the same ethical/moral principles they impose on their people through equal accountabillity for their actions which would include not using their monopoly on power for otherwise criminal means without even one tiny exception to these principals. The recognization that they are at the least equals.

The people and politicians should understand these basic philosophical views and disimiss ancient Statis and Religious views. Ethical and philosophical questions should be injected into every debate, today it never is. What should be the moral consequences of this or that issue, how will everyone be held accountable equally? these questions are ignored, forgotten, denied.
IMO the primary role of government is to give me my approx $265,000 in transfer payments each and every year, increasing by COLA. Other than that they can suck my dick.
The ideal primary role of government is to secure and promote the welfare and prosperity of its citizens, and to negotiate good relations with neighboring and trading nations.

The actual role of government, more often than not, is to protect and propagate government.

I found it odd and telling that until post 13, every answer given was USA-centric even though that was not a premise. cn
The ideal primary role of government is to secure and promote the welfare and prosperity of its citizens, and to negotiate good relations with neighboring and trading nations.

The actual role of government, more often than not, is to protect and propagate government.

Provide orderly sucession, indemnify citizens against threat, provide common currency, provide infrastructure, define and secure borders, provide means to foreseeable consequences for actions, institute laws that reflect public sentiment ongoingly - in short - order.
Their goal is to get as much money from the working class as they can so they can line the pockets of politicians and give some to the non working scum to keep them happy.