Well-Known Member
What IS the primary role of government today?
What SHOULD BE the primary goal of government?
What SHOULD BE the primary goal of government?
What IS the primary role of government today?
What SHOULD BE the primary goal of government?
i can't participate in a thread about government when the OP avatar is holding an AK wearing a turban...or whatever....assault rifle with a shady
I believe that its for protecting the constitution, foreign relations, and standing military. That's all it was suppose to do, nothing more. The idea was to not have government in everyday life, true freedom or something like that.
What IS the primary role of government today?
to uphold the same ethical/moral principles they impose on their people through equal accountabillity for their actions which would include not using their monopoly on power for otherwise criminal means without even one tiny exception to these principals. The recognization that they are at the least equals.and...
What SHOULD BE the primary goal of government?
I found it odd and telling that until post 13, every answer given was USA-centric even though that was not a premise. cn
The ideal primary role of government is to secure and promote the welfare and prosperity of its citizens, and to negotiate good relations with neighboring and trading nations.
The actual role of government, more often than not, is to protect and propagate government.
The corporate media is rather succesful at selling snake oil.